Sexy Styles For Hair

By Darren Hartley

If you think that sexy hair styles need to consist of long, flowing hair, you are surely mistaken. Short cuts can also be long, that is, on style and flowing, that is, with that all important wow factor. There is a secret to wearing an awesome haircut, and the secret is, in the selection of a cut that suits not only your facial shape but also your hair type as well.

Among the most coveted awesomely sexy hair styles are blunt hair cuts. Short, midi or long stresses can all benefit from the addition of the hottest short angles. This is definitely an idea worth experimenting on. A pretty and fabulous fringe design applied on a blunt hairstyle is sure to be a smash as long as it fits the face shape.

Sexy hair styles incorporating flipped bangs give a retro-chic inspiration to the look of a woman. Furthermore, there is a sensual and romantic ambiance that comes with flipped bangs. For conservative women who nevertheless are looking to create an overwhelming visual effect with their hairstyle, the addition of a few colourful or neutral toned ribbons to braided hair is the way to go. To add a little romance to the hairdo, the use of colourful ribbons will do the trick while a classy and delicate appeal can be attained with the selection of black, white or creamy colored ribbons.

There is no doubt that braided hairstyles top the list of sexy hair styles that men find most impressive. The freshness, coupled with the low key look they provide, leave men open-mouthed in admiration. Therefore, women on the look out for a hairstyle that will leave a lasting impression on their man must be careful in picking out the one braid style that perfectly fits her personality.

Other sexy hair styles that men find irresistible are short crops. The modern vibe that this hairstyle adds to the look has kept more and more men impressed. Because it radiates confidence only adds to its ability to turn heads and roll eyes.

Messy waves in sexy hair styles are like magnets when it comes to boys. Boho-chic waves on a woman's hairstyle cannot do without admiring glances from a boy or two, or three, or four. On the other hand, medium layered hairstyles, with their versatile and alluring effect, win hearts of men, in quantities more than a woman can expect.

How To Swear In Different Languages

We already know how to order beer in other languages and how to "shush" people in a foreign tongue... but what if you need to be a little less polite on your travels?
A new series of guidebooks will teach travelers to "rant, bitch and swear" in a number of languages, from German to Spanish. True, it's tough to provide a perfect literal translation of swear phrases, and colloquialisms differ from region to region. Buttravel sites have been quick to point out their favorite sayings even prior to the books' release, and we are jumping on the f*ckin' bandwagon.
De l'air!
It means: "Piss off!"
Say it: when you're chastised for putting bread on a plate.
Un fouille-merde
It means: "shit stirrer"
Say it: to the women who whisper about your lack of designer clothing.
être criminal comme un balais
It means: "to be dumb as a brush."
Say it: um, never? Like actually... why would you call someone a brush?
Völliger Bockmist
It means: "complete bullshit"
Say it: to the guy who steals your lane in his tiny German Auto.
Es ist zum Kotzen!
It means: "It makes you want to puke!"
Say it: when the bratwurst line is too long to handle.
It means: "Son of a bitch!"
Say it: to the crazy Americans who try to hail taxis
Farsela addosso
It means: "shit your pants with fear"
Say it: on the summit of Scala dei Turchi.
Una patada en los cojones
It means: "a real kick in the nuts"
Use it: when you wipe out while windsurfing.
Estar pedo
It means: "to be drunk as a skunk"
Use it: after a night at Cardamomo.


මට රටවල් පහක ගෙවල් තියෙනවා.. සිදුහත් කුමරුට මාලිගා තුනක් තිබුණා..

