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Odd Cause of Gaping Siberian Holes Possibly Found

Massive crater appears in northern Siberia
A trio of mysterious gaping holes in northern Siberia has spawned many theories about the craters' origin, but scientists have suggested some concrete explanations.
In mid-July, reindeer herders stumbled across a crater that was approximately 260 feet (80 meters) wide, on the Yamal Peninsula, whose name means "end of the world," The Siberian Times reported. Since then, two new chasms — a 50-foot (15 m) crater in the Taz district and a 200- to 330-foot (60 to 100 m) crater in the Taymyr Peninsula — have also been reported.
Neither aliens nor meteorites caused the strange cavities, as some had speculated, but the true explanation could be exciting nonetheless. Russian scientists have launched an investigation to find out more. [How Weird! The Top 10 Unexplained Phenomena]
Helicopter video footage of the first hole shows it is surrounded by a mound of loose dirt that appears to have been thrown out of the hole.

Odd Cause of Gaping Siberian Holes Possibly Found a geophysicist who studies permafrost at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Sinkholes are pits in the ground formed when water fails to drain away.
The water likely came from melting permafrost or ice, said Romanovsky, who has spoken with the Russian scientists investigating the site. But whereas most sinkholes suck collapsed material inside, "this one actually erupted outside," he told Live Science. "It's not even in the [scientific] literature. It's pretty new what we're dealing with," he added.
Early on, polar scientist Chris Fogwill of the University of New South Wales, in Australia, suggested the first hole was created by the collapse of a pingo, a large, earth-covered mound of ice that usually forms in Arctic and subarctic regions.

Air Ceylon .........









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Bird Watching Paradise Can Be Found In Sun City Texas

By Ernesto Berturand

Millions of Americans have embraced the hobby of watching birds according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Most people choose to observe birds around their homes but many travel away from home to bird watch. There are many publicly accessible birding locations within a short drive of Sun City Texas, located in Georgetown. Texas boasts the highest number of species of all the states at 636 and Williamson County has over 400 species of birds. Many water birds such as great blue herons, varieties of egrets, wood ducks, and teals are attracted to the water retention ponds built around town to drain rainfall from parking lots.

The numerous water features, streams and wetland areas found in Sun City Texas provide an outstanding ecosystem for indigenous as well as migratory birds. There are many chances to relax and watch birds while in the community. Belonging to the Sun City Nature Club, the Birding Special Interest Group supports the enjoyment of wild birds, especially those native to the Hill Country. Many kinds of research resources are available in their library for club members to borrow which includes books, digital video disks, cassette tapes.

Men and women of the club get together for bird walks, field trips and monitor homes for birds in native habitats. Birds are extremely plentiful in Sun City Texas. You can regularly observe the flocks of wild turkeys that graze on the wild grasses that grow in the roughs of the golf courses. The bridge that crosses Berry Pond on Del Webb Boulevard houses a huge colony of cave swallows that build their mud nests among the concrete spans under the bridge.

There's even a substantial number of turkey vultures that roost together in groups next to the banks of Berry Creek. They make gliding circles over the bridge and White Wing Golf Course. Known as the largest scavenger birds in the United States, the turkey vultures have established themselves here. Turkey vultures prefer open places which offer close by woods for nesting. This specific locale valued by the turkey vultures has numerous decayed, leafless trees which were victims of many years of drought and looks over the stream bed, an open field and a little further on, the golf course. Turkey vultures feed mainly on carrion such as squirrels and rabbits that often fall victim to vehicles in Sun City Texas.

Because of the abundant wooded areas, water and food sources available to birds in Sun City Texas, it is a birder's paradise. For those who love to watch the growth and development of baby birds, there are many residents who encourage nest building by erecting bird houses, providing bird seed, and flowering plants to attract them. There are many species of hawks attracted to the fields of native grasses, hummingbirds drawn to feeders and bright flowers, and owls that hunt small vertebrates at night.

Numerous swift-footed road runners may be seen by fortunate Sun City Texas residents as they scurry across busy roads. Their habitat is shrubby country and they construct a nest on a base of branches placed low in a prickly pear or a shrub. They can be nearly two feet in length, about 50 % of that is tail length. These are especially beneficial wild birds which feed on reptiles such as snakes, small to medium sized rodents, spiders, scorpions and animals killed on roads. Several roadrunners may on occasion go after a comparatively sizeable snake by fighting it together.

