: Choosing Hypnosis Certification Training To Undergo

By Mattie Knight

Hypnosis is the act of letting a person go through trance and enter their subconscious. There are various therapies connected to this already. And these are being used for various conditions. It especially works for those suffering from mental conditions that has already affected their behavior and is also ruining their lives. It might be considered as part of one therapy or it could also be mixed with other types of treatments.

This is a practice only allowed for those who have gone through the proper training as well as the ones who have the knowledge when it comes to how the mind works. Most psychologists have the power to decide whether or not they should practice this. It can be considered an advanced form of treatment since it require special skills. For those who desire to know more about the treatment, undergoing hypnosis certification training Beverly Hills could be a good idea.

The certification is necessary to help prove to others that you are well trained and highly knowledgeable when it comes to providing this particular service. Others are very reluctant to go to doctors since they do not know if they will be safe. This could be one way that you can properly prove it to your potential clients.

Methods for hypnotizing people could differ depending on the degree that you want it to affect and last the person. It could be done together with other treatment methods or it could also be done on its own. Courses are available for you to utilize if you ever decide to make use of opportunities to become better at what you are doing.

For beginners and those who are just going through this for the first time, the general course is more necessary. You should properly go through it beforehand. And when you desire to advance your level, then you could pursue other courses that would be suited for the purpose that you are trying to achieve.

If you search well, you will find establishments where these courses are often provided. Not many companies and institutes offer this particular course. But even if this is the case, you would still need to properly choose. The learning would not depend on you alone but the environment where you choose to learn.

They should have good reputation. Image is a good marketing tool when it comes to providing businesses that major in services. You can also make use of this as your main reference when it comes to finding a good place. Through reading reviews, you could decide whether it would be good or not.

Another consideration for this is their success rates and the results of their training. You would not want to be in an establishment that could not provide you with the best results at all. It would also be bad for your career if you decide to go with this choice.

It would be good if you research more about your options first. This is necessary since you have no idea where to begin. Aside from that, this can also be a good way for you to know more about what to expect during the entire course.

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Benefits Of Working With Knowledgeable Piano Lessons And Classes In Chicago Specialists

By Della Monroe

Should you be considering performing any work by yourself, first consider the benefits that employing a pro may offer. You may think that you can easily do the job on your own, but chances are you may make basic flaws that could set you back with regards to money and time. This is why it is essential that you get the job finished on the first attempt. If you happen to be deliberating on hiring piano lessons and classes in Chicago specialists to undertake your job, here are some rewards.

A specialist may ultimately assist with saving money and time. They do that by having the correct specialized expertise to be able to, perform the work well enough within brief time frames. If the services that a pro gives you do not satisfy you, you always can hire a different one to assist you to sort out these complications. In the end, you might encounter greater costs and use a little more time on finding the best professional.

Professionals always have a great amount of knowledge. Absolutely, you may be capable of doing a task single-highhandedly however you might not acquire the same outcomes as a pro. Professionals have been effectively handling these kinds of jobs for a long time which enables them to perfectly abstain from the errors that a rookie user can make. This expertise means you will save time on completing the task. Ultimately, you always can find the appropriate counsel from a specialist.

Nearly every guru is also covered, which means that there is a highly reduced liability on the behalf of the clients. This insurance comes in handy if you are not satisfied with the final results of the duty that the pro has done. If so, the insurance company will refund you for the job and appoint another expert to do the job.

Service experts also have the right tools in order to complete your job correctly and successfully. As a rookie client, you may not be able to work with the appropriate tools or not be able to purchase them. By recruiting the proper experts you will not need to worry about service expenses for the accessories or hazards of using them the wrong way. If needed, a specialist can also help you with the appropriate human resources.

Experts also have the most appropriate access to people that can help you later on. By virtue of their skill over many years, they know the appropriate persons for any special task you can have. Thereby they can comfortably get the capacity of their acquaintances and connect them to you according to your needs.

Excellent pros will definitely allow you to learn. While carrying out functions for you, one can inquire further matters and have them address it. By doing this you will expand your consent on the matter and gradually improve your skills.

A guru will consequently make certain that you receive the services that you prefer. Since client expectations vary greatly among several customers, a pro ensures that their operating procedure is customized to comply with the requirements of every user. They are effective in figuring out most difficulties that happen and also learn how to deal with such issues.

