It’s Dik-Dik, a Dwarf Antelope !


Miniature Antelope

Meet the Aluna. Her name in Swahili means "come here." It's dik-dik, a miniature antelope. 
Her height is only 20 cm! A Zoo keepers name Chester raised her,when her mother rejected her. 
Looking at these photos, zoo keeper can only envy. 
S not it,she is very nice and lovely. Innocent creature just love her new mom.

Baby antelope at Chester Zoo Time cuddles his adoptive daughter.
Baby antelope at Chester Zoo Time cuddles his adoptive daughter 
Dikdiki (Latin Madoqua) – sort of miniature bovids belongs to the subfamily of  antelopes. 
Dikdiki are common in grasslands and semi-deserts of central and eastern Africa (from Namibia to Somalia).

Dikdiki is 30-40 cm in height and 50-70 cm in length and weighs less than 6 kg.
Baby antelope at Chester Zoo The baby was rejected by her mother 

Dikdiki is 30-40 cm in height and 50-70 cm in length and weighs less than 6 kg.

Dik-Dik — A Miniature Antelope

Aluna is bottle-fed milk five times a day.
Aluna is bottle-fed milk five times a day 
Dik-Dik — A Miniature Antelope

Dik-Dik — A Miniature Antelope

Dik-Dik — A Miniature Antelope

Baby antelope makes big impression at Chester Zoo




What Natural Alkaline Water Is Used For

By Harriett Crosby

Natural alkaline water is just one of the many types of liquid being offered in the market. Water is a liquid that is needed by many organisms. Aside from promoting life, this liquid is also a major material that is being used for daily tasks and processes. Communities all need supplies of this resource in adequate amounts.

People need to drink up daily if they are to survive and function well. You will find it interesting to know that that the body is made up of a large portion of water. This is needed by the cells for the various bodily processes and functions. Every one needs enough amounts everyday to avoid experiencing the bad effects.

When you for an extended period of time without this liquid, then you will soon start feeling the negative effects. Of course, you will get dehydrated but then you will soon start feeling dizzy and weak. You need enough amounts so you can function like you need to. After a certain number of days without liquid, a human will not be able to survive.

When the liquid has a high ph, it can be really useful in neutralizing the acid that has accumulated in the body. It is not good that there be too much acid in the body as it makes one susceptible to sickness. There are harmful organisms that can thrive in this type of condition. This is also associate with issues like ulcer.

Another important role of this substance is that it is necessary to cool down the body. When you are in a place that has warm weather, your body will certainly need some way to cope with the heat. Perspiration will not be possible if you do not drink enough. These fluids help an individual to maintain stability.

Through these fluids, wastes can be flushed out of the body. The bodys daily functions result in the production of waste. These have to be taken out or else it will accumulate in the body and cause problems. The waste can be taken out via urine and sweat. With enough fluids, you can also prevent the occurrence of constipation.

Aside from people, plants and animals also cannot grow if there is not enough fluids. Plants and animals are highly important to societies because they provide many of the things that a community needs. They provide food. Various substances can be sourced from them. Liquids have to be present in big enough amounts to support their growth.

The significance of this liquid cannot be denied. It is needed by organisms to survive. It is needed in everyday tasks like cleaning, washing and so on. Even the smallest household has need of this liquid. Supplies of this natural resource has to be protected and conserved so that these can continue to support the needs of the population.

Natural alkaline water is an important resource because it can be used for numerous things. Plants, animals and humans all need it to thrive. An adequate amount of liquid must be taken in daily. It helps in various bodily functions, in cooling, in eliminating toxins and in dealing with acidic conditions. It promotes the well being of an individual.

Locating Masters Tournament Tickets For Sale Ahead Of Time Is Smart

By Marcia Marks

The Masters Tournament tickets for sale that were available are often sold out quickly. Unfortunately for those who left it too late they will have no chance of obtaining a ticket through the normal channels. There may be a remote chance of getting practice passes on eBay or on the day of the Tournament from a scalper. Practice ones are easier to come by but they will still make a serious dent in your wallet especially if you want to take your wife along.

They say that golf continues to be a sport where ethics and integrity still matter. It is both an individual and a team sport where you have only yourself to rely on. What you put in will determine the contribution and success you achieve. This takes endless discipline and dedication which many are prepared to endure.

For the young folk it seems that golf can reinforce all the basic development skills a child needs in order to begin sound academic learning. If a youngster grows up surrounded by influential business men who will have seen him become not only a decent golfer, but also a fine young man, he may have opportunities he may never have had if he had not moved in those circles.

Many of these golfers started playing when they were really young. Fathers spent many hours, days and weeks pushing to make sure their son worked hard at being the best. Sometimes to the detriment of the child, who after all the years spent only playing and practicing golf, has enough and refuses to play ever again.

