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Facts About Drug And Alcohol Treatment Minneapolis Residents Need To Know

By Lila Barry

One of the fields of mental health that appears to be complex is addiction yet its significance cannot be overemphasized. A majority of patients who seek assistance for drug and alcohol treatment Minneapolis centers admit are likely to have a mental illness or an emotional difficulty. These centers have put in place measures that include medical and psychotherapeutic processes to cure these dependencies. These are administered to stop the abuse and prevent the social, financial, psychological, legal and physical impact of extreme substance abuse.

Treatment programs are developed to suit the needs of a given situation. These programs are available in various facilities such as extended care centers, medical care, local support groups, orthomolecular medicine, addiction counseling, residential care, out-patient mental health among others. Some of the programs are customized to address gender or age specific needs. Some of the most successful methods are those that address all the needs of a patient rather than focusing solely on the addiction.

Medically assisted detoxification when used alone is inadequate in the treatment of addiction. Experts recommend that detoxification should be accompanied with medication, behavioral therapy and relapse prevention. The methodology used must address both medical and mental health services and follow-up options. Follow up provides motivation to the patients to embrace the progress made.

The specialists provide a number of behavioral therapies to achieve a specific goal. Cognitive therapy aims at making the patients aware of any potential relapse situations and how to deal with them. Multidimensional therapy focuses on restoring their productivity in their families. Motivational interviewing helps to develop their willingness to be part of a treatment program. Motivational incentives provide the positive reinforcement needed to develop abstinence.

Traditional methods of treating addiction were based entirely on counseling. However, research has revealed that the chemical imbalances affecting the patients complicate the recovery process. Counseling helps patients identify problems and behaviors related to their addiction. It is either done on individual basis or in a group setting.

After undergoing the program patients are able to cease the abuse and assume positions of responsibility in the family and become more productive in other areas of the society. The process has to be gradual and with a lot of support and patience, they eventually learn to abstain and lead a productive life. During these sessions, they are tested for a number of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and many others.

Medications play a significant role in addressing certain aspects. They counter withdrawal symptoms that emerge during detoxification by putting them under control. They are taken to enable the brain to resume its normal functioning. They suppress cravings and reduce chances of the addiction recurring. Different medications are used for different purposes.

The drug and alcohol treatment Minneapolis based facilities provide helps to eliminate the intense and almost uncontrollable craving for these substances. The use of these substances may persist even in the face of distressing effects. This occurs when there is a prolonged exposure to the abused substance which affects brain functioning. Addiction disrupts multiple aspects of the life of an individual making recovery very difficult.

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