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Restaurants Charging More For Alcohol And Spending Increased

By Cornelius Nunev

Adults of the appropriate age sometimes enjoy alcoholic beverages, which are a multi-billion dollar business. However, spending is often more evident in restaurants, where individuals have been steadily charged more for libations.

A massive markup

"What America Spends On" is a series done by NPR that showed more Americans are spending increased amounts on alcohol in bars and dining places. This looked at the last thirty years comparing 1982 to today.

Only 24 percent of spending was on alcohol in dining places and bars in 1982 while the other 76 percent was spent in stores. This was during the Cold War when Americans were struggling through.

The price of restaurant and bar alcohol has increased 79 percent during that time while store prices have dropped 39 percent. This is important because it shows why there was a shift in people spending more in dining places and bars now. Currently, only 60 percent is spent in stores with 40 percent spent in bars and dining places.

More wine spending

The biggest change was what the nation indulges in. In 1982, 48.9 percent of spending was on beer, followed by spirits at 34.6 percent and wine at 16.2 percent. However, spirits have fallen to 12.6 percent of spending and wine has ballooned to 39.7 percent of spending on libations for 2012.

The San Francisco Chronicle explained that there were 329.7 million cases of wine shipped in 2011, which was a milestone in the States. In fact, it was the first time that the country beat France's 320.6 million cases. America is certainly more successful in wine than other things right now.

The American wine industry was a $30 billion industry as of 2010 and the bulk of it is all within the state of California as fully 61 percent of wine produced in the U.S. Was from the Golden State itself. That year, 241.8 million cases went out from numerous wineries. Millennials, the current crop of 20- and 30-somethings, are not only drinking more, but additionally reaching for pricier bottles.

Beer preferred

Beer accounted for 47.7 percent of sales in 2012, which was almost no change from 2012, according to NPR. It is still the drink everyone wants in the nation. Overall, Americans are consuming less though, which is why overall beer production decreased from 1990's 204 million gallons to 2011's 192 million gallons, according to BusinessInsider.

Beer drinkers are slowly gravitating toward brews from Main Street instead of Wall Street, as craft breweries are proliferating. In 2011, an 11 percent growth of the number of craft breweries was recorded over 2010. There were 1,989 craft breweries in operation, with 250 new breweries opening and 37 closing. Craft brewers produced almost 11.5 million barrels, a 5.7 percent share of the market, and made $8.7 billion in revenue.

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Flight MH370 Update 2015: Conspiracy Theories Are 'Wild Goose Chase' In Search For Missing Malaysian Plane, Wife Of Passenger Claims

The wife of a passenger on missing Malysia Airlines flight 370 said Thursday that conspiracy theories and false reports were incredibly harmful to her and her family. Pictured: A man walked pasts a mural representing the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at an alley in Shah Alam, on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. AFP/Getty Images
The wife of one of the passengers of missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 said Thursday that all of the conspiracy theories and false reports of debris were hurting her family and others whose loved ones are presumed dead. Danica Weeks, wife of MH370 passenger Paul Weeks, told the Sydney Morning Herald that the continual search has only reopened the grieving process for her and her children.
Flight MH370 disappeared somewhere over the Indian Ocean in March 2014, and the plane or its remnants have never been found since. Following the plane's disappearance from radar over a year ago, theories have swirled concerning where the plane may be or what happened to it. Rumors have included that it was shot down with a missile, that it landed somewhere in Siberia, that the CIA hijacked it or even that it was abducted by aliens. 
Weeks told the Sydney Morning Herald that these rumors were incredibly unhelpful for her and her family in an interview Thursday. Weeks called the latest theories "another wild goose chase" and described how supposed discoveries surrounding the whereabouts of the plane only reopened wounds that had not yet healed for her and her family.
People across the Indian Ocean have also made claims to finding debris allegedly from the missing plane. After a flaperon was discovered on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean in July, the number of people claiming to have found debris rapidly proliferated. A teenager from a remote island in the Philippines even claimed that he had found the entire shell of the plane, complete with the skeletons of the passengers and pilot, over the weekend.

Some Of The Best Dishes Of Thai Cuisine Las Vegas

By Della Monroe

Thai food is known to be one of the best types of cuisines in the entire continent of Asia with various flavor and spiciness that will appeal to both the locals and even the foreigners. If one is not familiar with Thai cuisine Las Vegas, then he should definitely try it out. Here is a list of some of the most famous and well loved dishes of Thailand.

