Black Monday Meltdown And Bill Gates: Billionaires' Wealth Plummets In 'Great Fall Of China' As Rich Lose Billions

Wang Jianlin, Asia's richest person and the chairman of Wanda commercial properties, lost $3.5 billion Monday after Chinese stock markets plummeted. Above, Wang attends a ceremony during the debut of Wanda at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Dec. 23, 2014. Reuters/Tyrone Siu
For the world's billionaires, this week is already proving rough. The Chinese stock market dropped 8.5 percent Monday, the biggest single-day decline since 2007, and the world's 400 richest people lost about $124 billion collectively. Chinese billionaires lost more than $14 billion of their net worth Monday alone, while the Shanghai composite index dropped by another 7.6 percent Tuesday, Bloomberg reported.
Wang Jianlin, the richest person in Asia and chairman of the Dalian Wanda Group, was the hardest hit. He lost $3.6 billion Monday, more than any other billionaire. Of that, $2 billion was lost when shares of the Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties Co. sank 17 percent since going public in December. Another $1 billion in losses came from declines in the Wanda Cinema Line Co.
Bill Gates, the former Microsoft chairman, was the second-most affected person, losing more than $3.2 billion Monday. In Asia, billionaires in mainland China suffered the most, losing 6 percent of their total net worth. 

China's stock markets have been steadily dropping since mid-June and in the past month have declined by more than 30 percent. The government devalued the yuan, or renminbi, Aug. 11 in a futile effort order to break the fall. But when the Shanghai composite index fell nearly 8.5 percent Monday, regional and global markets reeled. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, for instance, dropped 1,000 points upon opening Monday morning and closed nearly 600 points down.
For the billionaires, this week's losses were hardly unpredictable. Last week, the world's same 400 richest people lost a total of $182 billion as markets fell. That might sound like a lot of money, and to most people, it is quite the fortune. But for billionaires, it's less significant that it sounds, some suggested.
“For them that’s a fractional percentage, even though $182 billion is a big number,” John Collins, director of investment advisory at Aspiriant, a wealth management frim for high net worth clients, told Bloomberg. “A week like this feels really bad, but when you take a step back, in a big-picture view it’s not a disaster by any means.”
Wang still has a fortune of $31.2 billion, the Bloomberg Billionaires Index showed. One Japanese billionaire, meanwhile, even benefited from the chaos. Tadashi Yanai, the richest person in Japan, gained $106 million as the yen strengthened against the dollar.

සංගා‍ගේ සමුගැනීමේදී ඔබ නොදුටු පැත්ත මෙන්න

කුමාර සංගක්කාරගේ ජාත්‍යන්තර ක්‍රිකට් දිවියෙන් සමුගැනීමේ උත්සවය ඊයේ පැවැත්වුණි. මේ එහිදී ඇස ගැටුණු ඔබ නොදුටු ඡායාරූප පෙළකි.

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Correct Ways Of Renting An Airport Limo

By Shawn Hunter

There are major occasions to consider that need preparation such as renting a limo or other vehicle services. When looking for this kind of service, ensure to choose the best company. It can also be challenging for others especially for first timers but everything can really be fine. The thing is to be responsible in choosing the right one.

A lot of companies are indeed offering the basic and the most affordable services but do not accept it yet. There are certain standards and rules that have to be followed well to get rid of choosing the wrong service. Consider factors like reputation and years in the business are only few of the major considerations. There are indeed many of them including Denver airport car service to Breckenridge and others.

Before renting one, planning is indeed vital. Identify the needed requirements before choosing the right one. Your purpose matters so much as well when planning or booking a service. Right procedures need to be followed properly. You can rent it for a specified time to solve any complications along the way. One can also request for extended hours or minutes depending on their needs.

Consider too the people that will be there and their overall number. There are indeed several of them that will be accommodated in the vehicle. The standard size will only allow at most ten people. Overcrowding has to be discouraged as it could really be dangerous. This can affect the comfort of the passengers as well.

You need to search for all the details regarding the companies involved. Once everything is fully set, know a good provider that can offer you the finest services. You have to deal well with everything given that it is an important factor. A perfect indication that the company can accommodate is the method of answering all your questions or interacting with you.

The provider needs to give you a one of a kind tour. They should answer all your questions as much as required. Never hesitate to ask about the business because as a customer, it is your main responsibility. Be very careful however when checking the parts of the limo, their license and other things that matter. Everything should pass the standards that you have set to ensure that everything will be good.

You can also ask for different recommendations form your family and friends especially those who have tried doing it. Any of those potential rental companies must be selected carefully to do it well. They need to also offer the most reliable driver and give you the best experience when riding one.

Another is also asking for help from your friends who have done the transactions before. You can indeed trust them because they also have tried renting one. They should really consider a provider based on their track records and experience. This can indeed assure you of complete safety and great experience.

