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An Arctic blast! Journeying to the final frontier of adventure travel in Greenland

Panic set in when the dogs, which were supposed to be my brakes, sprinted in front of the crude wooden sledge. 
I was hurtling without a safety harness or helmet down a steep ice-packed incline towards a large rock in the hands of an Inuit driver who behaved like a fairground showman joy-riding the dodgems.
On the waterfront: Pretty Ilulissatis looks out over the icy fjord
He frantically cracked his whip and screamed to bring his pack of huskies to heel. Nothing. Then, when death seemed imminent, the beasts fell back. The homemade sledge caught the edge of the rock before sliding sideways to a stop. 
Where, I thought, are Health and Safety when you need them?
Greenland and its huskies are not for the faint-hearted. A country the size of Western Europe covered almost entirely in snow, it has a population of just 57,000. It is also staggeringly beautiful. 
Next month sees the release of Village At The End Of The World, a film produced and co-directed by Downton Abbey's cinematographer David Katznelson about how a community of hunters pulls together to prevent its population falling below 50, thereby saving the village's Danish subsidy and avoiding the forced relocation of the inhabitants to the nearest town. 
Inuit women in national costumes in Ilulissat
Colourful culture: Inuit women in national costumes in Ilulissat
The film lays bare how extraordinarily barren and remote Greenland is. It also gives a brief taste of the country's little-known Inuit culture, which with the discovery of oil and the relaxation of laws on uranium exploitation, is unlikely to stay forgotten much longer. 
Ilulissat is a sort of Arctic Padstow, with brightly coloured bungalows circling a small harbour. The business of the town is hunting - seals, shrimp and halibut - with the smallest of nods given to the handful of tourists in their heavy boots and thermal suits looking like disorientated Michelin men. 
Every 24 hours, more than 40 million tons of ice flows into the Ilulissat fjord, and my small steel ship crashed its way through the frozen water with icebergs that looked like floating White Cliffs of Dover within touching distance that, despite protective sunglasses, are so brilliantly white they dazzle the eyes. 
Back at the modern, minimalist and very Scandinavian Arctic hotel I tucked into an evening meal, but after struggling with a black and oily 'Seal consommé', I decided against any more experiments with Arctic Rim cuisine. 
I chose the musk ox burger and washed it down with a litre of good local beer (the wine selection in Illulissat is limited, while spirits are hard to find and very expensive). The next morning I was taken to a stretch of permafrost where dogs and their Inuit masters waited like racing cars at the start o f Le Mans. 
Dogsled trip to Ilulissat Fjord
Barking mad: Dogsledding can be something of an extreme sport for novice riders
The instructions were brief: sit on the sledge with your legs straight in front of you and don't let go. The Inuit driver cracked his whip and a dozen huskies jerked the sledge into action. But we were not sliding over a flat snowy plain - it was a five-hour rollercoaster, a glacial big dipper of shock and awe matched in drama only by a display of swirling Northern Lights later that evening. 
Greenland is a gloriously exhilarating island for the adventurous traveller in search of untouched nature and unexplored culture. But sadly it cannot last. 
A new hotel opened in Ilulissat in 2011, and high-speed internet arrived a few years ago. However, for the moment you can still buy a hunting rifle with your reindeer steaks at the local grocery store and get a decent pair of sealskin trousers made. 
And you can still take your life in your hands by embarking on a sledge ride with a crazed Inuit without fear of 'elf and safety' interfering.

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