

In Box...

How Jurassic Park May Be the Target of Collecting Commercial Debts

By Rob Sutter

"Jurassic Park 3D" is one of the films in theaters that has received a great amount of attention and for good reason, too. It's the kind of movie that both fans of the original as well as newcomers can watch and accept as if it's something that has been made in this day and age. It's a classic, to say the least, but that doesn't mean that I can't critique the things that I see. It's a dangerous realm within the park and I wouldn't be surprised if collecting commercial debts was conducted.

As the movie begins, we are told that Jurassic Park is a controlled environment, in spite of the fact that there are dinosaurs roaming about. This is due to a number of reasons, such as the protection found throughout the establishment. However, thanks to the conflict of man versus nature, which is prominent throughout the film, matters start to go wrong rather quickly. It shows, more than anything, that these wild, ancient creatures can act savagely without hesitation and those who attended the park witnessed this firsthand.

I believe that while the nature aspect is a great one, I don't think that it's the largest one. You have to consider that those who attended the park the first time were issued a waiver, restricting them from saying anything negative about said park. Right off of the bat, this should bring doubt into the mind of any sane person. One can only imagine that such waivers are only utilized by entities which possess risk or simply have something to hide from the general public.

Wouldn't you think that Dr. Grant or one of the other attendees would go on to publicize the park and its lack of safety quality? It's one of those cases where agencies working in collecting commercial debts should take notice of because of how much trouble there is behind it. Many people died within the park and I think that deserves to be said. It could also be an issue where agencies such as Rapid Recovery may be able to offer their services for.

I think that if any kind of location can be dubbed a breeding ground for lawsuits, Jurassic Park would be the place. It's clear that this area isn't quite as harmless as people controlling the park would make it out to be. Sometimes technology can break down and when this occurs in an area where nature is a big aspect, I believe that a number of problems can come about. Due to the amount of casualties and injuries one can list, one could hire on an agency with a strong case being seen.

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