

In Box...

Advantages Of Using Dish Network

By Colette Foreman

Watching television programs are being enjoyed by large numbers of people and the do it for many hours. In this activity, they will be able to know the events happening within their locality and also the events happening around the world. They will also be able to know if it will rain at this certain day or if the sun will come out. They will also have the time for relaxation and entertainment and merriment.

Due to these several reasons, most people would want to make sure that they will be getting a good experience with their TV viewing. In this instance, they might want to try dish network Utah out. The service will surely provide them with a number of advantages that will help them in reaching their goal which is to get a good experience with TV viewing.

If a person subscribes to the network, there are a number of equipments that need to be installed in his house. These includes several receivers, depending on the number of televisions he has, and a satellite dish. In most cases, these equipments are provided and installed for free. In this manner, the person will be able to save a certain amount of money.

High definition channels are already gaining worldwide popularity. Better screen resolutions are the effects of these stations and with that, the person will certainly have good experience in his TV viewing. These kinds are typically offered with no extra charges to the subscribers.

A lot of channel line ups are being offered by the service than others who are offering cable services. In this case, the subscriber will be capable of watching any show or movie which he likes to view. International shows are also included so he can view them as well. There are also a number of radio channels being included.

This service is far more cheaper than those existing competitions. They offer a variety of bundles that will fit any budget that a person may have set. For those individuals experiencing financial difficulties, they will be able to get a bundle that will make them spend less money but view more channels.

Bandwidth which is being pushed in to the system of other firms typically cause the quality of the stations to be degraded. With the network, sufficient amounts of bandwidth are being supplied to subscribers. In this manner, they will still clearly view the channels and have maintain good quality.

There is also a feature which is typically associated with this is its digital video recording feature. There are cases where a person will not be able to watch his favorite show as he may be out somewhere running errands or has work to do. In this case, he will be able to view them in his most convenient time. Typically, this mechanism will allow recording up to six channels at the same time.

In case of bad weather conditions, it is expected that there will be a bad TV reception. However, the satellites provided by this network are coated with advanced Teflon technology that will retain good qualities of the stations. If signal loss is experienced, the company will repair them immediately.


The Benefits Of Being An Engineer

By Linda Ruiz

One of the biggest decisions that one will need to make will be picking their career path. It will not be easy since one will get varied choices. There could be endless picks of fields and works available. However, these things are not all suitable for one. One will need to be cautious in what they pick. They must make sure that they will pick something which will be capable of supporting one financially. It must be something also which will be personally fulfilling. One will want something which they will be definitely interested in. If one loves to work in construction, it will be nice to become an engineer. It will certainly provide one with varied benefits. Know then what advantages could be provided by such a career pick.

The significance of this work in light of today's world must first be known. Significant contributions are provided for by these engineers. Without Civil Engineering in Salmon Arm, no buildings, houses, and structures would be existing today. The construction, maintenance, and planning of such structures are handled in different stages by such engineers. The task of ensuring that structures are able to withstand time and have the requisite durability, form, and integrity is theirs. Different fields or specialties can also be immersed in by these engineers. That is why their works are being relied upon.

It will be then something which will have increased demand. Varied construction needs will mean increased demand for engineers. One could expect that such demand will continue to increase. Plenty of infrastructures will need to be still built. Modernization, urbanization, and public works will fuel this rise in demand.

It would also be something that would let you specialize. You can actually choose from various fields with this. You can choose to specialize in structural works, construction works, and geodetic works for instance. You can also specialize in building structures for transportation. Some engineers would also go into fields like teaching, research, and consultancy. You can really choose a field that you would be comfortable in.

One could expect nice salaries from such field of work. Such professionals will possess good compensation. One will be sure that they could be supported financially through this. This will be something which will be worth one's talents, time, and effort. One will enjoy varied other remuneration in such field as well.

This is also an advisable line of work given the fact that the career of the person can be boosted and improved with the vast opportunities around. The control is in your hands. The schedules are fixed. Chances for being able to run your own firm would also be available. Flexibility is then afforded to the engineers.

One could expect fulfillment from it too. Seeing houses, roads, and buildings built with one's efforts will make oneself proud. It will be among the very noble professions.

How such career can be pursued must then be known. A bachelor's degree is necessary for this. After graduating, a license would have to be obtained as well.

One must consider such field. One will love becoming an engineer. They could then create structures which people could benefit from, marvel at, and directly use.

