

In Box...

Sweet Coloured Rice in China

By Jonny Blair

China offers a range of fantastic food that you might never have heard of elsewhere. How about some sweet rice, with colour added to it? It certainly sounds intriguing and if you head to the fantastic Jiulong Waterfalls in China's Yunnan Province then you can try the sweet coloured rice. It's near the city of Luoping in the Yunnan Province.

Where can you buy Chinese sweet coloured rice?

Yunnan Province is one part of China that this exists in. If you see it, buy it and try it as it may be a long time before you find the same type of food again. I tried it the very first time I seen it, that was only a few weeks ago while visiting the Jiulong Waterfalls near Luoping in China's Yunnan Province.

Hot, sugary and sticky as well as being colourful! Chinese rice with a difference.

What price is this sweet and coloured Chinese rice?

Well since it's from a market stall, it will be cheap. Don't expect to pay any more than around 5 Chinese Yuan (RMB) for a serving!

You have to sample the fantastic sugary coloured rice in Yunnan in China.

What does Chinese sweet coloured rice taste like?

I have to say I loved it and scoffed it quickly. Rice itself is very flavourless to me, but the added sugar made it tasty and sweet. I'm not sure what e-numbers are in it, as they need to get the colours from somewhere but the taste was great! Really worth trying. The colours of the rice were turquoise, pink, yellow and purple.

What is travelling in China like??

To see China properly you need to get out of the big cities like Shanghai and Beijing and you will see all this massive country has to offer. The countryside has endless travel options and the country of China is quite simply littered with ancient and modern popular tourist sites to see!

Make sure you get China on your itinerary and try the fantastic sugary sweet rice when you hit up the Yunnan Province. It has to be tried.

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