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Introducing the Antler Dog Chew

By Filo Filmore

The latest pet treat craze is for antler dog chews as dog lovers are increasingly looking for a natural and environmentally friendly pet treat. With the wave of pet health issues being created by meat-based pet products, typically imported from China, India and South America, the hunt has been on for an organic replacement with none of the disadvantages of meat treats.

What Is An Antler Dog Chew Treat?

Annually, millions of animals shed their antlers, typically moose, elk and deer in North America. Traditionally, antlers have been collected for use in making crafts and furniture, however they are now increasingly popular as a dog treat. Naturally shed antlers are collected in late winter and early Spring as the snow melts and the antlers are more easily found. They are collected, graded and cleaned which typically involves boiling them in water to kill any bacteria or germs accumulated as a result of being left on the ground. The antler is then cut into pieces according to the size of chew being made, and the cut edges are then sanded to ensure they are safe in your dog's mouth.

What Makes An Antler For Dogs So Good

There are many benefits for giving your dog an antler chew treat. For a start they are 100% organic with nothing added or taken away. There is nothing artificial about an antler chew, with no added coloring, no artificial ingredients and no preservatives. They are ideal for dogs with diabetes or gluten intolerant, and they are virtually fat-free but packed with healthy minerals such as calcium, iron and potassium.

Antler dog chews are also free of germs and harmful bacteria which are found in many meat-based dog treats, such as bully sticks. The antler horn is biologically inert so there is no home or nutriments to sustain any bacteria which are looking for a home. If the antler gets dirty while in use, simply rinse it off under water for a few seconds.

There is no smell with an antler chew wither as there is no 'meat' or organic component to generate an odor or decay. At the same time there is almost zero waste, and what your dog ingests is easily digested, in fact a dog's stomach is designed to handle precisely this form of chew treat. You can also give antler chews to puppies, seniors, nursing and pregnant bitches and dogs with a wide range of health conditions.

In conclusion then, you now have a completely organic chew, made in the USA and which is very healthy and nutritious for you pooch. You will get many, many hours of chew time from the antler and they typically last for between four to six weeks, depending on the size of your dog and how hard they chew.

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