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Why Shop At The Dart Store?

By Tanisha Berg

When playing darts the weight and style of the barbs is very vital, comfort ability varies from one individual to the other with the shafts. The board upon which the projectiles are thrown should be hanged according to certain specification, these requirement do not the hand of an expert to ensure that it is hanged correctly otherwise it will be useless to play the game. Having the right knowledge of the weight and style of barb that works well for a particular individual is very essential before going to the Dart store to make a purchase.

The material used to make these barbs is of a wide variety ranging from wood, brass, nickel, silver and tungsten. Professional players use the tungsten projectiles since they resist ware out and minimize bounce outs; the material maintains the weight of the barb. The percentage of tungsten in the barrels of the shafts is very important, the higher the better.

The resistance to ware out is lowered when using the other materials, nevertheless they make an economical options which although have their own shortcomings they function very well. Oiling and cleaning the barbs regularly maintains the nips from wearing out from the friction and contact with other barbs.

Trying out all different types of barbs available is very important; this is because they come in weights that range from 12 to 50 grams. Understanding the weight that works well with an individual can help very much when purchasing the barbs to play at home or in a restaurant.

For a successful play the grip of the barrel should right, too rough or too smooth makes the play faulty. When the grip is too smooth the barb slips out thus affecting the aim and if the grip is too rough it makes it hard to let and also affecting the accuracy. Another significant consideration would be the flight of the projectile, they can either be dimpled or just smooth but either way they affect the accuracy of an individual greatly. For the game to progress without a hitch the flight should be right since it controls the stability of the barb.

The barbs have styled shafts which are made of different materials among them, plastic, aluminum, carbon fiber and the spinning shaft. The shafts made of plastic are known to break easily once they hit the board while the composite ones make some remarkable barbs but cost quite some money, their vibration is not severe is that of aluminum.

On top of the ranking will be the carbon fiber shafts, this is because of the fact that they are more durable than the rest and also strong enough. The weight is the least and they do not loosen up fast thus they maintain the aim.

In order to avoid bounce outs the spinning shafts allows the barrels to turn the other way when hit by other barbs; this however has no effect on the flight of the barb. The weight of the aluminum barbs is considered to be too much and also they tend to loosen up fast.


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වසර 17ක් මහ පොළොවේ වැළලී සිටි මිනිසා



චීනයේ බටහිර ෂින්ජියෑංග් පළාතේ ගල් අඟුරු පතලක සේවක පිරිසක් පසුගිය මාසයේ දිනක පැරැණි පතලක් කණිමින් සිටියදී පුදුමයෙනුත් පුදුමයට පත්වූහ. පැරැණි පතලේ කොටසක් කණිමින් සිටියදී ඔවුනට එක්වරම ඇසුණේ පතල අභ්‍යන්තරයේ කවුදෝ සෙමෙන් වැලපෙන හඬය. ඉන් විමතියට පත් ඔවුහු හඬ ආ දෙසට හාරාගෙන යද්දී දුටුවේ වසර 17 කට පෙර පොළොව යට වැළලී එහෙත් නොමැරී සිටින පුද්ගලයෙකි.


1997 වසරේ එම පළාතේ සිදුවූ දරුණු භූමි කම්පාවකදී මහ පොළොවට වැළලී ගිය එම පතල වසා දැමුණේ ඉන් දිවි බේරාගත් කිසිවකු නොමැති බව සහතික වීම නිසාය. භූමිකම්පාව සිදුවන මොහොතේ වැළලී ගිය 78 ක්වූ පතල් සේවකයන් අතරින් 59 හැවිරිදි චුංග් වායි ගේ පමණක් දිවි බේරී තිබුණේ හාස්කමකිනි.


බේරාගන්නා මොහොතේ පෙනුමෙන් බොහෝ වෙනස්ව මානසික සෞඛ්‍යයෙන් ද පිරිහී සිටි චුංග් වායි ඒ මොහොතේම රෝහල් ගත කර ඇත්තේය. චුංග් ඇතුළු පිරිස වැඩ කරමින් සිටි පතලේ වූ ලෑලි වේදිකාවක් මහා භූමිකම්පාවත් සමඟ කඩා වැටීමෙන් සහෝදර සේවකයන් මියගිය ද චුංග්ගේ දිවි බේරුණේ කුහරයක් ඔස්සේ ඔහු සිටි තැනට වාතාශ්‍රය ලැබීම හේතුවෙනි.