මට රටවල් පහක ගෙවල් තියෙනවා.. සිදුහත් කුමරුට මාලිගා තුනක් තිබුණා..තමාට ඇමෙරිකාව, ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාව, කැනඩාව, එංගලන්තය සහ ස්විට්සර්ලන්තය යන රටවල් පහේ ගෙවල් පහක් තිබෙන බව මහජන සම්බන්ධතා හා මහජන කටයුතු ඇමැති මර්වින් සිල්වා මහතා කියයි.
ඔහු එසේ කීවේ පසුගියදා ඇමෙරිකාවට ගිය ගමනේදී ඇමෙරිකානු ඩොලර් දසලක්‍ෂයකට එරටින් නිවෙසක් මිලදී ගැනීමට යන බවට මාධ්‍යවල පළවූ පුවත සත්‍යයක්දැයි කළ විමසුමකට පිළිතුරු දෙමිනි.
රටවල් පහකින් ගෙවල් පහක් මිලදී ගන්නට තරම් මුදල් කොහෙන්දැයි ‘මව්බිම’ විමසූ විට ඇමැතිවරයා කීවේ ඒ රටවල සිටින තමාගේ මිතුරන් හා ඥාතීන් තමාගේ ආරක්‍ෂාව සඳහා එම ගෙවල් තමාට ලබාදී තිබෙන බවයි.
‘ආරක්‍ෂාව’ සඳහා යැයි කියන්නේ ජීවිතයට කිසියම් අනතුරක් හෝ තර්ජනයක් තිබෙන බවක්දැයි ප්‍රශ්න කරද්දී ඇමැති මර්වින් සිල්වා මහතා පැවැසුවේ කරදරයක් වුවහොත් කියායි. එහෙත් තමාට කාගෙන්වත් තර්ජනයක් හෝ ප්‍රශ්නයක් නැති බවද ඔහු කීය.
සිද්ධාර්ථ කුමාරයාට රම්‍ය, සුරම්‍ය හා සුබ නමින් මාලිගා තුනක් තැනුණු අතර මර්වින් සිල්වාට රටවල් පහක මාලිගා පහක් ඇතැයිද ඔහු කීවේය.
හිත හොඳ මිනිසුන්ට, මනුස්සකම් දන්නා මිනිසුන්ට මනුෂ්‍ය ලෝකයේ පරිත්‍යාග ලැබෙන බව පැවැසූ ඇමැතිවරයා අනේපිඬු සිටුතුමා බුදුන් වහන්සේට ජේතවනාරාමය පූජා කළ අතර විශාඛා දේවිය මේල පලඳනාව විකුණා වේළුවනාරාමය පූජා කළ බවද කීවේය.
ලෝකය පුරා මගේ මිත්‍ර, ඥාති චේන් එකක් තියෙනවා. මට ලංකාවේ ප්‍රශ්නයක් නෑ. මම මැරෙන්නෙත් ලංකාවේ. මළාට පස්සේ යළි රුහුණේ ඉපදිලා කැලණියට එනවා යැයි මර්වින් සිල්වා මහතා පැවැසීය.
- මව්බිම
30,257 Viewers

Vent A Hood Toronto Life Engaging Changes

By Marci Glover

Family expansion often means that more space is required. With this additional consideration comes the possibility of whether or not a vent a hood Toronto would be required during the final stage of relocation.

When babies are born to a couple who are happy together and want the extension then life can seem perfect. It is only human to want to increase the family unit with one's own blood line. Here the chance to know that there is more to life than just being care-free and working. It becomes about the next generation.

This only leaves on resort and that is for the couple to move into a home that will be large enough for them to live comfortably. The demands of a baby are often really great and cannot be ignored and so when this happens finding a home can become important. It is a very big step to have to buy a house especially when you have to consider what other financial outlay might be involved.

People know that they have to plan for their finances in order to be able to get the best out of them. This is more so when you are planning to get a house that you intend to make a home. Money becomes important in not only getting the house but in also making sure that it will have all the right equipment that will assist in making your life easier. This is the challenge that many couples face with much glee.

So finding the right home to house everybody and including all the necessary equipment for daily living can be challenging. People have their own individual tastes which often direct them in making certain purchases. This is why the challenge can be hard, but if a couple have been together long they often find they can agree. Once the financial planning has been in place it becomes important to locate the right agent to assist in the search.

Sometimes people can find they waste too much time dreaming. However, in order to make these dreams a reality all they need to do is make a list. Knowing all the things that your ideal home should have always helps to bring the vision to life when you start your search. It helps to leave no stone left unchecked in your pursuit of happiness.