It simply shows that you are interested with the services they are giving and you like to know more about it. Several companies are indeed there to offer major discounts and promos to make sure that the appointment will be successful in a way. Put in mind the details of the transaction.

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Forming An Excellent Luxury Yacht Charter

By Shawn Hunter

This business will only work if you will go to the field full prepared. That is the reason why you have to read this article once and for all. When that occurs, then you will realize that there is so much work to be done. You are not allowed to waste your time in here and this is very important because your future is in your hands.

For starters, you would have to write a business plan. Your luxury yacht charter Southern California would never materialize if you do not have the slightest idea on what you are about to do. So, sit with everyone else who is involved in this business and arrange everything you need to begin this project.

You should have the complete set of permits with you by now. Take note that it is not that easy to get these things together. So, allot a huge portion of your time table for this stage since you will never know when your local government will decide to fulfill their end of the bargain. Being prepared will really save you in here.

One boat will be enough for your operations right now. Be reminded that this is the moment in which you have to be practical instead of the other way around. You cannot afford to lose a great sum of money over something which you are not yet certain of. So, start small and you might end up somewhere big.

You ought to become concerned on the supplies which will be on that boat too. Take note that you have promised nothing but the best to your customers. So, get them the best food even if that will cost you a lot of money. This is what you have signed up for and there is simply no turning back.

Advertise to the best of your abilities. Talk about what you have come up in here. If this is not enough to get the word around, then check your budget and see where you can spend it. If you can get a great package for posters, then go ahead with that arrangement and distribute the papers to your workers.

Get the best crew which you would be able to find. It is not enough for them to possess all the necessary skills on board. They would have to be friendly and charismatic at the same time for your prospects to have a whole day of fun and keep coming back for you. This is what really matters.

Be sure that your medical kit has the complete line of medicine for sea sickness. If not, then you are not permitted to go to the deepest waters just yet. So, fix this one ahead of time and buy all the items which you need.

Overall, settle for being the most excellent option in Oxnard, CA. Yes, the road to that stage is a long one but you have to go through this in order for you to succeed. If not, then your dream shall remain inside your head and this is not good.

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St Thomas Aquinas High School Football Team

By Jana Serrano

Football is undoubtedly the most popular sport in the United States. It is by far the most watched event in the entire nation, bringing together multitudes of people from all walks of life. This creates a friendly, testosterone driven atmosphere filled with shouts and cheers for their bets to win.

This game requires extensive training to maximize chances of winning and minimize the dangerous consequences of errors in this full contact sport. The number of students who participate have grown quite fast and they all have the passion and competitive edge to become champions. The Raiders, which is the St Thomas Aquinas High School football team, have won almost a hundred trophies.

The thing about this game or The Raiders or generally games like this is that there is this pure, unabashed joy of connecting with other fans and indulging in the revelry of rooting for their team to grab the coveted championship. Quite ironically, joining others in a festivity like this brings out not only the competitive nature in each of us. It also promotes a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie that facilitates excellent social relationships.

Team sports are the best avenues for learning fantastic social skills as they provide a relatively safe simulation of what do during tough situations. One such setup can be found in schools during Physical Education classes and extra curricular activities that give students a chance at joining varsity teams and compete with other schools.

Such sports that students participate in are practically considered simulations in which the teen develops quick decision making skills, empathy, proper conduct, respect, and most especially teamwork. This has been incorporated by St Thomas Aquinas into their students and has long since benefited from the positive results of their athletic programs ever since.

St Thomas coach Rocco Casullo himself has verbalized how proud he is of the guys on the offense, defense, and special teams. He mentioned that they put it all together after their previous loss. This shows resilience which makes them very admirable and popular.

The Raiders have been through ups and downs, just like everyone else. It goes without saying that they too faced their own weaknesses and bounced right back. With the help of their mentors and the support of the entire school, their players have learned valuable lessons, survived, and prospered season after season of hardcore full contact games.

The team showed humility when they admitted certain areas of their behavior and attitude they could improve on to make them more effective. In the previous season, they stated that due to complacency, they have been defeated. This type of arrogance has no room in their group and is being addressed appropriately by their coach. With much discussion and further training, the group recovered and won yet another trophy in their latest battle on the football field.

The Raiders set the bar high with their stellar defense and unstoppable touchdowns. For them, it is a matter of doing what is needed to be done. The manner of execution is incomparable and this team is almost unbeatable. If there are loopholes in their techniques, they can find them and fix them. They are a confident team with a highly competent coach to boot. If anything, they can dissect the weaknesses of other teams too. This enables them to find a way to exploit their defenses and ensure a victory in the end.

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Questions Every Aspiring Actor Should Ask

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

Those who have been involved in acting can tell you that it's one of the best experiences to be imagined. Even though it will take work, the truth of the matter is that you ultimately receive what you put in. You must learn every step of the way, either through normal studies or the efforts you put on stage. For those who are looking to get the most out of this endeavor as possible, these are just a couple of queries you would be wise to bring up.