මේ අවාසනාවන්ත ඉරණමෙන් දිවි ගලවා ගැනීමේ වාසනාව ලද චුංග්, පතල යට මෙවන් හදිසි අවස්ථාවකදී ප්‍රයෝජනයට ගැනීම සඳහා ගබඩා කර තිබූ සහල් සහ වතුර ආහාරයට ගෙන හාමත් නොවී යන්තම් පණ බේරාගෙන ඇත්තේය. ඒ අතරතුර පතල පුරා හිඟයක් නොමැතිව දිව ගිය මීයන් ද ඔහුගේ ආහාරය විය. පතල්වල හැදෙන එක්තරා පෙඳ පාසි විශේෂයක් ද ඔහු ආහාරයට ගෙන තිබූ අතර එම පෙඳ පාසි ඔහුගේ ශරීරයට විටමින් නොඅඩුව ලබාදුන් බව වාර්තා වේ.


තට්ට තනියම පතලක සිරවී මානසිකව හා ශාරීරිකව පිරිහී සිටිය ද චුංග් සිය මියගිය පතල් සගයනට ගෞරවාන්විත භූමදානයක් ලබාදීමට සමත් වී ඇත. ඔවුන් එකිනෙකා භූමදානය කිරීමට ඔහුට වසරක කාලයක් ගතවී තිබේ.


ගලවා ගන්නා අවස්ථාවේ කතා කිරීමටවත් නොහැකිව සිටි චුංග් පතල් කම්කරුවන් දැක හඬා වැලපුණු බව ද වාර්තා වේ.


පතල් අනතුරු බහුල චීනයේ වසරකට පතල් කඩා වැටීමෙන් පුද්ගලයන් 4000 ක් පමණ මියයන අතර ඒ නිසාම චීන රජය අක්‍රමවත් පතල් බොහොමයක් වසා දැමීම සිදු කරයි. එය එරට පතල් 16000 අතුරෙන් සියයට 80 ක් පමණ වේ.


වසර 17 ක් මහපොළොව යට වැළලී සිට චුංග් දිවි ගලවා ගැනීමත් සමඟ මෙතෙක් පොළොව යට දින 42 ක් වැළලී සිට දිවි ගලවා ගත් බ්‍රිතාන්‍ය ජාතික ජෙෆ් ස්මිත් විසින් තබා තිබූ ගිනස් වාර්තාව බිඳ වැටී ඇත. ජෙෆ් ඔහුගේ ප්‍රියතම සමාජ ශාලාවේ පිටත දින ගණනක් පොළොව යට වැළලී සිට ඇත්තේ වාර්තාවක් සම කිරීමේ අදිටනින් ස්ව කැමැත්තෙනි.


සේමාලි කැල්ලපත 

උපුටා ගැනීම සිළුමිණ පුවත්පතෙනි

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ඇමති වෙල්ගමගේ ලේලි වෙන්නද මේ හැඩ? හිරුණිකා��ේ හා සේනාල්ගේ සෙල්ෆි ���ලන්න

ඇමති වෙල්ගමගේ ලේලි වෙන්නද මේ හැඩ?

හිරුණිකාගේ හා සේනාල්ගේ සෙල්ෆි බලන්න

2014-08-06 11:59:20
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මන්ත‍්‍රී හිරුණිකා පේ‍්‍රමචන්ද්‍ර මෙනවිය අනාගත ලේලිය කරගැනීමට සිය පියා අවසර දී ඇති බව ප්‍රවාහන ඇමති කුමාර වෙල්ගමගේ පුත් මන්ත්‍රී සේනාල් වෙල්ගම මහතා මීට ඉහත දී කතාවකදී හෙළිකොට තිබුණි.


එම කතාවට තවත් තටු ලබාදෙමින් හිරුණිකා සේනාල් සමගින් සිටින ජායාරූප කිහිපයක් තම ෆේස්බුක් පිටුව වෙත එක්කොට තිබේ. එම ජායාරූප බලන්න පහතින්.


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What One Can Experience While On Mongolian Tours

By Annabelle Holman

If one loves travelling, then one country that he would really want to visit would be the exotic land of Mongolia which is a land known for its very rich culture. This is the land where the conqueror Genghis Khan created his Mongol empire. Now if one would want to visit this country, it is best if he would go on one of those Mongolian tours so that he will be brought to the best tourist spots there.