Sun City Texas Birding Club bird walks are held twice monthly for members to get out and share their love of birds.

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Exploring Switzerland's only national park

We'd hiked through acres of alpine forest to get there: through larch trees, newly green after a long winter, and cembra pines, their seeds spread by the hungry nutcracker bird. We'd passed bare trunks still standing and trees felled by avalanches, strewn like pick-up-sticks down the flanks of mountains. Tucked amid all this wood was our home for the night, a hikers' cabin made of wood, but unable to use what surrounds it to keep its inhabitants warm and fed. Instead, logs to fuel its wood-burner are flown in by helicopter.
Isn't that a little perverse? I asked Jürg, the warden of the Cluozza hut, which caters for the stream of hikers who bed down here in dorm bunks each night from mid-June to October. "Rules are rules," he shrugged, a wry smile creeping up to eyebrows as dense as the foliage outside. "Especially in Switzerland."
True, the Swiss are rather partial to rules, but in this case they're for a good cause. The Chamanna Cluozza ("chamanna" means "hut" in Romansh, the language in these parts) was built in 1910, four years before Switzerland created a national park around it. The first in the Alps, it was founded on 1 August 1914 by the Swiss Society for the Protection of Nature (now 
called Pro Natura), which aimed to set aside a section of Switzerland's increasingly cultivated alpine landscape to develop naturally, free from human interference. A century later, it's still the country's only national park.
Consequently, this area of the Upper Engadine in the canton of Graubünden, eastern Switzerland, benefits from the highest level of protection. It can't be farmed, logged or built upon; its animals can't be hunted; it's closed to the public in winter, while summer visitors can't camp, cycle, fish, light fires, pick flowers, walk dogs, ride horses, wander off the designated paths or do anything that might leave a mark on the landscape. Wardens patrol the park and impose hefty fines on those who contravene the rules.
Il Fuorn hotelIl Fuorn hotel (Caroline Bishop)Strict though they are, these rules are understandable. Before the park's foundation this was a mining area which became heavily deforested, the timber used to fuel foundries. As for wildlife, Switzerland's big three – lynx, brown bear, wolf – were hunted to extinction in Graubünden by the late 19th century and, apart from the odd bear pottering over from Italy, are yet to find their way back.
The park's creation stopped further destruction and instigated a healing process. Today numerous species of alpine plants and animals flourish here, with ibex, chamois, marmots and red deer among the wildlife frequently spotted by 150,000 annual visitors doing the one activity that is allowed – hiking.
I hoped to spot all four as I embarked on my first hike with my guide Ruedi. One of 21 marked trails covering 80km of park, our 8km route took us past pine forests, flower-strewn meadows and a rushing stream before climbing above the tree line to the Margunet saddle, at 2,328m. Ruedi pointed out the place where bearded vultures were reintroduced to the park in 1991, but we saw none. My guidebook told me chamois and red deer grazed en route, but none were in evidence. At least the trail was as free from people as it was from wildlife, so we had the view from the saddle to ourselves. Sitting in the designated "resting area" – signs reminded us not to stray beyond it – we admired the mountains, dappled in shades of green and brown, with ribbons of grey marking the tumble of bygone rock falls.
I was staying that night at the Hotel Parc Naziunal Il Fuorn, a 16th-century farmhouse-turned-inn halfway along the only road through the park, the Ofenpass, or Pass dal Fuorn. This centuries-old mountain pass linking the village of Zernez in the west to Val Müstair in the east was once studded with ironworks (fuorn in Romansh, and ofen, in German, means "oven", referring to the smelting furnaces), whose workers took lodgings at Il Fuorn. As nothing has been built in the area since it gained national park status, Il Fuorn and the Cluozza hut remain the only accommodation options actually within the park boundaries.
I was welcomed to Il Fuorn by Sonja, its charming, Romansh-speaking manager. Thankfully, we found a common language in French, so she was able to tell me to look out for the deer that graze near the hotel every evening to the dismay of her restaurant manager, who despairs when guests leave the table to watch them. But I was obviously too interested in the venison on my plate (sourced outside the park, where culls are necessary to keep numbers manageable) to notice the live herd on the lawn outside.
A chamoisA chamois (Caroline Bishop)I was luckier the next morning when Ruedi and I tackled the three-hour hike from Zernez, just outside the park, to the remote Chamanna Cluozza. High on the mountain trail I got my first glimpse of a chamois clambering about a near-vertical rock face. That afternoon, heading past the hut and up steep switchbacks to reach the Murter saddle (2,545m), we spotted ibex and red deer; and then, completing my full-house, a lone marmot popped out of the grass, chirping loudly.
Watching through binoculars, I felt privileged to be briefly present in these animals' home. Unlike other alpine areas of Switzerland, where wildlife and humans must share living space, here we were mere guests – which is partly why the country hasn't created any more national parks in a hundred years.
"There are too many people in Switzerland," explained Ruedi. The country's bottom-up system of governance means local communities must initiate the creation of a national park, but with space already limited in such a small country, many don't want to lose the right to cultivate the land.
Nevertheless, a century after the first, two more areas of Switzerland are currently applying for national park status, and perhaps the centenary celebrations on 1 August – also Swiss National Day – will spur other communities to act.
For now though, this corner of the Engadine remains a rare spot where nature's life cycle plays out relatively untouched. As a visitor, my time was up. After a night among the trees at the Clouzza hut, I hiked the trail back to Zernez, listening to the call of the nutcracker and pulling on my rain jacket against the encroaching clouds that ushered us out of the park. µ
Travel essentials
Getting there
The nearest airport is Zurich, served from the UK by easyJet (0843 104 5000;, BA (0844 493 0787; and Swiss (0041 61582 3656; Trains from Zurich to Zernez take 2.5 hours, from where a postbus serves several stops along the Ofenpass, including Il Fuorn. The Swiss Transfer Ticket ( covers a round-trip between the airport and any destination in Switzerland for £96 in second class or £153 in first class.
Staying there
Hotel Parc Naziunal Il Fuorn (0041 81856 1226; Doubles from Sfr130 (£85), including breakfast.
Chamanna Cluozza (0041 81856 1235). Dorm bunks Sfr76 (£50), half board. Sheet sleeping bags are obligatory – bring your own or hire one at the hut.

