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How Bing travel works.


Smart travel search

Bing travel helps you Know When To Buy, When To Fly, and Where To Stay - all based on a huge volume of airfare and hotel rate data that we process every day. Our airfare predictions and hotel Rate Indicators are available from most major U.S. and Canadian cities to destinations worldwide. Use our smart travel search to easily compare, sort, and narrow flight and hotel results from hundreds of websites.
Prediction Arrow Guide

Price predictions

Thanks to our technology and data, you can find out if the lowest fare for a trip is rising or dropping over the next seven days.
To find a Price Prediction, select cities and dates highlighted in green when you search flights.
Rate Indicator

Rate indicators

A Rate Indicator shows you whether the rate for a specific hotel is a deal by comparing the hotel's current rate to its past rates.
To find Rate Indicators, select cities in bold when you search hotels.
Flights Meta Search Snapshot

Search multiple travel sites and buy direct

We show you flight and hotel results directly from suppliers and agencies. Just find the trip that's right for you and select it. We'll step aside and send you to book it on the supplier's site.

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