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What Are The Benefits Offered By Choosing Ground Source Heat Pumps

By Isaac Summers

Advances in the field of science and technology have introduced more energy efficient and effective means of making better living conditions. However, some of its effect on the environment are negative causing more damages. Ground source heat pumps are one of those technological advances that have arrived to meet consumer demands while meeting environmental issues at the same time.

They are able to meet different requirements of buildings for temperature regulation. Their use in residences and commercial establishments are increasing in popularity these days. These buildings or residences are having internal temperatures controlled by these equipments. Water is the medium for temperature regulation which is passed through pipes around an area. Having geothermal source will not contribute to environmental pollutants as they are clean sources. One will not have to spend on energy bills also.

Coal and petroleum are commonly used as power supply for these types of equipments. However, these are notorious for producing a lot of pollutants. One will also have to keep up with the costs that come with these types of fuel supply. With a geothermal powered equipment, one will not have to worry on all of these.

Houses and commercial building establishments often regulate their internal temperatures by using HVAC systems that requires electricity. However, this energy source comes with a maintenance cost. That is greatly felt by those living in constantly cold environments where heaters are constantly used. Even other natural resources such as use of wood will require spending and effort which also produces pollutants. Having a geothermal powered system provides a remedy to all that.

In terms of installation, they come with many advantages also. They will not require a large area. Even small areas like backyards or gardens can be conveniently used. Even if they are to be placed underground, the need for extensive drilling methods will not be required as they can be fixed quite easily.

These equipments work by the use of a pump placed underground. Copper and polyethylene piping is being used. A refrigerant is contained in them. The pump will allow extraction of heat from below the ground. It is passed with a compressor located between the loop. Fluid is pumped through pipes therefore affecting internal temperatures of houses or buildings. This is an application of direct exchange concept. The whole process is then repeated by heat absorbers.

Companies building this design them in either two ways. It could be water to air or water to water transfer. The first one can be likened to normal air conditioning units wherein components of the pump adjust temperature of air by ventilation. On the other hand, the last one works more like boilers where temperature regulated water pipes run throughout a building therefore affecting internal temperature.

Due to their efficiency and lack of negative byproducts, many countries are now offering tax advantages to those who use this system. The United Nations also recognizes this as better energy choices that meet green requirements. Many countries promote this to their citizens already. They are also offered tax incentives by other countries same way their citizens are offered incentives by them.

Indeed, a lot of advantages come with ground source heat pumps. One will not need to worry of costs associated with fuel requirements. As an added bonus, one is also helping fight environmental destruction. Given these points, one should not hesitate trying to have them in their residences or businesses.

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