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Ukraine troops advance as experts renew attempt to reach crash site

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko aims a rifle during his visit to a demonstration of new weapons for the Ukrainian armed forces at a military base outside Kiev July 26, 2014. REUTERS/Mykola Lazarenko /Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Handout via Reuters
 At least three civilians were killed in overnight fighting in eastern Ukraine and government troops pressed ahead with their campaign against pro-Russian rebels, taking a strategic point close to where Malaysian flight MH17 crashed, officials said on Monday.more......

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The Ganoderma Coffee Health Benefits

By Imelda Reid

Ganoderma coffee has been gradually recognized and embraced by most people all over the world. It is a food combined with ganoderma lucidum. This is a kind of edible fungus that is more nutritious compared to Ginseng products. It is gradually known as the miraculous King Of Herbs. Ganoderma coffee health benefits help users with their mental and physical capacity in a daily basis. Besides, the fragrance is more attractive than other brands of coffee.

The properties of ganoderma helps individuals to stabilized their blood pressure, serve as an antioxidant, analgesic and a kidney and nerve tonic. It has been used in cardiovascular treatment and prevention for bronchitis. It is also good in treating high triglycerides, high blood pressure, HIV support, hepatitis, chemotherapy support, allergies, fatigue and altitude sickness.

It has been indicated that the ganoderic acid is a protection against some liver injuries that are caused by most viruses and toxic components. There are lots of treatment available for liver diseases in most human. Although it has not yet proven to fight cancers, but effective in regressing tumors in the body.The result will always depend on the kind of cancer and the severity of the condition.

It is usually recommended that there must be a combination of medical treatments. Most of the ganoderma extracts also helps to lessen the risks of chemotherapies after the treatment process. It is effective and efficient to reduce any side effects of sore throat, hair loss, insomnia, vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite.