Children have to have a community that will make them better people. It is more than just about getting the right house, it is about the people that will influence your child's life. When you consider this, this can be quite worrying because every parent wants to do right by their child. They want to make sure that all the needs such as schools, friends and social gathering places are there to give them the best chance in becoming the best they can be.

Even parents know that they should not try to restrict their lives by not having a social life. This appreciation is the reason why there are so many social places that people can go to have some time to relax.

The speedier the things are attended to, the quicker a family can finally settle in and attend to acquiring a good social live. Life is to be lived and enjoyed with friends and family in a new home.


Medical Waste Florida Clearance Facilities

By Marci Glover

Medical leftovers are different from other kinds of remains because they are things that expose many people to avoidable types of illnesses and hence they ought to be disposed in a very safe manner. They put the physicians who usually need them and the overall community in jeopardy. There are numerous dumping firms that are in charge of medical waste Florida.

The left over from medical practices has been a critical problem in many urban areas for many years now because the users never have an idea on how to dispose them after they have been used. The existence of firms that help with this work has however reduced this problem by charging their clients a small fee that they can easily afford.

These organizations typically take the job of eradicating the waste in a safe way into their hands. What they do is transport the remains from the area of making to the area they are dispose of without causing harm to any individual. They normally have skilled workers who have the needed knowledge to take care of any clinic waste in a suitable style without hurting themselves or some other people. Their shipping services normally observe the rules of the environmental unit of Florida.

Their services include things like biomedical garbage pick-up, picking up of sharp objects and also handling of these leftovers. They also remove the pathology and chemotherapy leftovers in the state of Florida. They first identify the client to know which specific kind of services they will need for instance if they will need their unwanted substances to be picked daily, weekly, twice a week or monthly.

The second step of the procedure is the documentation between the firm and the clients before the contract can be effective. After the contract has been signed, the company will now take possession of all the remains from the medicinal practices of the clients. They are the ones who will now answer to the remains from the point they are picked to the area of disposal.

These companies make their services available to different types of customers, most of them being hospitals and clinics. Residues are also picked from households and the workplaces of private physicians and caregivers. Other clients that are qualified to these activities are tattoo parlors, correctional departments, blood banks, nursing homes, dentists and many others.

One method of taking care of these wastes is by recycling and later reselling the materials. This method is able to do the required job while at the same time sparing the environment from deterioration and keeping the people healthy. There are users of such stuff but they never know of a safe way of handling them so they end up burning them causing a very bad case of pollution.

The coming generations need to have this same environment we enjoy now and so it is important for every single person to make an effort in taking care of it. If the nature is destroyed right now then the people in the coming generations will have a lot of difficulties in this world. People in the therapeutic sector can take a step by investing some of their resources in a good and safe disposal method.


The Franciscan Missions Of Texas Including The San Antonio Missions Tour

By Marci Glover

The City of San Antonio, Texas, was founded largely by the efforts of Antonio Olivares, a Spanish monk born in 1630, known colloquially as simply San Antonio. San Antonio is also responsible for celebrating the first Roman Catholic mass in Texas. He was instrumental in founding the institutions behind the San Antonio Missions tour.

The largest of the missions, regarded as the "Queen of the Missions, " is San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo, now known more informally as Mission San Jose. Work began on its construction in 1720 and the mission was completed in 1782. In 1874, both the dome and the roof collapsed. The year 1928 saw the collapse of the church tower. The church itself is constructed of brightly colored stucco and Texas limestone.

Spectators on the tour should watch out for features such as intricate carvings, quatrefoil patterns, flying buttresses and the famous Rose Window. The choir loft is formed from a total of 25 risers, all of which were carved by hand from the same log. The structure contains no nails or pegs.

A person could be forgiven for expecting the Rose Window to follow the pattern of other similarly-named features of its kind. The traditional rose window, or Catherine Window, is a generic term applied to a window in the form of a circle. The structure is divided by "spokes" using tracery and mullions, earning it the alternative name, "wheel window."

