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Your Heart Can Benefit From Wine

By Bill Bridges

Wine has long been known to have health benefits. Many studies have shown that drinking wine can help prevent a lot of problems related to the heart. Learn more about this by reading this article.

The main component in wine that makes it good for your heart is resveratrol. Resveratrol is from the skins of the red grapes that are used in making wine. Recent studies have found that resveratrol is effective in inhibiting immature fat from fully maturing. Also, it has been found that resveratrol helps in activating sirtuin 1. Sirtuin 1 is a protein naturally produced by your body that can protect your heart from inflammation.

A study to experiment on the effects of resveratrol was done by scientists from the University of Ulm, Germany. In this study, the scientists placed human fat cells in a controlled environment and introduced resveratrol to them. They observed the influence of resveratrol on the form and function of the fat cells. This study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

In that same study, the scientists also observed the effect of resveratrol on the glucose uptake of the fat cells. They found that resveratrol stimulates glucose uptake in the cellular level and effectively inhibits the molecules from converting into fat. This led them to finding that resveratrol interferes with obesity, as well as other metabolic processes that increase the risk for many diseases of the cardiovascular system.

There are other components in wine that can benefit your health. They can decrease the risk of developing other diseases besides those that are heart related. All of these health benefits come from moderate drinking. Do not drink too much, because that can cause more harm than good.

Now that you know a few of the many benefits of wine, it would be good if you had your own wine collection at home. It does not need to be a collection of a hundred bottles. It may only be a dozen or less. What matters is that you can have a regular supply of wine. Also, never forget that wine needs to be stored in the right conditions in order for it to maintain its quality.

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