Now if one would follow a tour group, then probably the first stop on the list would be the capital city of Kharkhorin. Now it was in this city that the very famous Genghis Khan established his very own kingdom and began conquering the world. Now history lovers will really love this place because the ruins of the empire are still there and preserved.

Now for a bit of excitement and a little Mongolian exposure, the tour bus would take the tourists to the famous Orkhon Khurkhree. This is in fact the most famous waterfall with very clean water falling from it. Now another great part about this place is that one could communicate with the natives there although they may have to be a little careful.

There would also be the vulture canyon which is the most popular land formation that is named Yolin Am. Now a lot of climbers and hikers would actually want to explore this place because it is very challenging to go through it. Now the tour guides would not allow the tour group to really trek through this land formation but they will bring them around the place so that they can see the sights.

Now for those who are into animals and plant life, he will definitely enjoy going to the Bogdkhan Uul. Now this is a nature park that is safe from hunters or poachers as the area protects the animals and plants in this place. One will also be able to find the Manzshir Monastery which is actually probably the oldest monastery in this country.

Another really great sight that one will be able to see while on tour would of course be the Gandantegchilen Kloster. Now this is known to be the biggest Buddhist monastery in the entire country and can house up to more than a thousand Buddhist monks. In fact, it is still the residence of a thousand monks even up until today.

Now if one is into history, then a great place for him to visit would of course be the National Museum of Mongolian History which can be found in the center of Ulaanbaatar. Now this is the place to go if one would want to find out about how the place was years ago. This place is filled with a lot of artifacts that would date back even to the prehistoric times in Mongolia.

So if one would want to go here on vacation, then these are the place he will be going to when on tour. Now Mongolia is definitely a destination that should not be missed. It is a beautiful land full of exciting places to go to.


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Jets escort Qatar Airways plane to Manchester airport over possible 'device'

Reuters) - British fighter jets escorted a passenger plane into Manchester airport on Tuesday after the pilot reported that a suspect device was possibly on board, police said.
"An incoming plane has been escorted into the airport by the Royal Air Force as a result of information received by the pilot about a possible device on board," Chief Superintendent John O’Hare said in a statement.
“We don’t know how genuine this threat is but it is absolutely vital we deal with the situation as a full emergency," he added.
The Ministry of Defence declined to comment.
A spokesman for the airport said the plane was operated by Qatar Airways.

(Reporting by Paul Sandle and Guy Faulconbridge; Editing by Andrew Osborn)

ජැක්ලින් ෆර්ඩිනැන්ඞ්ස් ගුවන් තොටේ රඳවා ගනී.. එක් ඇමතුමෙන් ඇය නිදහස්..

ජැක්ලින් ෆර්ඩිනැන්ඞ්ස් ගුවන් තොටේ රඳවා ගනී.. එක් ඇමතුමෙන් ඇය නිදහස්..සුපිරි බොලිවුඞ් නිලි ජැක්ලින් ෆර්ඩිනැන්ඞ්ස් කටුනායක ගුවන් තොටුපලේදී විදේශ ගමන් බලපත‍්‍රය අවලංගු වී තිබිදයදී පසුගියදා ගුවන් තොටුපල බලධාරීන් විසින් රඳවා ගෙන තිබේ.
පරිඝණක පද්ධතියෙන්ද ඇගේ ගමන් බලපත‍්‍ර තොරතුරු නෙපෙන්වන බව බලධාරීන් පවසද්දී වහා ක‍්‍රියාත්මක වූ නිලි රැජින තම ජංගම දුරකතනයෙන් මෙරට ඉහල ප්‍රභූවරයකුට ගෙන ඇත්තේ එක් දුරකතන ඇමතුමකි. එසැනින් එම ස්ථානයේ කාර්ය භාර නිලධරයාට පණිවිඩයක් ලැබුණේ වහාම ඇයට ගුවන්තොටින් පිටවීමට ඉඩ දෙන ලෙසයි.
ජැක්ලින් ෆර්ඩිනැන්ඞ්ස්ට මෙම අකරතැබ්බය සිදු වූයේ නිදහස් චතුරස‍්‍ර භූමියේ ඉදි කරන ලද ‘ඉන්ඩිපෙන්ඩන්ට් ආකේඞ්’ හි ඇය විසින් ආරම්භ කරන ලද ‘කෑම සූත‍්‍ර’ අවන් හලේ විවෘත කිරීමේ උත්සවයට පැමිණි අවස්ථාවේය.

