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Reasons Why The Affluent And The Averagely Rich Are Buying Fine Art

By Cally Green

It is worth noting that there are vital considerations why people in the rich and upper middle class make it a point to buy fine art. If you are one of those people who make a living out of selling fine art, it is best to know what these reasons are. Successful businesses and enterprises benefit greatly from very good marketing, and we all know that very good marketing entails getting in touch and knowing who your target market is.

Against that background, we often see fine art product marketers showing keenness in understand what motivates the rich and upper middle class members they target as customers to buy the fine art products. And that is also what we will try to look into because it would do us good to understand them more fully in this regard. After all, they are willing to spend a considerable sum on buying fine art.

Fine art is often seen as a sign of sophistication. Since people who are rich or belong to the upper middle class want to show that they truly have a high status in life, they want to show they are sophisticated as well. Hence, the purchase of fine art. It is the impression of many people that fine art represents something that is classy, both socially and intellectually. Thus, if they are seen to be spending money on these items, they can qualify as such too. Affluent and rich people, as well as those who belong to the upper middle class, want to come across as refined in their taste and bearing, which explains the sacrifice they make in buying pieces of fine art. If you are known to own a piece of fine art, say abstract art, then you will look thoroughly polished. That is why this strategy is a no-fail strategy for the rich and the upper middle class people. While the rest of the world is obsessed with electronics and gadgets, they are buying fine art. That, alone, puts them on an entirely different ' and higher - level than the rest. While other modes of showing or flaunting one's wealth appear too blatant or too in-your-face to the point of being offensive, buying fine art in comparison is much more subtle and not as blatant. People value this because a huge part of enjoying the wealth they own or have acquired would be the ability and the freedom to show it off.

The second reason why fine art is being bought by many of the rich and upper middle class people is the fact that they are decorative. The good thing with fine art products (compared to other things that can be used to beautify a dwelling) is in that the fine art products also make the dwelling look classier. Many people value an aura of mystery being added to their homes, and there are many fine art items, particularly the abstract ones, that can easily accomplish this.

Fine art is also purchased by the affluent and the upper middle class people for purposes of speculation. The fact that the value of fine art appreciates over time makes them a worthy investment, indeed. But their value appreciation does not work the very same way as other types of investment do. Sometimes, you don't even have to wait years and years for their value to increase. Awake to these dynamics, we have some rich and upper middle class members buying fine art products purely for speculative reasons.

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