How Evening Dresses Helped Sandy Victims

By Rob Sutter

It's good to see that people can be so giving following such devastating events. Hurricane Sandy may be a distant memory for some but others are still picking up the pieces after the storm. High school students, in some areas, find it hard to acclimate themselves back into their normal routines and when you're talking about the prom, it doesn't seem like evening dresses are a possibility. Others don't think that way and that charitable nature may help to see them to those festivities.

The 7Online website spoke about families in the area of Staten Island, who seemed to have trouble picking up the pieces following Sandy. There were not many funds to go about normal acts and the prom seemed to be impossible to prepare for, at least for a time. Dennis McKeon, who is part of the "Where to Turn" organization, would soon make his presence felt. The organization had many dresses donated to it in the past and now it seemed like the act of good will be carried over to young New Dorp citizens.

The organization, as you could imagine, showed a good measure of success. In fact, 150 dresses were supplied and it seems as though 100 more are to be seen. Hurricane Sandy's effect has been long-lasting but does that necessarily mean that people can't act upon it in some way? This story should offer a feel-good vibe and it certainly does that. Thanks to this organization and its efforts, many young girls can attend the prom and they can do so while retaining a sense of style.

I believe these are the sorts of stories that companies the likes of Estelle's should focus on. The idea of charity is one that rings especially true, as we've learned from this company. These ladies thought they wouldn't have the money for evening dresses, or perhaps even a prom in general, but the dresses were most certainly covered. This is a night when these girls don't have to worry about real life and can simply enjoy themselves. They can go about doing that and the ability to give played a great part.

There's no question that Hurricane Sandy has left a terrible impact on people and it's one of those things that people can't help. However, we do have the ability to rebuild, no matter how long it may take in the long run. Until the time of full recovery comes about, I think it's important to make note of the smaller things in life, since those can leave the best memories with the people. The prom, while seemingly trivial in comparison to this disaster, still means a great deal because it lets people set their problems aside for a time.

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