Another well-known man said, to him, the Augusta Golf Course has lots of character, individuality and personality. This is one of very few courses in the world that actually offer two games out on just about every hole. The one game is to get to the greens and the other is to figure out all the challenging contours once the greens have been reached.

Even prospective employees, who are also golfers, may have an advantage over the applicant who does not play. Some CEOs regard golf as a test of character for a prospective employee. It is a way of seeing how they cope with pressure and triumph. There is no other game where a player has to report his own infringement of the rules.

One of the greatest highlights of the event is the traditional endearing annual contest of Par 3. This event takes place every time on a Wednesday inside of the week of the event and is broadcast on TV all over the world. It is literally a family outing where children and sometimes even grandchildren are given the incredible opportunity to serve as the caddies for a day.

Should one want the whole family involved in the sport, you had better have a special savings account. Golf is a costly game to play, what with the special shoes, clothes, green fees, golf clubs it all adds up and although it is a wonderful social game, the budget will ultimately decide who gets to play. If the family is fortunate enough to have plenty of money, they may even apply very early in the hopes of getting masters tournament tickets for sale and have the privilege of walking the magnificent course of Augusta with all their golfing heroes.

Becoming Kathy Durst Artist By Viewing Her Work

By Marcia Marks

Kathy Durst artist was educated at the University of Texas at Austin. Born in Redwing, Minnesota, she grew up in Rockford, Illinois and went to an all-girls school. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts and an all-level teaching certificate in Visual Arts. Having retired from teaching, Kathy was invited to display a selection of pieces from her ark-full of painted collages at her first solo show at the Ross Gallery in 2014.

With 25 years of experience adding beauty to the world, the artist has used almost every medium and technique imaginable. The work that is available online is mostly produced using paper painting collage. "Roseate Spoonbill" is an example of the level of detail and range of colors and textures that can be achieved using this technique.

"Lammie", and her "Roseatte Spoonbill" illustrate the amazing amount of depth and detail that can be achieved with fun and simple techniques and materials. "Yulka, " a collage showing a young girl in a swimming pool using an empty soft drink bottle for floatation. This really shows off the three dimensional effects that can be achieved with paper paint collage.

The materials involved in painted paper collage are easily available and not at all expensive. The method can be taught to a group of under-fives in a matter of an afternoon. Give these same children a quarter of a century of experience and the Durst talent and skill, and the future is going to be fun to watch. Try and view some videos on the Internet of people using this method. It will give you an insight into the artist's work. It is incredibly relaxing to view an artist at a day at the office.

The artist appears to be going through an animalistic phase in terms of her chosen subject matter. This may be the result of her forthcoming show at the Ross Gallery. In "Take Me Along, " we see a couple of scuba divers breezing their way through a sea of cuttings from at atlas. They are apparently swimming to music, because they are also awash in a sprinkling of musical notes. This imagery is difficult to achieve with a simple paintbrush and paper.

The artist's work inspires creativity. You can't help but seek out more and more examples of what she has produced. You will also be driven to learn more about the technique and start imagining the fruits of your own efforts. In no time at all, you will feel like a part of the artistic community and assembling your own materials and working space.

Durst's "Rose" is absolutely breathtaking. Coral tones of the blossom itself are picked out in the distant foliage. You will have to pinch yourself to be convinced it is not a photograph. It is difficult to tell what medium the artist employed. It does not appear to be a paper painted collage but with her talent and vision, it very well could be.

Kathy Durst artist uses textured papers and stencils in her work to give it character and depth. As beginners, the best we can hope for is a lovingly-produced Sunday School project. Find the date of her next showing and track down her work. You will be hooked.


Royal Mail unveils Stamps featuring Historic Trading Ships...


Delivering a fitting tribute to the Merchant Navy: Royal Mail unveils stamps featuring historic trading ships from the Cutty Sark to the Arctic Convoys in tribute to sailors

Collection of six stamps celebrates the work of Merchant Navy servicemen over past two centuries
Veterans invited to launch the series aboard Cutty Sark in Greenwich, London today 
A miniature collection of black and white photographs also released to honour war time Merchant Navy ships

A collection of stamps featuring historic trading ships has gone on sale to commemorate the Merchant Navy.
The Royal Mail has created the series of Mint stamps to pay tribute to the contribution of Merchant Navy sailors to the country over the last two centuries. 
The collection was launched today aboard one of its featured vessels, the Cutty Sark in Greenwich, London, with a handful of Merchant Navy veterans there to see their efforts recognized. 