අවසන් දින දෙයි.. ලියාපදිංචි නැති සිම් කාඞ් විසන්ධියි..

අවසන් දින දෙයි.. ලියාපදිංචි නැති සිම් කාඞ් විසන්ධියි..මෙරට පුද්ගලයන් සන්තකව ඇති සියළු ජංගම දුරකතන සිම් කාඞ්පත් මාස පහක් ඇතුලත ලියාපදිංචි කලයුතු බව ආරක්‍ෂක අමාත්‍යාංශය නිවේදනය කරයි.
එසේ නොකරන දුරකතන සබඳතා යළි දැනුම් දීමකින් තොරව විසන්ධි කරන බවද අමත්‍යාංශය කියා සිටී.
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Experts work at Ukraine plane wreckage, lull in fighting

(Reuters) - A lull in fighting between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists allowed international experts on Saturday to resume their search for human remains at the wreckage of a Malaysian airliner downed in eastern Ukraine last month.
About 70 experts worked at the site for a second successive day following an agreement on a local ceasefire by the Ukrainian army and the pro-Russian rebels, the Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) said.
"Long day ahead. Intensive work focussed on recovery (of) victims' remains," the security and rights body, which also has eight representatives at the site, said on Twitter.
Roads had for days been too dangerous to use because of heavy fighting, frustrating efforts to recover all the last of the 298 victims' remains and push ahead with an investigation into the cause of the disaster.
Ukrainian officials said this week about 80 bodies had not yet been recovered from the wreckage of the Boeing 777.
The experts, who include Dutch and Australians, recovered more remains on Friday but security was deemed "unstable and unpredictable" at the site. The 298 killed on the plane included 196 Dutch, 27 Australians and 43 Malaysians.
The United States says the separatists probably shot down the plane by mistake with a Russian-made missile. The rebels and Moscow deny the accusation and blame the downing on July 17 on Kiev's military campaign to quell the separatists' uprising.
The Ukrainian military said its forces had suffered no losses overnight in the conflict, although there was continued shooting in some areas, including tank and missile fire around the rebel-held city of Luhansk.
The military reported three cases of shooting from across the border with Russia, a charge it has levelled at Moscow increasingly often. Moscow denies such accusations, and Russia's RIA news agency quoted border guards as saying nine shells had been fired from Ukrainian territory onto Russian soil.

(Reporting by Maria Tsvetkova in Donetsk, Pavel Polityuk and Timothy Heritage in Kiev and Alexander Winning in Moscow; Writing by Timothy Heritage; Editing by Gareth Jones)

Israel signals Gaza war winding down, as shelling continues

(Reuters) - Israel signalled it was winding down the 25-day-old Gaza war unilaterally, saying on Saturday it would not attend Egyptian-hosted negotiations for a new truce and giving Palestinians who had fled fighting in one northern town the all-clear to return.

But shelling exchanges continued, with Palestinian officials saying Gaza's mostly civilian death toll rose to 1,669 and Israelsaying its Iron Dome interceptor shot down rockets launched at the cities of Tel Aviv and Beersheba.

