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5 jobs near you: Office Coordinator, Driver, Operations Coordinator and more

  Hi Inwar,   Because you've subscribed to know more about jobs, we wanted to let you know what jobs are open now near you. You can also search for more jobs on Facebook .       Office Coordinator CFF - Ceylon Flavors & Fragrances PVT Ltd Full-time · $25,000/month Colombo, Sri Lanka     Driver TM Life Partner Full-time · $20,000-$30,000/hour Colombo     Operations Coordinator Bernard Botejue Business Park Full-time Kohuwala, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka     Delivery Person Bimbara Flora Full-time · $10-$15/day Mabole, Sri Lanka     Retail Store Manager/Manageress Max Jobs Net Full-time · $65/month Colombo       See more jobs  

Office Coordinator
CFF - Ceylon Flavors & Fragrances PVT Ltd
Full-time · $25,000/month
Colombo, Sri Lanka
TM Life Partner
Full-time · $20,000-$30,000/hour
Operations Coordinator
Bernard Botejue Business Park
Kohuwala, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka
Delivery Person
Bimbara Flora
Full-time · $10-$15/day
Mabole, Sri Lanka
Retail Store Manager/Manageress
Max Jobs Net
Full-time · $65/month
See more jobs
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