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5 Reasons Why You Need The YPT From Yamaha Keyboards

By Jody Stein

Yamaha keyboards are well regarded in the musical instrument field and their latest model, the YPT, is no different and continues this association with quality, but without costing you a lot of money.

Before we go any further into the details of the YPT let's take a look at the brand. Yamaha have been producing musical products for decades and what they all have in common is quality.

World renowned not only for keyboards, but also pianos, speakers, music systems and just about anything else music related, they've now produced a keyboard that has even left experienced keyboard aficionados scratching their heads - how can Yamaha build this keyboard for less than $200?


Two hundred dollars is definitely budget pricing in the world of musical instruments and is generally the ceiling most people will stay under for explorations into new instruments. From taking a look at the spec, you'd expect to pay more around the $400 price for a keyboard with the spec of the YPT.


Yamaha's own learning software - Y.E.S. (Yamaha Education Software) is included in the keyboard and you also have Ultra-wide stereo (UWS) which are both inclusions usually reserved for much more expensive models and these will be great benefits to beginner users.

If you live somewhere where space is at a premium you'll also notice how the compact nature of the YPT means storage isn't the headache it could've been.


The YPT Yamaha keyboards packages really come into their own with the extras. An x-shaped brace keeps the keyboard sturdy while you play, but the real bonus is the closed-cup headphones included, which on their own fetch a decent price.

Once you plug your closed-cup headphones in, the musical world you create will completely immerse your musical soul and all external distractions will be drowned out leaving you the simple task of composing and enjoying your music. The headphones also allow you to hear the notes distortion free and you can play any hour of the day or night without disturbing others.


Certain keyboards have been known to suffer from polyphony issues, but the YPT doesn't show up any problems in this regard with a solid fidelity throughout the range of tones. If you choose to record pieces of music you play, you'll be secure in the knowledge that the pieces are leaving the keyboard in the tone intended.


The YPT has over 385 built-in electronic voices and sound effects, so you're bound to find something that tickles your fancy, whether that's the sound of a grand piano or something smaller like a flute.

We defy anybody to become bored with this keyboard, because the number of sound effects will keep you experimenting for a long time. You can even use the pre-recorded drum kit sound effects to provide your own backing band. Yamaha keyboards have produced a winner with the YPT, so why delay your purchase?

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