Tom Yang soup, being one of the signature dishes deserves top mention here as it is a dish that everybody definitely loves. It is a spicy soup dish that has a savory and sour taste and is filled with a lot of seafood and vegetables. Both its taste and its aroma captivates people from all around the world since it is a colorful combination of different kinds of tastes.

One very famous dish that is very well known even in many different countries would be known as Pad Thai. For those who do not know what this is, it is a dish of flat noodles mixed with tofu, bean sprouts, onion, crushed peanuts. This dish offers people a touch of sweetness as well as savory taste that cannot be found with any other dishes.

Som Tam is another very popular noodle based dish that would have some interesting ingredients. Basically, this dish is made out of noodles, some chicken, and green papaya. Now if one is a fan of sweet and sour dishes, then this is definitely a great thing to try out.

Everyone loves curry but the Thai type of curry is a different kind that is unlike any of the normal curry that most people are used to. The Thai curry is colored green and is known to be the spiciest one as compared to the very popular Indian curry. This is also known to have a very exotic taste along with very delicious vegetables and chicken.

If one is into very refreshing soups, then one will definitely enjoy the Tom Kaa Gai which is the most refreshing soup in the Thai cuisine menu. It mixes a lot of coconut milk as well as ginger and lemongrass. This is definitely a delightful dish for those who are into the tangy and sweet type of soups that are light to the stomach and the mouth.

Now if one would want a light snack that can be eaten in a hawker store, then he would probably want Khao Man Gai. Khao Man Gai is pretty much just like the very famous Asian dish known as Hainanese chicken rice but is known to have more flavor and more kick. It is much spicier than its Hainanese and Singaporean counterpart as has a tad bit more flavor.

So if one would want some exotic dishes from the land of Thailand, here are a few that deserve some mention. If one would really want authentic dishes, then Las Vegas, NV would have a lot of restaurants that would serve these dishes. These restaurants are mostly managed by Thais which make the food very authentic.

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Driverless Cars, Buses, Trucks: Singapore Is Planning For Them

A Mercedes-Benz driverless car at the Consumer Electronics Show in Shanghai on May 26, 2015. Singapore is making plans for using driverless vehicles and technology that Mercedes and others are racing to develop. Getty
Singapore will begin tests on self-driving vehicles, part of a plan aimed at addressing its limited supply of land and drivers.
The tests will be done on a six-kilometer stretch in one-north, a science-oriented business park, by the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) and a unit of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), the Ministry of Transport said on its Facebook page. The tests are likely to take off in the second half of 2016. 
The government believes self-driven cars will encourage car-sharing, reducing the number of vehicles and the roads and land that the small city state has to budget for,Reuters reported. Meanwhile, the government said it received eight proposals for using driverless technology for mass transport. Reuters said that this would mean "platoons" of buses, or several buses built and programmed to follow a lead bus with a driver.
"With land and manpower as Singapore’s two key constraints, we hope to gain valuable insights into how we can design our towns of the future to take advantage of this technology and incorporate self-driving mobility concepts into our public transport model to meet Singapore’s needs," the ministry said.
Google has said it will have driverless cars by 2020. Apple, Elon Musk’s electric car maker Tesla Motors Inc., Ford Motor Co. and Germany's BMW are also in the race. Last week, two Japanese companies said they would test a driverless car by early next year.

Knowing About Father Gift Ideas For Daughter

By Della Monroe

Every dad living in America or other places around the world are always thinking about their children every moment of the day. Father gift ideas for daughter are very special since men really admire their female offspring. There are a number of things that these gentlemen can do for their feminine child whenever a special event or holiday is coming up.

A pearl necklace would look lovely around any woman's neck whenever she is going out to dinner or a social event. These white gems can be very expensive if they are purchased at the correct store within the right neighborhood. There are also a few ladies who cannot get enough jewelry that has a diamond attached upon it. The smart dad can also buy his young lass a golden bracelet.

Fortunately any woman around could never get enough clothing to fill up their closets around the house. Any dad can easily make his child happy whenever he takes her shopping at one of the more expensive stores around. If he is trying to watch his budget then his golden child would be happy with any thrift shop around. Teenage girls love to change clothing several times a day.

Everyone also knows that many women love animals and they would be happy to receive a dog or cat when their birthday comes around. Once again a very rich male will ensure that his offspring may also receive a horse or some other type of expensive animal. Two sisters living in Georgia were very happy when their dad made the decision to purchase a stallion for them.