Several ceasefires between Israel and the Gaza Strip's dominant Islamist Hamas faction had failed to take hold or quickly collapsed, most recently on Friday after two Israeli soldiers were killed and a third went missing in an ambush.
Israel accused Hamas of seizing lieutenant Hadar Goldin and the United States blamed the group for a "barbaric" breach of the truce. The United Nations was more guarded in its censure of Hamas but urged Goldin's immediate release.
Seeking to shift responsibility, Hamas said it believed its gunmen had struck before Friday's ceasefire began and that if they captured Goldin, he probably died with his captors in heavy Israeli barrages that followed.
A Palestinian delegation was to fly to Cairo for new truce negotiations, which would include Hamas's demand that Egypt ease movement across its border with blockaded Gaza. But Israel said it would not send its own envoys as scheduled on Saturday.
"They (Hamas) cannot be trusted to keep their word. They cannot stop (firing) because, for them, a ceasefire at this stage, whether by arrangement or not by arrangement, would mean acknowledging the worst possible defeat," Deputy Foreign Minister Tzachi Hanegbi told Israel's Channel Two television.
"I believe this is the point at which the ground manoeuvres should be brought to an end. Hamas can be hit as much as will be required in response to firing that, I expect, will persist."
Israel launched a Gaza air and naval offensive on July 8 following a surge of cross-border rocket salvoes by Hamas and other Palestinian guerrillas, later escalating into ground incursions centred along the infiltration tunnel-riddled eastern frontier of the enclave but often pushing into urban areas.
With U.S. backing, Israel had said that with or without a truce its forces would pursue their main mission of hunting tunnels used by Hamas for several cross-border attacks. More than 30 of these, and dozens of access shafts, have already been unearthed and were being blown up, the military said. "Our understanding is that our objectives, most importantly the destruction of the tunnels, are close to completion," a military spokesman, Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Lerner, said.
Crowded Gazan towns close to the Israeli border have seen devastating clashes, and the flight of tens of thousands of Palestinians, as tanks and troops swept in to confront dug-in guerrillas after the army warned civilians to evacuate.
Israel said on Saturday that evacuees from Beit Lahiya, a northern town with a population of 70,000, could go back home.
"Residents are advised to beware of explosive devices Hamas has spread across the area," the military said, summarising all-clear messages relayed via Palestinian liaison officers.
But fear gripped Palestinians from the town, on whose periphery Israeli armoured columns could still be seen.
"No one has told us to go back," said Talab Manna, a 30-year-old father of seven camped out at a U.N.-run school serving as a refugee haven. "We can't risk going back and being bombed by the Israeli forces."
After Friday's ceasefire was shattered, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called his security cabinet into special session to discuss Goldin's suspected capture in the southern town of Rafah, and warned Hamas and other Palestinian guerrillas would "bear the consequences of their actions".
But Israeli media said Netanyahu and Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon would likely hold course in Gaza rather than escalate.
Citing an internal investigation complicated by inability to communicate with its gunmen in the Rafah area, Hamas's armed wing said on Saturday it believed their ambush happened an hour before the truce began, in response to Israeli troop advances.
"We lost contact with the (Hamas) troops deployed in the ambush and assess that these troops were probably killed by enemy bombardment, including the soldier said to be missing - presuming that our troops took him prisoner during the clash," the Hamas Qassam Brigades said in a statement. "The Qassam Brigades has no information as of this time about the missing soldier, his whereabouts, or the circumstances of his disappearance." Quoting a senior military officer, Israel Radio also said Goldin's condition was not known. It said he was last seen next to the two troops killed by a Hamas suicide bomber - suggesting Goldin may not have survived and his captors had a corpse.
Israel has confirmed that 63 soldiers have died in combat. Palestinian shelling has also killed three civilians in Israel.
Hamas had long threatened to capture Israelis for a prisoner swap. In 2011, Israel released more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Gilad Shalit, a soldier snatched by Hamas five years earlier. Israel has twice freed prisoners for the bodies of soldiers held by Lebanon's Hezbollah militia.
The Rafah clash triggered Israeli shelling from the middle of Friday morning that killed 150 Palestinians. By afternoon, Israel declared an end to the truce - which was meant to have lasted 72 hours, allowing humanitarian relief to reach Gaza's 1.8 million Palestinians and for further de-escalation talks.
Hamas, whose gunmen are dispersed for battle in Gaza's battered districts, often in isolated bunkers, said continued manoeuvring by Israeli troops was a provocation.
Rafah residents said they had received recorded telephone warnings from Israel to stay indoors during a barrage that wreaked widespread ruin. Medical officials on Saturday counted at least a dozen homes destroyed, with the families who lived there each losing between two and eight members killed.
"It was like an action movie - explosions everywhere, cars flying up in flames, people crushed under houses that were bombed," local man Bassim Abed told Reuters. "It was a miracle I escaped the area. It's another miracle I didn't die of fear."
Ashraf Goma, Palestinian lawmaker from Abbas's Fatah party said 50,000 people in villages to the east of the town had been displaced. He accused Israel of committing a war crime. Among targets of Israeli air strikes on Saturday was a building in the Islamic University campus in Gaza City. The military said the building had been used by Hamas for weapons research and development of weapon manufacturing, and that dozens of tunnels and arms caches had been bombed elsewhere.
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi cast Cairo's truce efforts as worth pursuing.
"The Egyptian initiative is a real chance to find a real solution to the crisis taking place in the Gaza Strip," he said. "Lost time ... complicates the situation more and more."

(Writing by Dan Williams; Additional reporting by Mostafa Hashem and Oliver Holmes in Cairo; Editing by Giles Elgood)