

In Box...

A peak in the lifestyle of a cosplay pick up artist

By Cody Garlow

Here's a story that I truly hope inspires you. If you are like me, it could be that you've been called a nerd by the cool kids and felt like you never fit in. I have usually been stereotyped as a loser and had only a few close male friends. I seldom believed I was the ugliest guy around although unfortunately no girls had ever paid much attention to me.

In truth, I did wind up dating a 16 year old girl since she seemed to like me. Remembering now, she wasn't the prettiest or smartest, but I stuck it out nonetheless. Nevertheless, from the shortfall of attention I was getting in the past I thought it was best to hang on to her in case I never had a girlfriend again. This sounds ridiculous, but this was clearly how I felt. About the age of 18 I really started to get into Cosplay since my handful of friends were jabbering about how much fun it was.

My girlfriend was not really pleased about this. She would advise me how dressing up as costume characters was for children, not men. I attempted to make her recognise what the fuss was about but she didn't want to know about it whatsoever. This definitely stressed the relationship and eventually she broke up with me. This was one of the most depressing days of my life, but looking back on it right now it was possibly the best thing that ever happened to me.

Following several months of unhappiness I began to get happy again and started to enjoy my cosplay conventions more and more. Remembering, I'm positive it was because I could wear a mask and be somebody else - being with girls was not has hard. I still couldn't chat with a girl cosplayer as myself though, due to the fact that I still did not have confidence.

I then came upon a site that explained precisely how to be able to talk to any girl effectively, from opening a talk entirely at random to escalating, to getting a phone number, a date, a kiss and ultimately a girlfriend once more. This system had a money back guarantee and was cost effective (a bit under $ 100).

I made a decision to register with this training and got under way watching the video guide and began to speak with other users of the community. Then came the crucial moment - when I was going to the next cosplay convention.

I actually started applying the methods I was shown and was elated to actually be chatting with girls and experiencing such comfort that I got 3 contact numbers. Until that time, I felt so uneasy but this program really changed that immensely. I continued working on these skills and techniques not just at conventions but just over all.

As I compose this now, my daily life has indeed been changed. I'm in a relationship and astonishingly blessed. If you're like me you can transform too by getting rid of the fear of being rejected, building up confidence, believing in your own merits, and most importantly, meeting girls and taking the connection from a level of friendship to one of a sexual nature. As a bonus their support is awesome. I'm sure this program could provide for you what it did for me, so certainly, find out more from the web links below.

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