One young lady was just as happy to receive a brand new kitten who had only been on this Earth for a few weeks. She immediately named him Fluffy and was very glad that her dad was kind enough to bring this special pet into her lonely life. She kept that particular cat until the day he died and this furry creature is now buried in her back yard. In a way he is still a part of her life because of this burial.

At times a sincere dad would realize that his young child will need a good car or truck to travel in. He may visit a good dealership to purchase this particular item during the year. Sometimes a really effeminate woman will want him to buy a pink or red automobile.

Once she received this vehicle she was able to go to work, school and any other place that her heart desired. Having her own automobile turned her into an independent woman who could travel the globe without any problems or complications which usually happen.

After getting married to a wonderful man this woman also encouraged her husband to get their female child a car for her sixteenth birthday. There are also quite a few young women who like to travel and they are very fortunate if their dad gives them airline tickets for a wedding gift.

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These 7 Internet Of Things-Powered Devices Will Change Your Life

idevices switch
iDevices' outdoor switch can be controlled from your smartphone. iDevices
The Internet of Things is making its way into our everyday appliances. But do I really need my lightbulbs to get online? We've taken a look at seven big new inventions, including a scale that can walk you step by step through a recipe, a doorbell that can open the door for your Facebook friends, and a soap dispenser that can name-and-shame people who don’t wash their hands.
Soap dispenser
NousLogic Healthcare's soap dispensers can detect whether someone has washed their hands. It's intended for use in hospitals, where employees not washing hands can spread serious diseases. People wear Bluetooth chips that communicate with the dispenser when they enter the bathroom and logs whether someone skips the soap. The system can produce reports that name-and-shame the worst offenders.
The Perfect Company has created two soon-to-be-released wireless scales that can connect to your mobile device. Sit a glass on top, load up the app, and the Perfect Drink wireless scales will help you measure out the ingredients for a cocktail. Or if you're baking, the Perfect Bake wireless scales will walk you through how much of each item to pour into the bowl. The app will sound when it's time to finish pouring, display the next ingredient in easily readable text and even reconfigure the recipe if you pour in too much of an ingredient.
Avi-on's smart mesh bulbs use a draft version of a new Bluetooth mesh standard to talk to each other. No base unit, no nothing. Screw a bulb in, download the app and switch the lights on and off from the comfort of your phone. Avi-on even offers wireless switches, which make moving a light switch as easy as pulling it off the wall and sticking it somewhere new.
Stove and microwave
GE's Chef Connect feature keeps the company's new stove and microwave synchronized. A little glowing Bluetooth logo on the display shows the two are connected, and they will communicate with each other. For example, changing the clock on one will change the clock on the other. Similarly, the range burners will sync up with the vent fan to keep things nice and ventilated.
perfect bakeThe Perfect Bake scale measures out the correct quantities of every ingredient.  Perfect Bake
Pill cap
TimerCap's upcoming iCap is all about making sure elderly relatives take their medication. The cap will tell a paired-up mobile device when a cap was opened, if a cap is opened, how long a cap was open and whether a scheduled dosage was missed. It may seem like something that would require a lot of recharging, but the iCap sips power: The battery needs changing only around once a year.
iDevices' HomeKit-powered array of switches sit between the outlet and the device, letting you switch any device on and off from anywhere in the world. You can even set up specific scenes, such as "bedtime," and have the whole house move over to a preconfigured setting. Tell Siri it's time for bed, and have all the lights switch off, the washing machine go on and the thermostat get set at a comfortable temperature.
KoolTechs' "RingMe" smart doorbell can connect whoever is at the door with the homeowner via Facebook Messenger. If it's someone you trust, you can give their smartphone a digital key to let themselves in. Never again leave a guest out on the doorstep, as the doorbell can even play a personalized greeting message.

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Living A Life That Is Caffeine Free

By Della Monroe

Drugs come in a variety of forms and a number of disguises. One popular drug in particular can be found in coffee, candy, or even popular sodas. It is so common, that more than half of the population has tried it in one form or another. This popular stimulant is known as caffeine. Those that have become easily addicted want to experience a caffeine free way of life.

Some have never considered it to be a drug, but others say that it is. Many call it a good drug because it does offer some health benefits if used wisely. However, others say that because it is addictive, it's not good for an individual. Therefore, many have made a conscientious choice to go without this stimulant.

