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Valuable Dog Pain Relief at Home Tips You Can Try Today

By Geraldine Dimarco

Have you ever been in the middle of some agonizing pain and you're at a loss at what to do about it? Imagine how much worse it is for our pets. I mean, he can't even express himself properly how much more find out what he needs to get rid of the pain? It is therefore up to us to recognize when our animals are feeling discomfort and look for the best ways to take it away from them safely.

Canines that are in pain exhibit symptoms that are pretty much the same regardless of the reasons that may have caused it. These dogs will often whimper, refuse to eat or drink, be depressed, tremble and shake and show signs of laziness. When these symptoms manifest, it's time you visit the vet and get a proper diagnosis of his condition.

Fortunately, several dog pain relievers in the market can help in solving this particular predicament. You can expect the vet to prescribe an NSAID to reduce inflammation and lessen the pain. There are times though that the urgency is high and there is no vet you can go to, or the exact diagnosis is not yet ready. If this is so, try out these simple dog pain relief at home remedies that are proven effective by many pet owners.

One of the fastest ways to help your dog is to manage his daily movements so that he doesn't have to do anything that will further aggravate whatever condition he is in. Settle him down in a comfortable place where all his doggie toys, water bowl and food dish are. Limit physical activity to regular trips to the bathroom for now.

Apply a cold compress on swelling on your dog's body. Inflammation is a major cause of serious pain for the poor dog and putting a cold compress on it for 20 minutes will help significantly. Do the ice therapy intermittently for 48 hours or until the swelling goes down. Don't apply a hot compress on it. Hot or warm compress should be applied only for relieving tense muscles.

Human pain medications are not dog pain relievers. Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen should never be administered to animals. These over-the-counter drugs have chemical substances that are toxic to dogs. Aspirin for instance causes ulcers and will thin out the canine's blood. This is very dangerous for dogs that have undergone surgery or is experiencing severe bruising.

Another excellent dog pain relief at home is this: massage. It sounds simple enough but it helps tremendously in reducing the canine's pain. Massage stimulates better blood flow and eases muscle tension that the dog connects to pain. Get a few drops of any aromatic oil and gently massage it to the sore muscles of the dog.

Sure, it is very frustrating and difficult to watch our dogs suffer through pain, but not all is lost. We can be strict with his healthy diet, and regular veterinarian visits for his best health. Be the responsible and loving owner that he knows you to be and everything else will turn out fine. Enjoy!

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