

In Box...

Best Self-Defense If Enemies Are In The Midst

By Barten D Bailey

Soon after Levi had a row along with a neighbor we feel is a dirty cop, we thought it good for our family to keep away from him to be able to avoid trouble. A family man just like my partner, this particular neighbor hasn't pursued the fight, either, thus we all can coexist peacefully within our street.

We all go to the very same grocery store, hardware shop, bowling alley as well as other community joints, though. It can not be helped that Levi runs into the police officer occasionally. My partner has a Stun Master stun weapon as a safety net.

Father purchased a similar stun gun ten-odd years ago. That was exactly how I got the idea. Stun guns are non-deadly. You run and also hide while their paralyzing effects go on for twenty to forty minutes. Your own aggressor will be put to justice, but with no permanent damage sustained.

How stun weapons work is by disposing of a quick charge of electricity directly into the body with which it is in contact. The recipient of electrical current is going to then fail to move his muscles and also sustain his own bearings, and could fall over in the long run.

Now, my better half doesn't want to provoke this likely dirty police officer into anger. I rang daddy for guidance, and low voltage stun guns were his reply. These varieties fire hundred-thousands of volts out rather than millions.

Dad explained too that low amperage helps prevent both low and high voltage stun devices from turning into deadly weapons. A single amp is deadly, but his very own stun gun operates on only 5 to 8 milliamps.

Levi acquired a low voltage variation of father's weapon, a 100,000-volt curved stun gadget with a wrist strap. It is 6 inches long, and came equipped with a lifetime warranty. He acquired one for himself, and one more for me.

Dad was somewhat amused. His own Stun Master stun gun can shoot 3.5 million volts. He was fast to say that our weapons would take Levi's enemy down as capably as his. "And trust me," my old man added, "if he ever crossed me, I'd take him down."

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