Although completely different from the traditional rose windows of Europe, this particular specimen was no less grandiose. It has its own folklore, although nobody can say for sure how it acquired its name. The structure is close to the ground at only 4.5 feet and stands a full seven feet tall.

The San Antonio Missions National Historical Park encompasses three other Franciscan edifices. These are Mission San Francisco de la Espada (Mission Espada), Mission Nuestra Senora de la Purisima Concepcion de Acuna (Mission Concepcion), dedicated in 1755, and Mission San Juan de Capistrano, which was completed in 1756. The latter, Mission San Juan Capistrano, should not be mixed up with the mission in California, which is famous for the return of hoards of swallows each year during the month of March.

The fifth Spanish mission located in San Antonio, The Alamo, was the site of one of the defining battles in Texas history during the Texas War of Independence (otherwise known as the Texas Revolution). The war, lasting six months, was between the Mexican government and the colonists of Texas. That particular conflict ended with the formation of the Texan republic. Prior to the Mexican-American War that took place in 1848, Texas was formally entered into the union as the 28th state.

No longer a Roman Catholic church, the mission at The Alamo is now a museum in downtown San Antonio as part of the Alamo Plaza District. A viewing of each of the other Franciscan missions, located in the National Historical park, can be completed in roughly two to four hours per site. In total, the park is home to more than 180 species of bird. Admission to the park is free, as are the guided tours.

This Floating Palace Hotel Is All We Ever Wanted And "Moore"

Bond, played by Roger Moore, used the Taj Lake Palace as a beautiful backdrop for beating bad guys in 1983's Octopussy. But forget 007, the only number you need to remember here is "5," for 5-star service and amenities.
taj lake palace
This "shimmering jewel" is located on Lake Pichola, and the palace is part of a secluded four-acre estate in Udaipur, India. Guests reach the private palace by boat, and from there they are guided to one of the gorgeous 66 rooms -- 17 of which are suites.
taj lake palace
Though the palace is a bit pricey, the experiences are well worth it. Indulgences include having dinner in the middle of a lake, having an escort follow you around with sparkling wine, or exploring India with your own royal butler. Sounds like a posh palace experience to us!

taj lake palace

taj lake palace

taj lake palace

taj lake palace

taj lake palace

taj lake palace
taj lake palace

The History Of Theater Arts

By Minnie Whitley

Phoenix is a city which enjoys a vibrant mix of arts and culture. Artists from different genre and scenes have a lot of opportunity to share their talents and crafts. A large number of cultural facilities and public art displays can be found in the city. They also offer scholarship grants for talented young artists in the community. Theater Phoenix is one outlet for artists to develop their acting skills and creativity.

A local agency takes care of the management of some important cultural facilities in the city. The Phoenix Convention Center Department looks after the famous Orpheum Theatre, Herberger Theater, Executive Conference Center, Symphony Hall and the Convention Center itself. Local and international tourists are attracted to cultural events, which in turn has greatly helped in the economy of Phoenix and the Arizona state.

Theater has played an important role in the daily lives of people. Actors and artists believe that it is one form to express their selves. Everyday is treated important, like it would be their last performance. The Herberger Theater is a huge part of the performance arts of the city.

Live performers present before a live audience in an auditorium or in a wide open space. A combination of gesture, song, speech, music and dance is used to better express the expression needed in a play. The stage or platform where they perform is ornamented with crafts and designs to best enhance the visual experience of the audience.

The history of the word, would take you to ancient Greece, where the word theatron, is used to describe a place of viewing. It also came from theaomai which means to watch, or to see, or observe. The Modern play of the West that you see today has been greatly influenced by Ancient Greek dramas. Characters and settings, themes, genres and even the technical aspects of theatre were borrowed from old Greek dramas.

Theatre performances can be classified according to its components and how it is being executed. One type is the drama, which depicts a certain mood of fiction in a presentation. A musical play is a combination of speech, music and dance. Comedy, incorporates humor in telling a story, which most people liked. There is tragedy, a different kind of drama which shows representation of any event in history.