Luckily, coffee is one great source of antioxidants in a certain diet. It is a fact that most fruits and veggies provides a great source of antioxidants, but individuals have considered using coffee as their main basis of an antioxidant consumption. Both caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks provide similar amount of antioxidants.

Drinking in a daily basis also increases your metabolism. Most studies have shown that it is very beneficial in losing weight. It is a usual misconception that it is an appetite suppressant. However, a cup every morning can speed up the metabolism by ten percent. It is also good in improving a short term memory. Caffeine is a stimulate that can actually enhance a brain function. It also reduces the chance of Alzheimer disease.

Coffee is also good for your teeth. People who drink daily can lessen a certain cavity. It is a great help in preventing headaches. Caffeine is one of the main ingredients for a migraine medication. Blood vessels increases during a migraine and caffeine will help to reduce size of blood vessels before affecting the brain nerves. So, drinking a cup every morning in an early stage of headache can minimize the severity.

The right amount of ganoderma in a daily diet will help to protect the body system. It helps to integrate health with every sip. Thus, it is also recommended for you to take a sip in a regular basis. You have to consider this caffeine drink to protect you from any diseases.

Knowing all the benefits of drinking coffee, you will also inspired yourself on taking even a cup of it. Since, it provides many benefits to the body, you are assure that you can avoid different kinds of diseases and you have less chances to get an illness in your body.

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ග‍්‍රහ බලපෑම් නිසා ගුවන් අනතුරු තවත් වැඩි වෙයි

දැනට පවතින ග‍්‍රහ පිහිටීම අනුව ඉදිරියටත් ගුවන් යානා අනතුරු සිදුවිය හැකි බවට ජ්‍යෝතිෂ්‍යවේදීන් අනාවැකි පළ කරනවා. රාජකීය දෛවඥ සුමනදාස අබේගුණවර්ධන මහතා එ් සම්බන්ධයෙන් නෙත් නිවුස් වෙත මෙලෙස අදහස් දැක්වූවා.

2014 මාර්තු මස 26 වන බුද දිනෙන් ආරම්භ වූ ග‍්‍රහ තත්ත්වයන් අනුව ගුවන්  අනතුරු සහ ගුවන් යානා පැහැරගැනීමට පවා ඉඩ තිබෙනවා. එවැනි තත්ත්වයක් දැනට පවතින අතර, 2014 නොවැම්බර් මස 2 වැනි දින දක්වා මෙම ග‍්‍රහ තත්ත්වය එකලෙස පවතිනවා. මේ වන විට සිදු වූවාට වඩා දරුණු ගණයේ අනතුරු සිදුවීමේ අවදානමක්ද පවතිනවා. ග‍්‍රහ තත්ත්වයන්ට අනුව ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාව තුළ සුළු සුළු තත්ත්වයන් ඇතිවීමට ඉඩ පවතිනවා. මෙය ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාවට පමණක් නොව ලොවටම බලපාන ග‍්‍රහ තත්ත්වයක්. මෙය පාලනය කිරීමට අපහසු තත්ත්වයක් ලෙසයි පෙනී යන්නේ. එම නිසා ජනතාවගෙන් සහ ගුවන් ගමන් ගෙන යන ආයතනවලින්ද සැලකිලිමත් වන ලෙස ඉල්ලා සිටිනවා. 

මෙම ග‍්‍රහ තත්වයේ අහිතකර බලපෑම් සම්බන්ධයෙන් ප‍්‍රවීණ ජ්‍යෝතීර්වේදී පියසේන රතුවිතාන මහතාද නෙත් නිවුස් වෙත අදහස් පළ කළා. 

සාමාන්‍යයෙන් රාහුගේ ගමන කන්‍යාවටනේ ගිහින් තියෙන්නේ. කුම්බ ලග්නයට කන්‍යා ආව කියන්නේ නරක රාශියක්. කන්‍යා කියන්නේ 8 නරක රාශියක්. අවුරුදු 18කට පස්සේ ආපු ගමනක්. සාමාන්‍යයෙන් රාහු ලංකා කේන්ද්‍රයේ 8 යාමයි යුරේනස්ගේ ගමනයි දෙක හොඳ නැති නිසා සෙනසුරාත් දැන් අන්තිම අංශකයේ ඉන්නේ. නොවැම්බර් දෙක සිට වෘශ්චිකයට යනවා. මේ කාලසීමාවේදී සෙනසුරාගේ සහ යුරේනස්ගේ ගමන ආකාසෙටයි සහ මුහුදටයි හොඳ නැහැ. 