The decision of course remains left to the individual. Many rely on facts to make the right decision. So, if an individual finds themselves battling anxiety, fatigue, and find themselves slurping down caffeine throughout the day, they may need to step back and evaluate if caffeine is the culprit.

Now, living a life that completely removes the presence of caffeine is not always the right things to do for every individual. Many have stated that they are used to living with the stimulant, and that they simply couldn't live without it. One should ask themselves if they would be able to live a productive life if the product was no longer available. Some have said they wouldn't and this raises a red flag.

It scares some of the population to rely so heavily on a substance. However, going completely without this fix, is not for those that are faint of heart. This decision is for the long hall, and an individual may find that all that they try to do over the next few months may seem even more difficult. However, those that stick with it show no regrets.

Now, there are some major benefits to going cold turkey. Many have witnessed higher energy levels that were consistent and lasted throughout the day. Other individuals have stated that they didn't feel as stressed out or full of anxiety. Waking up in the morning was a piece of cake and a much more enjoyable experience. Some even said that they were able to save an ample amount of money. No longer were they spending their hard-earned dollars on products that contained the powerful drug.

There is, however, a dark side. It's called caffeine withdrawal. It's not a fantasy but it's very much a reality. Symptoms vary among individuals, but some common ones are depression, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, or muscle pain. Feelings of irritability and exhibiting flu-like symptoms are also very common. Some have shared that they felt they couldn't focus or concentrate as well.

So again, the decision to go caffeine-free is not for everyone, but it is not impossible. It depends on how motivated a person is and how much they want to be in control of their lives. Just remember there is no quick fix, but hope is remains to be existent.

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Muslim Fashion Market Poised To Skyrocket As Retailers Like Uniqlo Embrace ‘Modest’ Lines