Experience Broadway shows, concerts and operas at the newly renovated, historic Orpheum Theater. Located on West Adams Street, it is one of the most historic places in Phoenix. The last remaining example of a theatre palace type of architecture in Phoenix was originally built in 1929. It happens to be the only theatre in the greater Phoenix area listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

It was closed for some time for renovation, and has just been operational in the 1997. Its total seating capacity is around one thousand three sixty people combined in the orchestra and balcony levels. Free tour inside is offered occasionally by a docent.

Any form of art is an expression of yourself. Being creative is always good. Some people are born with this special talent. And some discover their inner artist by study and practice. Always remember that your actions can be a reflection of what you feel. Most importantly, the performing arts are considered a part of what you are, cherish it.


All Eyes On Charm City

All eyes are on Baltimore this weekend as Kentucky Derby winner California Chrome hits the ground running (see what we did there?) to keep the dreams of a Triple Crown alive at the 139th Running of the Preakness Stakes. And while this famous horse race is sandwiched in between two other uber-famous derby days, some of us would like to argue this one's the best.
The host city has a little something for every type of traveler. Bonus: There's nothing like Baltimore in May.
So come to Charm City for Preakness, but stay for all of this...
Spirit of Baltimore Dinner Cruise
inner harbor
A DJ on board and delightful ride around the beautiful Inner Harbor while you dine on a delicious 3-course meal? Sounds like a no-brainer to us.
139th Running of the Preakness Stakes
preakness infield
Avoid the craziness of Pimlico on raceday and head over a day early for Black-Eyed Susan day. If you're interested in the real deal and want to experience Infieldfest at its very best, buy your tickets and get ready for some serious fun.
Crab Feasts, Crab Feasts and More Crab Feasts
crab feast baltimore
To come to Baltimore and not have crab should be a crime. Crab feasts are, of course, the most authentic ways to dive in headfirst to some Old Bay-covered steamed crabs, but if the timing isn't right, it just isn't right. There are plenty of spots around town that take their crabs very seriously, so you won't miss out even if there is no feast to be found. A few places we'd recommend... Faidley Seafood in Lexington Market, theRusty Scupper and of course, the infamous Phillips Seafood.
Baltimore Farmers' Market & Bazaar 
baltimore farmers market
You'll find Baltimore's best-of-just-about-anything at this Sunday-only bazaar. From fruits and veggies, to seafood (hello again crabs!), baked goods and multicultural cuisine, your tastebuds will get a serious workout. If you're not an adventurous foodie, there are plenty of other shopping opportunities at the market, don't you worry.
Oriole Park at Camden Yards
camden yards
Arguably one of the best ballparks in the whole country, Camden Yards really is spectacular. Although there aren't any home games during Preakness weekend, we'd recommend heading down to the park to have a look anyway. It's only a short walk from the Inner Harbor and you'll get a "two for the price of one" feel, as M&T Bank Stadium (where the Ravens play) is right next door. Pop into Pickles Pub for a drink and a bite to eat to really fill out your Baltimore Orioles experience. 

තොරණේ පිටුපස වෙනස

වෙසක් උත්සවය වෙනුවෙන් කොළඹ නගරයේ ඉදිකර ඇති තොරණ්වල මේ පාර වෙනසක් දකින්න පුළුවන්.ඒ තොරණේ ඉදිරිපසින් බැලුවහම නෙවෙයි.... පිටුපසින් බැලුවාම. ඒ තමයි තොරණ රඳවන සම්ප්‍රදායිකව යොදාගත්ත පුවක් කඳන් වෙනුවට ගැල්වනයිස් බට යොදා ගැනීම. 46 වැනි වරටත් ඉදිකෙරුණු කොස්ගස් හන්දිය තොරණටත් මේ වෙනස එකතුවෙලා.. ඊට හේතුවූ කරුණු ගැන කොස්ගස් හන්දිය ශ්‍රී වෛශාඛ්‍යය සම්බුද්ධාලෝක තොරණ සමිතියේ ලේකම් ආර් එම් ඒ ටී වරාගොඩ මහතා මේ විදිහට අදහස් දැක්වූවා...