The historic tea clipper Cutty Sark is among the collection of paintings which honour Merchant Navy servicemen
The historic tea clipper Cutty Sark is among the collection of paintings which honour Merchant Navy servicemen
The Clan Matheson is among the ships featured in the collection. It was bought and sold several times before being purchased by the Ministry of Transport in 1955 under the name Empire Claire
The Clan Matheson is among the ships featured in the collection. It was bought and sold several times before being purchased by the Ministry of Transport in 1955 under the name Empire Claire
The RMS Britannia was among the first ships to be built
 by Robert Duncan & Company in 1840, and famously carried Charles Dickens across to the US in 1842
The RMS Britannia was among the first ships to be built by Robert Duncan & Company in 1840, and famously carried Charles Dickens across to the US in 1842

Among the ships are two Royal Mail ships, the Britannia and the Queen Elizabeth, which were used to shuttle mail in and out of British ports in the 19th and 20th centuries.  
The collection is accompanied by a miniature sheet of four additional black and white photographs which depict the service personnel who sailed in Atlantic and Arctic convoys during the Second World War. 
The famous ships each hold a special history which is celebrated in the collection which costs £5.20.
RMS Britannia was a large vessel for its time, measuring 207 feet  long and 34 feet across the beam, with three masts. 

East Indiaman
 Atlas made its maiden voyage in 1813 to India and made at least nine more
 journeys thereafter until 1830
East Indiaman Atlas made its maiden voyage in 1813 to India and made at least nine more journeys thereafter until 1830
The Bulk Carrier Lord Hinton was launched in 1986, measuring 508ft in length and 79ft in breadth
The Bulk Carrier Lord Hinton was launched in 1986, measuring 508ft in length and 79ft in breadth
Contracted to carry Royal Mail post for over two years the RMS Queen Elizabeth became a luxury mode of transport, taking those aboard from Southampton to New York
Contracted to carry Royal Mail post for over two years the RMS Queen Elizabeth became a luxury mode of transport, taking those aboard from Southampton to New York

Boasting paddle wheels and a two-cylinder side-lever engine the ship was relatively fast with an average speed of around 8.5 knots. 
While the Britannia had room for only 115 passengers, RMS Queen Elizabeth held a crew of 400 on her maiden voyage from Clydebank to Southampton.
The gearless Lord Hinton bulk carrier was last active in 2004 and measured 508ft by 79 ft. 

War veterans Sid Hunt, 89, Leslie Taylor, 89, Don Staddon, 88, Captain Gwilym Williams, 98, Derek Ings, 88, and Stanley Mayes, 88 celebrate the stamps' launch in Greenwich today
War veterans Sid Hunt, 89, Leslie Taylor, 89, Don Staddon, 88, Captain Gwilym Williams, 98, Derek Ings, 88, and Stanley Mayes, 88 celebrate the stamps' launch in Greenwich today
Captain Gwilym Williams, 98 took part in Atlantic Convoys during WWII. He was honoured today alongside other veterans abord the Cutty Sark in Greenwich, where the paintings have been turned into flags and raised on the ship's mast
Captain Gwilym Williams, 98 took part in Atlantic Convoys during WWII. He was honoured today alongside other veterans abord the Cutty Sark in Greenwich, where the paintings have been turned into flags and
 raised on the ship's mast
Captain Gwilym Williams, 98 took part in Atlantic Convoys during WWII. He was honoured today alongside other veterans abord the Cutty Sark in Greenwich, where the paintings have been turned into flags and raised on the ship's mast 

The East Indiaman Atlas took its maiden voyage in 1813 to India with a crew of 130 men. The ship was sold in 1931 for breaking after changing hands numerous times. 
Aboard the Cutty Sark, the last known tea clipper which now serves as a monument to war time Navy personnel,the paintings have been turned into flags and are flown on the ship's mast. 
A spokesman for the Royal Mail said: 'This collection salutes the heritage of Britain's trading fleet of ships, which exported and imported goods from around the world, as well as transported passengers - and continues to do so to this day.'
Costing £1.28 each, the stamps are available on the Royal Mail's website.

An accompanying miniature collection of stamps reveals black and white photographs of maritime servicemen in World Wars One and Two
The collection salutes the work of maritime servicemen in WWII who sailed in the Atlantic and Arctic convoys of WWII
The additional stamps honour the service personnel who sailed in the Atlantic and Arctic convoys during the Second World War
One of the four black and white photographs depicts a Merchant Navy North Sea Convoy during the Second World War
Merchant Navy HMS Vanoc takes part in an Atlantic convoy during the war in which many lost their lives at sea
Merchant Navy HMS Vanoc takes part in an Atlantic convoy during the war in which many lost their lives at sea
Servicemen shovel snow from the deck of HMS King George during an Arctic convoy
Servicemen shovel snow from the deck of HMS King George during an Arctic convoy



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