SWEDEN –  An international team of oceanic experts have found an alien ship from Planet Gootan on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.
The ship was abandoned, but experts from the U.N. Panel of Extraterrestrials told WWN that the Gootans were using the Baltic Sea as a base to spy on humans.
The U.N. dispatched a team of experts in Unidentified Submarine Objects (USOs) to the Baltic Sea accompanied by an elite Navy SEAL team.  The U.S. military has been conducting a vast underwater reconnaissance of Gootan activities, ever since the Gootans landed three large ships on Earth in November, 2011.
Some are saying the ship looks like the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars:

Bye-Bye, Brain Freeze!.

brain freeze: iced coffeeIt’s a sweltering summer day, so you take a big sip of a refreshing, frozen coffee—and you’re immediately doubled over with throbbing head pain.
Why do frosty foods give us headaches? New research has shed light on the possible causes (and cures) of the phenomenon known as brain freeze.
When a frozen treat comes in contact with the roof of your mouth, it triggers nerves that alert your brain of the temperature change. In response, the anterior cerebral artery dilates and increases blood flow to the brain’s frontal lobe to help keep it warm and protected, says Jorge Serrador, M.D. of Harvard Medical School, lead researcher on a recent study which identified the mechanisms at work during what’s commonly called brain freeze.
Researchers believe that the additional blood flow to the frontal lobe increases pressure in the skull, which brain receptors process as pain. This could explain why the frontal lobe is the area of the brain that feels “frozen” post-popsicle, Serrador says.
Here are three ways to avoid the big chill:
1. Tongue It
Can you curl your tongue? Good. Fold the tip of it backward and stick the bottom of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. The warmth will help heat up the nerves in your palette and cause the blood flow to your brain to normalize, Serrador says.
2. Slurp Slowly
To make study participants get brain freeze, Serrador had them suck down ice water like thirsty maniacs. Why? “The only way to get a brain freeze is to drink or eat whatever it is [that’s cold] really fast,” he says. If you drink (or eat) more slowly, you give your blood time to heat the tissue in the roof of your mouth and avoid triggering a cold-induced headache. So slow down and savor your treat.
3. Warm Your Hands
Your hands might not be cold, but acting like they are can make your mouth warmer, Serrador says. Cup your hands around your mouth like you would in the winter and exhale deeply. It will trap warm air in your mouth and help thaw your noggin.


Three giant alien spaceships are again heading for Earth!  Scientists predict the new ships will arrive in November of  2012.
UFO encounters continue to increase – as documented on WWN.  And today scientists at SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an independent non-commercial organization,  made a major announcement:
“Three giant spaceships are heading toward Earth. The largest one of them is 200 miles wide. Two others are slightly smaller. At present, the objects are just moving past Jupiter.  Judging by their speed, they should be on Earth by the fall of  2012,” said John Malley, the lead extraterrestrial expert at SETI.
Three similar giant ships landed in China and the Indonesia Sea in November, 2011.  They were identified as alien spaceships from Planet Gootan. Three more giant Gootan ships are headed her for November, 2012.
Read two of WWN’s many stories about the three Gootan ships landing in 2011:



The new Gootan spaceships have been detected by HAARP search system. The system, based in Alaska, was designed to study the phenomenon of northern lights. According to SETI researchers, the objects are extraterrestrial spaceships. They will be visible in optical telescopes as soon as they reach Mars’s orbit – sometime in  November of 2012. The US government has been reportedly informed about the event.



NEW ZEALAND – A commercially developed jetpack, The Martin, is ready for liftoff!
The first commercially developed jetpack, The Martin jetpack, is ready for mass production and will soon be released to the public.  The City of Los Angeles has already ordered 10,000 jetpacks for its police, paramedics and fire department.  “We’ll all be flying around L.A. soon,” said Mayor Antonio Villaragoisa.  “And it’s another great tool for law enforcement.”
The LAPD is in the process of hiring over 1,000 Law Enforcement Jet Pack Officers.  They have begun training them out near Joshua Tree National Park.
Jetpacks are real, and you’ll be able to buy one in two months!
The Martin Jetpack  is reusable and while it is a bit pricey, and a little bit bulky, they are worth it.  Soon you will be able to strap on your jetpack and liftoff for work.
You strap it on, you fly.   It’s that simple.  “They developed it so even the dumbest among us can use it,” said aerospace engineer, Todd Cox.  “Cars will be in the dustbin of history soon enough.”
The jetpack was developed by the Martin Aircraft Company which was founded in 1998 and operates out of New Zealand.  The Martin Aircraft Company was founded by Glenn Neal Martin, not to be confused with Glenn Luther Martin, whose “Glenn L. Martin Company” became the “Martin” in “Lockheed Martin.”   My favorite Martins!
The Martin jetpack can carry a person up to 8000 feet in the sky or the 31.5 miles distance that travelling at the maximum regulated speed of  63 mph will take you. With a full tank of gas, that would last roughly 30 minutes, although Martin Aircraft expects that to improve as the manufacturing process becomes more efficient. They are working on a second model that can take you to the moon.  That’s a few years off…
The jetpack is convenient for locations where parking might be an issue. Standing 5 feet tall by 5.5 feet wide, with a length of 5ft.  And if you use stack parking, experts predict you can put about 20 in your driveway.  Meet the Jetsons!
Many of the specs for the jetpack are regulated by FAA restrictions, including the 5 gallon fuel tank and the areas that the vehicle can legally operate. The FAA does not require that users- who will almost certainly be referred to by owners as “pilots”, or “rocketeers”- will however need to file a flight plan before ripping off into the heavens. How the police or an FAA official would be able to catch pilots that fail to file a flight plan is unknown, but odds are they would find a way.
Currently the Martin jetpack is classified as a recreational vehicle, but it is restricted to non-urban airspaces for individuals – at the moment.  Laws will have to be changed and amended to deal with the onslaught of jetpacks and rocketeers.
The price at the moment is $100,000, but the company hopes to bring the cost down dramatically in the near future.
Do you hate traffic?  Do you want to fly?
Then strap it on, baby!


Last weekend’s powerful storm left millions without power and brought countless dollars in destruction. However, the consequences of the event may be even more severe than thought.
Experts have confirmed that last week’s major storm outbreak along the Eastern portion of the United States solidifies Mayan predictions about the end of the world. The combination of the storms along the East Coast and continued wildfires on the West Coast seem to be straight out of ancient texts concerning the prediction.
“It’s not just some calendar from which we get these ideas about the end of the world,” said one expert, who asked not to be named. “Though the famous Great Cycle of the Long Count will indeed be completed this winter, several Mayan texts suggest that certain signs will precede this.”
One of these texts speaks of a “Grand Continent,” which many have come to think describes North America. The text says, “Wind and Fire will take their sides on the Grand Continent, and then will return to meet in the middle.”
“I think that about sums it up,” said the expert.
Last weekend’s mighty storm was labeled a derecho, or a wide windstorm that moves in a line and is accompanied typically by thunderstorms. Authorities continue to battle the effects of the storm and persisting wildfires, but some believe far more is up ahead.
Though the U.S. government has refused to acknowledge the predictions, many believe federal entities are investigating the prophecy and any kind of solution. Weekly World News will continue to the follow the story.

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