German recovery gathers momentum in Q1


Air Berlin says looking at all options for restructuring

imageFRANKFURT: Air Berlin said it is looking at all options, including its business model, as it prepares to launch a fundamental restructuring aimed at restoring the loss-making airline to profitability.
"Work is in full swing on all elements of our restructuring programme," Chief Executive Wolfgang Prock-Schauer told analysts on Thursday after the group reported first-quarter results and said it needed "fundamental change" to ensure long-term profitability.
The German airline, in which Gulf carrier Etihad owns a 29.2 percent stake, has reported annual losses for five out of the past six years after fast expansion left it saddled with debt.
It had already announced plans to cut costs and 10 percent of its workforce under its Turbine restructuring programme, but after asking shareholders last month for more funds it said the programme was not enough and has called on consultants to help it to develop new, deeper measures.
"We have assembled an additional package of measures and will define a strategic realignment," Prock-Schauer wrote in Thursday's quarterly report.
Analysts have long called for Air Berlin to rethink its business model, a mix of charter routes to holiday destinations such as Majorca, plus short-haul point-to-point traffic and some long-haul routes.
Late on Wednesday it reported first-quarter results showing a slightly narrower operating loss of 182.8 million euros ($250.6 million), revenue down 3.8 percent, net debt of 800 million euros and negative equity - where debts exceed its assets - of 399 million euros.
"No improvement and negative equity of about 400 million euros.
Where is the viable business model?" one Frankfurt-based trader asked on Thursday.
Etihad, which has provided Air Berlin with a shareholder loan, bought a majority stake in its frequent-flyer programme and last month subscribed to 300 million euros of perpetual convertible bonds, has also called for an "accelerated and fundamental restructuring" of Air Berlin.
Prock-Schauer said on Thursday that it is too early to give details of how the restructuring could look but added that Air Berlin is moving away from a phase of capacity cuts and expects growth in passenger numbers and revenue this year.
Copyright Reuters, 2014

Tips On Getting An Electric Unicycle

By Arline Bradley

You have always wanted to explore the city, but not having to be on a car. You know that the entire area is bust and congested with traffic especially in the peak hours. The last thing you want is to actually be traveling around and then ending up getting stuck in traffic as a result. You know you are going to need to find an alternative choice.

One of the best things about many of the new innovation for transportation these days is that they do not use combustion. They tend to be operated with batteries that are charged with electricity. This is perfect if you want to avoid going for choices that are only likely to escalate environmental solution. You just need to get an electric unicycle Singapore.

If you are really interested in buying and owning one, there are some things for you to consider fist. You want to be able to make the right choices and you need to be sure that the ones that you are going to get this time are really going to work best for the purposes that you will use them for. Since you have many options, it helps that you find out a lot of things on how you can choose better.

Know why is it that you arr really interested in owning such a unit. You will find that making a choice is not going to be as challenging as it should be since you have successfully established the reasons why you are interested in getting this unit. You can use these reasons to help guide you towards

Determine how much the budget is as well. Always find the time to get your finances checked before you head out to stores and check out what are the options that are present for you. This can help make it easier for you to opt for choices that will work best for what it is that you can easily pay for when the time comes for you to finally make a decision.

Determine the kind of battery that the unit of your choice has. This is a device that is going to rely on electricity for it to work. So, find out the specifications of its battery first. Find out the actual length of travel that you can make out of a single charge on the battery then, you can easily plan your usage of such an equipment better as a result.

Consider the price. Remember, you have already set a budget that you would want to spend for this particular purchase. As much as possible, stick to numbers that are within your current range. It is always very helpful that you find out whether the rates of these items fall under the category you have set so you will not have a tough time covering it.

Find out about the different brands that are available for you. You have to find out the things that you can get out of selecting these choices. Find out what the others around have to offer as well. This is very helpful so you are sure that you get the right unit there is. You are advised to test your choices out. Then, you're sure that you are getting something that would fit your needs best.