මැලේසියානු ගුවන් සමාගමකට අයත් යානයක් ඉකුත් මාර්තු මාසයේදී මගීන් 239 දෙනෙකු සමග අතුරුදන් වුණා. එම යානය සම්බන්ධයෙන් මේ දක්වා කිසිදු නිල තොරතුරක් වාර්තා වී නැහැ. එමෙන්ම මැලේසියානු ගුවන් සමාගමටම අයත් තවත් යානයක් මිසයිල ප‍්‍රහාරයක් හේතුවෙන් යුක්රේනයට කඩා වැටුණේ ඉකුත් 18 වැනිදායි. 

තායිවානයේදී මගී ගුවන් යානයක් අනතුරට ලක්වීමෙන් පුද්ගලයින් 47 දෙනෙකු ඉකුත් බදාදා ජීවිතක්ෂයට පත්වුණා. හදිසි ගොඩබෑමකට සූදානම් වූ අවස්ථාවේදී එම ගුවන් යානය මෙලෙස අනතුරට ලක් වුණා.

මේ අතර මගීන් 110 දෙනෙකු සහ කාර්ය මණ්ඩලයේ හය දෙනෙකු සමග එ් එච් 50 යි 17 දරණ ඇල්ජීරියානු ගුවන් සමාගමට අයත් යානය ඊයේ අනතුරකට ලක් වුණා.  

Singer appointed exclusive distributor for Sony Mobiles

The latest premium flagship waterproof smartphone designed by Sony, the ‘Xperia Z2’ was unveiled to the local market recently in Colombo by Singer Sri Lanka Plc, laying a pedestal to the partnership with Sony Electronic Singapore Private Limited.

Singer Plc was appointed the exclusive distributor for Sony Mobile Communications (Sony Mobile) in Sri Lanka during the launch.

Mahesh Wijewardene, Commercial and Marketing Director of Singer Sri Lanka PLC said, although the company entered the Smartphone industry recently, it had become the number one marketer of smartphones within just two years.

“Global customers today keep updating with what is happening and there is no exception for the consumers in Sri Lanka. When it comes to mobile phones, they are getting smarter and smarter irrespective of urban or rural. The Waterproof Xperia Z2 is the latest innovation for them which possesses the world’s best camera and camcorder with best ever display,” he said.

Commenting on the smartphone market of the Singer, its Group CEO Asoka Pieris said it was number one marketer by only a thin margin in the last quarter of last year and it was able to retain the place by a large margin in the first quarter of this year.

“As the market leader for smartphones in Sri Lanka, we identified that Sony Mobiles is a global innovator and introduces cutting edge mobile phone technology for both the consumer and corporate markets.”

Meanwhile M. Razali Yaacub, Chief Representative of Sony South East Asia Sri Lanka Representative Office said, selection of Singer as their market partner was easy because of the commitment it has shown in the market. “Singer has the qualities that Sony was looking in a partner,” he said adding that Sri Lanka was a strategic market for Sony.

Sony mobile phones including Xperia Z2 and Xperia tablets will also be available at Singer with a two-year warranty.

“The Xperia Z2 is an innovation of the Next Level. We have simply redefined smartphones. We have created the Xperia Z2 tablet as the thinnest tablet with the lightest in weight,” Yaacub noted.  

The Xperia Z2 LTE, is Sony’s best ever premium waterproof smartphone combining best display, 4K video recording and Digital Noise Cancelling technology as well as an exclusive entertainment offer and a growing ecosystem of companion products.

Xperia Z2 features Sony’s most advanced camcorder ever in and 8.2 mm slim smartphone. With a megapixel count of 20.7 and a sensor that’s 30 percent larger than the standard smartphone, the Xperia Z2 Android phone is on par with Sony’s compact digital cameras. (Lahiru Pothmulla, Pix by Pradeep Pathrana)