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How To Write A Memoir

By Janelle Burnett

Anyone seeking to know how to write a memoir must first identify the intention, the content to be included and excluded and expected readership. The level of truth that goes into this kind of writing might feel uncomfortable for some friends and family members. You must be at ease with the approach you take since this will be felt on every page.

Memoirs show how your present has been shaped by what happened in the past. It takes a great deal of memory to assemble an entire book. There is a great temptation to leave out some parts because they are sensitive, but that is what makes a book tick. The extraordinary experiences define the life of the characters and justify your writing.

So much happens in the life of an individual on daily basis. Sorting out what is to go in the book and what is to be left out is important. It takes a great deal of exercises to master content and its presentation. You may begin by selecting a period of ten years in your life and writing two pages about it. Ensure that none of the sentences is more than three words.

It will be clear by the end of this exercise that you can only say as much. This is one guiding principle in writing. Go back to your two pages and read through until you find something that captures your attention. Make this your focus and begin to write.

An outrageous scenario could form the entry point. Mundane occurrences that were unique to you should also be considered. The people in a scenario and their reactions or your understanding form an excellent point to begin. You could also consider an occurrence that changed your life forever.

A writer must appreciate that this genre positions the writer in space and time. It is therefore a story about your interaction with people and a certain place and era. Social, geographical and historical perspectives give context to your writing. This is an opportunity to be truthful making this category of writing nonfictional. There are no half-truths or cosmetic representation of facts.

Facts make writing of memoirs different form fictional work. You are therefore required to have a calm approach when writing. There must be a logical sequence of events that can be traced in real life. Presentation of facts attracts readers to flip pages because they will discover another level of truth. You must have come to terms with this truth for it to be believable.

You may practice with several exercises to make writing easier. Some suggestions include writing two pages about people, occurrences and experiences in life. You may seek to explain a hereditary character in you that makes you proud. An apology for something you did gives you enough practice. An undeniable truth forms a rich source of inspiration. Memoirs are also written about that one moment that drastically changes your view of life.

Only by sorting content, identifying an audience and picking an appropriate style of writing can one be considered to know how to write a memoir. There is room for writers to twist facts as long as it does not lender other truths unbelievable. The style of delivery is determined by the motivation behind the exercise and your judgment of readership.

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