The Most Confusing Cities On Earth Are Perfect For Getting Lost

Sometimes you just need to put your map away and get lost.
Losing your way in an unfamiliar city is something we all fear, but it also can be the very best way to explore and discover things you would never have seen if you stuck to your guidebook.
These seven cities have puzzling layouts that baffle even the most experienced travelers. Check them out below.
Boston's layout harkens back to America's early days, making it incredibly charming and completely mind-boggling. The majority of the city's winding streets aren't gridded in any particular fashion, confusing pedestrians and drivers alike.
Canals, bridges, narrow curving streets, dead-ends... Venice is the mother of all confusing cities. Wander off from the tourist areas, take in the beauty and let the maze-like streets guide you. You may end up discovering a pocket of Venice you'd never have encountered.
Washington, D.C.
washington dc aerial
Washington's layout may be grid-like, but it's still tough to navigate. Streets can be numbered, lettered or named after a state, and they intersect in the most bizarre ways. Traffic circles and one ways plague drivers and cyclists, while pedestrians can easily get confused by strange street quirks, like the fact that there is no "J" street and "I" and "Eye" street are the same thing.
Tokyo can be very disorienting. The city's fast pace, flickering lights and eye-catching scenery can make it very easy to veer off track. And that's not a bad thing... you can see a whole 'nother side of Tokyo by getting off the beaten path. The Japanese address system is also unique and hard to get a hang of, so there's a good chance you'll get lost even if you know where you're going.
Marrakesh is a crowded maze of old-world streets, dizzying markets and all kinds of unfamiliar sites (snake charmers, anyone?). Marrakesh's medina is a labyrinth of streets and alleyways, and roaming them freely is the best way to absorb the city and admire its unique art and architecture.
amsterdam aerial
Amsterdam is lovely, but much like Venice, it's canal-centric layout can be very perplexing... and that's not a bad thing. Wandering or biking along the canals, with no particular destination in mind, is the perfect way to stumble upon unique nooks of the city.
Ho Chi Minh City
ho chi minh city
Ho Chi Minh is a "conundrum" of a city. It's unique, fast-paced and filled with hidden wonders. The city is known for its many alleys, which can be particularly difficult for newcomers to navigate.

