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How To Stay Active Throughout The Day

By Kamryn Mattson

Recently, a study in the medical journal, The Lancet, suggested that physical inactivity was as dangerous to our bodies as smoking. In addition, the study suggests that even those who exercise each day, but still sit for their entire workday, put their health at risk. While more investigation needs to be completed on this issue, what are the millions of Americans who must work a sedentary job supposed to do to improve their health? Here are some suggestions.

If you are the industrious type who spends an hour each day working out, you definitely should still be enjoying this important activity. However, you can break up your workout and consider working out for a half-hour in the morning, going for a brisk walk at lunch and then doing another half-hour of exercise in the evenings. This will help get your heart rate up several times during the day, a sort of simplified interval training. This, of course, might not be convenient, but most of us can probably at least spend 10 or even 15 minutes taking a walk outside during our lunch break.

Many of us are fortunate enough to work at home, and if you do spend your days at a desk at home, then it can be easy to fit in a bit of activity. All you have to do is get up every hour or so and spend a few minutes raising your heart rate. Bounce on a mini trampoline, do some jumping jacks, take the dog for a walk down the block. It doesn't take much time to get up and move around, but it is important to do this several times each day.

If you are working every day outside of the home, there are still ways to fit in some quick exercise. Take the stairs whenever you can, and use a restroom that is far away from your desk get up every hour and walk around for a minute or two and grab a bottle of water for extra hydration. Park your car at the edge of the parking lot and spend your break time walking around outside rather than just sitting.

Most of us probably would enjoy spending our weekends sleeping in and resting on the couch, but the weekend offers us a huge opportunity for some fun exercise and activities. Take a bike ride or fly a kite and play at the park with your children. Gather up your friends for an informal softball or kickball game or take a long walk on the beach. Even if you will be spending the weekend watching sports, spend the commercial breaks doing some quick exercise. You can jog in place during one commercial and do jumping jacks during the next and then try to fit in some lunges or sit ups.

Sometimes, pain keeps us from our physical activity, but exercise is often the best cure for a sore back, knee, shoulder or elbow. If the pain has really got you down for the count, consider using a natural product such as a physiological hybrid shape to help. The unique hybrid shapes are placed directly on a sore muscle, and they both protect this muscle and gain strength from nearby muscles, which lessens pain and reduces healing time. Many athletes complete full, intense workouts using a hybrid shape and report that they have much less pain. Best of all, these hybrid shapes are drug-free, so they offer you a natural, inexpensive way to heal your sore muscles.

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