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How to Sell a House Privately

By Jensen Carlyle

There are times when you feel like a change of residence is vital for your family or you just need the money for other purposes. Selling a house can be an expensive step aside from the fact that real estate agents can't guarantee the sale but if they do, they will be collecting a huge amount of commission from you. If you don't want this to happen, consider selling a house privately. This alternative can save you thousands of dollars that you can use on other important things. In order to be successful in selling a property, you would need a lot of time to plan and prepare for the biggest possible sale that you have ever made.

Making Plans on Selling the Property

Before you proceed, you might want to think back and decide again. This is a house that you will be selling and it is somewhat a big thing for you to plan carefully. Think about where will you and your family reside after the house has been sold and what are you going to do with the money. Make sure that this is something that you will not regret. It is advisable as well to prepare the house where you will be moving into after the sale to make sure that your family will have a place to sleep once you cleared the sold house.

The next thing that you need to do is to set the right price. One of the reasons why a house doesn't get sold is wrong pricing. Setting the price too high puts off a lot of buyers while setting it too low may not be good for you. Check the cost of other houses in your vicinity and set the price somewhere near. You can get help from an expert appraiser to derive with the right sale amount. After coming up with a price, market your house by posting ads in the internet, giving away flyers and adding a 'for sale' sign in your front yard.

Preparing the House for Purchase

Get your house ready for a show. Buyers would want to see the house that they are going to buy and it is important that the house is clean and in good condition. Clean every corners of every room in the house. Don't forget the sink, basement, garage, bathrooms and backyard. To see if your house needs a repair, hire an inspector and have your house examined. If they see something wrong with the house such as wall cracks and clogged water ways, ask the contractors to fix the problem before the house visit. When the day comes, make sure that you are well composed, friendly and accommodating throughout the whole day of the show.

Afterwards, gather offers and be responsible enough to respond immediately to their queries. Prepare your counteroffers and once you have agreed on a certain price, assist your buyer in getting a mortgage broker for payments. Make sure that all the necessary documents have been signed and to make sure, get a lawyer to help you out on things that you should not miss out. After the house has been sold, move out as quickly as you can and surrender the key of your previous home.

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