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The Importance of Waste Management in Agriculture

By Lianne Derocco

It is a common knowledge that farms are the most basic sources of food in all parts of the globe. Such farms could be for livestock or for grains but these could still serve the same purpose of supplying food to people. It is ironic though that while these farms provide food, these could also serve as sources of toxic materials. These substances are not only detrimental to the environment but are also bad for the health of the people and the farm animals.

The hog farms are usually the ones that could be the origin of more serious toxic waste issues due to the lagoons. If a lagoon is not taken care of well, this could suffer leaks and spills. As soon as this happens, there could be a contamination of the supply of water in the area. It is obvious that the contamination could result in risks to the humans living near the farm. Aside from this, the animals could also be at risk of suffering certain types of diseases.

Aside from the possibility of spills or leaks in the waste lagoon, you would also have to deal with the usual problems related to waste management in the farm. Among those issues that you would surely encounter are bad odors, sludge buildup and top-level crusting. Fortunately, these are issues that are no longer impossible to resolve. If you neglect this responsibility of cleaning the lagoon often, you would certainly encourage pollution and sickness. Of course, you would not want to have such problems in your locality. This is why you should give attention to such issues.

If a farmer has to make sure that the livestock waste in his farm is treated well, the best would be in the natural way. This means that he should make use of treatment solutions that are natural and non-toxic. It is just fortunate that some companies have actually made it a point to manufacture waste treatment solutions that are not chemical but are instead composed of organic substances. Apparently, using chemical substances to treat waste would only result in more problems for the farm and for the environment.

There are two particular products that have been found to be excellent in waste treatment; these are Agra Sphere and Lagoon Agra Sphere. It is with these products that you would be able to solve the problem of sludge buildup. If you do not deal with the sludge, cleaning the lagoon or deep pit system is very difficult. Other problems that occur with poor maintenance include toxic odors, fly infestation and crusting.

However, when the top-level crusting has come to a point that is worst, you need a bit more help. One good option would be to use Activator Plus or the Lagoon Activator instead of the products mentioned. The Activator can be used along with Agra Sphere to stop top-level crusting.

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