  • covertime
    Model Hanan Tehaili wears a satin trimmed hijab and maxi cardi in black by Verona Collection, a company that offers modest clothing. Covertime/Alicia K. Kwoka
  • uniqlo-hana2
    The Hana Tajima LifeWear collection for Uniqlo features modest clothes that include flowing dresses and even hijabs. Uniqlo
  • mango_ramadan22
    Spanish clothing retailer MANGO offered a Ramadan collection in 2015, featuring long, flowing dresses in a variety of colors and sleeve lengths. Mango
  • DKNY Ramadan
    DKNY made its Middle Eastern debut for the Muslim holy month of fasting with a collection for Ramadan in 201. DKNY
1 of 4
When H&M featured a Muslim model donning a hijab in one of its video ads in September, the news went viral as Muslims around the world celebrated the step toward inclusion taken by the second largest apparel retailer on the planet.
But for some Muslim women, it wasn’t enough.
“Thank you for showing us a hijabi model, H&M. It’s a great step for diversity. But you’re still not giving us the clothes -- where are the clothes?” asked Stephanie Khalil AlGhani, founder of Covertime, a fashion magazine aimed at Muslim women.
AlGhani, a convert to Islam who worked in the modeling industry, is not the only fashion-savvy consumer asking that question. “Just because young Muslim women are very passionate about their faith doesn’t detract from them wanting to be fashionable,” said Shelina Janmohamed, vice president at Ogilvy Noor, a division of Ogilvy & Mather and billed as the world's first specialist consultancy for building brands with Muslim consumers.
Janmohamed, who spoke with International Business Times from London, added that such women are desperate for retailers to offer clothing that is both stylish and helps them adhere to Islamic dictates of modesty. And that doesn’t mean selling hijabs, the head covering that some Muslim women wear to cover their hair, but looser-fitting clothes that cover more of the body rather than displaying it.
“There is a growing market for what I broadly call ‘modest fashion,’” said Reina Lewis, author of the forthcoming book “Muslim Fashion: Contemporary Style Cultures” and a professor of cultural studies at the London College of Fashion at the University of Arts London. “The global Muslim population is youthful and growing. So far, marketing to Muslims has focused on food and finance -- but I think fashion is going to be the third.”
Money To Spend
The numbers point to an incredibly lucrative market: Muslims around the world spent $266 billion on clothing and footwear in 2013, according to a report on the global Islamic economy from Thomson Reuters. That figure is expected to surge to $484 billion by 2019. That, coupled with the fact that Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion -- Pew Research predicts that Muslims will surpass Christians as the world’s largest religious group by 2015 -- has some mainstream designers and retailers taking notice.
DKNY was the trailblazer, launching a women’s capsule collection for Ramadan in 2014. Other designers and retailers have followed suit. In 2015, a number of designers and retailers marketed special collections during the Islamic holy month, including Tommy Hilfiger, Oscar de la Renta, Zara and Mango. The tony fashion shopping site Net-a-Porter offered a “Ramadan edit” that included a $3,200 silk crepe gown from Etro and a $2,900 Oscar de la Renta georgette caftan.
Figures on how these collections have performed in terms of sales are hard to come by, says Lewis, because brands are tight-lipped about their numbers. Mango, the Spanish retailer that offered a Ramadan collection, told Fortune magazine in July that it was “pleased” with how its collection was selling. And other anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that the reception for such lines has been strong.
“For example, the DKNY collection was marketed in the Middle East by the local branches there. I spoke to someone there who said that the people at DKNY central had not anticipated the response they got,” said Lewis.
Some retailers are branching beyond marketing solely centered around Ramadan. In July, the Japanese clothing retailer Uniqlo partnered with Hana Tajima, a popular Muslim fashion blogger and designer, to launch a “special modest-wear collection” of clothing that includes flowing skirts and dresses, loose blouses and even hijabs. The well-known Malaysian pop star Yuna modeled some of the clothes, which are available to shoppers in Singapore and Malaysia, mostly online.
uniqlo-hana1Malaysian pop star Yuna (center) is one of the models for Uniqlo's Hana Tajima collection.  Uniqlo
Janmohamed says that Uniqlo’s move is a sign of things to come. “It has been a trickle in the last couple of years, but we’re starting to see more of a waterfall. We’ll see more brands develop communications first -- as H&M did -- and then products next,” she said.
While they applaud the trend, many Muslims living in Western countries like the United States and the United Kingdom are still frustrated -- mostly because these retailers sell their modest-wear collections solely in the Middle East and Asia. Evans says that there is a hope these retailers were look westward to expand their offerings in Western Europe and North America, but expects it to be a “slow burn.” (The market potential for Muslim e-commerce spending on clothing in the United States, Germany and the UK is about $952 million, according to Thomson Reuters.)
Turning To D.I.Y. Fashion
But some women can’t wait -- and are taking things into their own hands. That's evidenced by the scores of Muslim fashion bloggers and Instagrammers who post pictures of how to style modest looks from commercially available clothes. And some are going even beyond that. 
“We’re seeing a lot of women setting up their own clothing lines and brands to serve their needs,” said Janmohamed.
Ibtihaj Muhammad is one such example. The 29-year-old from Maplewood, New Jersey, is a member of the United States fencing team and perhaps best known for being the first Muslim woman to compete for the United States in an international sporting competition. With that high profile comes the need to attend a lot of events.
“I was always on a never-ending search for the perfect long-sleeved dress,” said Muhammad, who also wears a hijab. “I was ordering online from overseas a lot, dropping $200 or $300 on clothes. One day I was complaining about it and my brother suggested I make my own.”
Muhammad took the suggestion to heart, sketching designs, researching manufacturers, and getting a family member to invest in a fledgling company. The result: Louella, an online shop that offers everything from flowing dresses to jumpsuits to tunics in a steamlined, contemporary style.
louellaThe Glitz Onai jumpsuit sells for $85 at LouellaShop.com.  Louella
It’s been, by most accounts, an incredible success. Muhammad says that when she started selling items on the website in May of 2014, she was working with one manufacturer and was selling about 10 items on the site. That has expanded to seven manufacturers that now supply about 65 items to meet the incredibly demand. In the first year of sales, Muhammad says the company made about $250,000 in profit.
She admits that while her platform as a public figure helped with the company’s visibility, its success also speaks to the hunger Muslim women around the world have for the kind of products Louella offers. (The site ships internationally.) And since going into business, several bigger investors have approached her to grow the company at a faster pace. But Muhammad, who has her sights set on the 2016 Olympics, says that she’s declined until she can fulfill her Olympic dreams and then focus on the business exclusively.
Until then, she’s just happy to do what she can to fill this market niche.
“When you think of the Muslim woman consumer, we’re no different from anyone else,” said Muhammad. “We like to shop, we like to find a bargain and we like to be fashionable. That’s what we’re offering at Louella -- clothing that is modest, affordable and stylish.”

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