බොබසේ ආගමික අන්තවාදයට එරෙහිව අගමැති ගම්පොලදී තනිවම පාරට බසී----

බොබසේ ආගමික අන්තවාදයට එරෙහිව අගමැති ගම්පොලදී තනිවම පාරට බසී----
(ලංකා ඊ නිව්ස් -2014.මැයි.14, ප.ව.5.30) ජාත්‍යන්තරය ත්‍රස්තවාදී සංවිධායක් ලෙස නම් කර ඇති රාජපක්ෂ රෙජීමයේ සහායෙන් පවත්වාගෙන යන බොදු බලසේනාවේ අන්තවාදීන්ට එරෙහිව අගමැති දිමු ජයරත්න ගම්පොලදී තනිවම පෙරට පැමිනීමේ ප්‍රශස්ත කටයුතු සිදුවීමක් වාර්තා වේ. මෙම සිදුවීම අන්තවාදී ලෙස සමහර විද්‍යුත් මාධ්‍ය විසින් ප්‍රචාරය කිරීමද හෙළා දැකිය යුතුය.
සිද්ධියේ සත්‍ය මෙසේය.
ගම්පොල සහිරා විදුහල මුස්ලිම් විදුහලකි. මුස්ලිම් සිසුන් දහස් ගණනක් අධ්‍යාපනය ලබන එහි බෞද්ධ සිසුන් ඉන්නේ 50 කටත් අඩු පිරිසකි. වෙසක් දිනයේ මුස්ලිම් විදුහලේ වෙසක් සැමරීමට බෞද්ධ සිසුන් ඉල්ලා ඇත. ඊට අවසරය දුන් විදුහල්පතිවරයා, විදුහලේ බණ දේශනයක් ද පවත්වා ඇත. ඒ සඳහා බෞද්ධ කොඩි වලින්ද පාසැල සරසා තිබේ. පසුව සිසුන් පිරිසක් පන්ති කාමරයක වෙසක් කූඩු හදද්දී විදුහල්පතිවරයා පැමිණ 'ඩෝන්ට් ප්‍රොඩියුස් හියර්' යනුවෙන් සිසුන්ට පවසා ඇත. ඉන් ඔහු අදහස් කර ඇත්තේ පන්ති කාමරය හැඩි කිරීමකින් තොරව වෙසක් කූඩු හැදිල්ල කරගෙන යන ලෙස සිසුන්ට පැවසීම ය.
අසල පන්සලක වෙසෙන බොදු බලසේනාවේ තක්කඩි චීවරධාරියෙක් මෙකී සිදුවීම කපුටු පිහාටුව කපුටන් හත් දෙනෙක් මැරුණු බවට ප්‍රචාරය කළා සේ ආගම්වාදීව ප්‍රචාරය කරමින් මුස්ලිම් විදුහල්පති වෙසක් සැරසිලි ඉවත් කළා යැයි කියමින් ජාතිවාදී උද්ඝෝෂනයකට ජනතාව පොළඹවා ලී ය. මොවුන් ඊයේ ගම්පොල නගරයේදී උද්ඝෝෂන පෙළපාලියක් යද්දී ගම්පොල වෙසෙන අගමැති දිමු ජයරත්න ද එම ස්ථානයට පැමිණ උද්ඝෝෂකයන්ට ඍජුවම විරෝධය පෑවේය. පසුව තක්කඩි චීවරධාරියෝ අගමැතිට ද එරෙහිව කෑ කෝ ගසමින් පෙළපාලි ගියහ. දිමු ජයරත්නද සිද්ධිය අත නොහැර තම පිරිස්ද කැටිව ජාති බේද අපට එපා, ආගම් බේද අපට එපා, කියමින් පෙළපාලි ගියහ. ඔහු ත්‍රීවීලරයක නැගී ශබ්ද විකාශන යන්ත්‍රයක්ද භාවිතා කරමින් ජනතාව අමතමින් ජාතිවාදයට විරුද්ධව උද්ඝෝෂනය කළේය.
දිමු ජයරත්න ද ගම්පොල නගර සභාවේ විපක්ෂ නායක එජාපයේ හෙට්ටිආරච්චි ද සහිරා විදුහලේ ආදි සිසුන් වෙති.
තක්කඩි චීවරධාරීන් උපවැදි කොට ශාසනයෙන් ඉවත් කිරීමට හැකිවන ලෙස නීති ගෙන ඒමට බුද්ධ ශාසන ඇමැති වන අගමැති දිමු ජයරත්න ක්‍රියා කිරීමට යන බව පසුගිය කාලයේ වාර්තා විය. ඊට පෙර බුද්ධ ශාසන අමාත්‍යාංශය තමාගේ යටතට පවරා ගන්නවා යැයි මැදමූලන මරා ජාතික හෙළ උරුමයේ ඕමල්පේ සෝභිතට පොරොන්දුවක් දී ඇතැයිද ලංකා ඊ නිවිස් අභ්‍යන්තර තොරතුරු සේවය වෙත වාර්තා වී ඇත. මැදමූලන මරා අගමති ලෙස සිටියදී මහාමාර්ග අමාත්‍යාංශය පවා අගමැතිවරයා යටතේ තිබුනද, දිමු අගමැතිවරයා වූ පසු ඔහු යටතේ ඇත්තේ බෞද්ධ කටයුතු අමාත්‍යාංශය පමණි.
මෙහි දැක්වෙන්නේ ගම්පොල විරෝධයේ වීඩියෝ පටයකි.

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Ceylon Herbal Flat Tummy Tea

  Ceylon Herbal Flat Tummy Tea  Unlock the power of nature with our Ceylon Herbal Natural Flat Tummy Tea. Crafted from 100% natural ingredie...