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Green Cleaners And Their Advantages For Your Family

By Jaydon L. Kris

When you have bought your typical cleaning products for your home you have probably seen products that claim to be environmentally friendly, all natural, or green cleaners. Many people often avoid the green products and grab the most popular chemical based product that they can find due to their promise of fast action and easy cleaning. But selecting these chemical cleaners for their convenience may be an unwanted trade-off for your family's safety and well-being.

A distinct smell is often associated with cleaners that are chemically based and this smell is often the reason for many cases of respiratory irritation. This smell has actually become a false indicator of a clean house but it is really only a combination of the chemicals and masking fragrances. These chemicals are actually capable of irritating asthma conditions and can cause headaches while green cleaners are designed to minimize these kinds of effects. In addition, most people are aware that women who are pregnant should not be exposed to harsh chemicals found in cleaning supplies because her baby's growth can be impacted but natural cleaners are the safe option for soon to be moms because they do not pose the same risk.

If you have ever cleaned your counters with chemical cleaners, have you ever considered what the results are? The smell of chemical based cleaners is one that tricks us into thinking something is very clean - so clean that you could eat from it. Yes, the cleaner does kill of any bacteria that may be present on your counter but where does the cleaner go after it has been placed on the surface? Those chemical residues that are left on the counter get absorbed by every item of food that gets placed on it. Then those chemicals end up in your body or inside of your children or pets.

You may not imagine that ingesting a little bit of these chemicals here and there is not such a big concern but it can be. Despite that they exasperate respiratory problems, allergies, and headaches they can also create more serious health problems such as cancer. This may seem a bit farfetched for you but there are many chemicals that are well known for their ability to interfere with your DNA to cause mutations and a bunch of other harmful effects.

When you use green cleaners you do not have to worry about any of these effects since the majority of natural cleaners are created from plant based ingredients. Since many of the ingredients found in natural cleaning supplies are typically found in some of the foods that you eat, there is actually no concern about DNA damage from accident ingestion of the natural product. And what is even better is that green cleaning products are safe for children, pets, and your entire family.

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