"What is the pertinent factor in this field?" Acting entails a number of components, some perhaps more important to you than others. For instance, even though you may be able to act well, your memorization of key lines may be shaky. This is where you may be asked to study your script more constantly, focusing on important lines that you know you'll have to get right. If you're able to take part in this, it's likely that you will become that much better of an actor.

"What kinds of acting tools are there?" Of course, there exist multiple ways to increase your skill in act, which is what you should know. Method acting is perhaps one of the most common methods, as it entails the idea of playing a character on a regular basis. When you do this, even the most mundane actions require you to stay in the role, which has a positive impact on your work. Keep in mind if you are looking for more unique exercises to take part in.

"How do I approach any audition?" After you are through with college, it's safe to assume that you will take part in auditions. It's understandable as to why this is, since it's the main way to land any role. However, you must approach this matter with a sense of confidence. You must not be overly conceited, though, as those who are in charge of auditions will pick up on this. They want to hire people who are best for the job, in terms of talent and personality, so try to find the perfect balance.

Hopefully these questions can help you better understand how to become a better actor or actress. You want to get involved in theater, as well as behind the screens others can watch, all the while portraying characters in unique stories. Even though your ability may be shaky, at the onset, this doesn't mean that you'll be unable to improve. It's just a matter of asking questions, absorbing the knowledge given, and putting it to use throughout your studies and life in general.

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Parliamentary Election - 2015 list

Taking Paddle Board Tours Jacksonville FL

By Olive Pate

Jacksonville FL has waterways with incredible wildlife as well as beautiful views that you certainly should experience in an exciting as well as fun way. In most instances, you may find it difficult to decide on the right adventure for yourself or for the entire family. As expected, you certainly would like the best value for the money you will be spending for it.

Some people may already be apprehensive about wanting to take another excursion. This is usually the case especially if they have already been on one before and their experience was less than perfect. However, they should realize that not all paddle board tours Jacksonville FL are created equal.

As a matter of fact, the excursion can be fun and education as long as the guide is experienced and knowledgeable. This is an excellent way for people to make sure that the guide knows where to find the wildlife and can take them to the best spots. Getting the most of their excursion is possible as long as they get the right guide. There are three things people should look for in their next guide.

Your guide must be equipped with knowledge. You and your family will only end up being taken in deep water if your guide does not know his or her way around. You have to make certain that the adventure is mapped out in advance or is set with a guide that certainly knows the area.

It is advisable for people to ask about the experience of the guide before they go. Experience is important for them to make sure that the guide knows how close they can get to the wildlife in the area or the safest routes.

As expected, not every single family member has time to take lessons before the adventure. For this reason, the guide will be required to teach everyone of you the basics before setting off on your adventure. Apart from the skills of the guide, he or she must be patient to teach amateur paddlers. In most instances, staff as well as guides have such qualities.

You and your family can select from several options for your next adventure. Your adventure can be one of a kind provided that you have a skilled as well as knowledgeable guide. Most guides are equipped with kayaking experience. Most staff members as well as guides are able to make your adventure fun as well as educational. Furthermore, they will make certain that you are all safe as well as will have an excellent time.

You should be prepared to walk on water especially if you are often in search for fun activities for the family. This is a great way for everyone to learn as well as practice right SUP techniques apart from exploring the natural background of the waterways of this place. Such activity is considered as a great workout for the whole body. As expected, it is a chance for everyone to see the wonderful views of the mountains and wildlife. It is not a waste of time at all.

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The Efficiency Of Lap Band Surgery For A Person

By Olive Pate

A healthy lifestyle is what almost everybody wants. Somehow they would find ways just to make their selves a lot healthier. Moreover, people look for effective yet instant options to get the body that they want. Many of them prefer to have a medical operation. In less than a day they can achieve the body that they are longing for.

Humans always prefer a kind of ways in which they will not need to be fat again. So with a lap band surgery NJ where there are multiple facilities that cater this operation to a persons need. There are patients that are greatly satisfied with the result. Tackled below are some of the advantages of this type of surgery.

Short hospital stay. This is one of the best for individuals who does not want to stay longer. It can also be a sign that you can lessen your bills. This also signifies that a person can easily recovers less than they have expected. However, to avoid from any further complications, it is important that a patient rest well after the operation.

It can also minimize weight with people who have obesity problems. Someone with this type of disorder have proven to be more prone to many diseases. Through the use of this kind of operation there is a possibility that a person became healthier. This is one reason why some obese individuals prefer this one rather than a tiring and timid exercise.

Its safer compared to other. Many people also feared that they might get harmed if they undergo in an operation. However, this one has a great chance for survival in a patient. Having this as a great benefit will be a nice thing. However, it is still important that a person will remain to live a healthy way. Moreover, choosing the right kind of service should also properly decide.

The operation is mostly covered by some insurance companies. This will also help you to cut the cost that will be spent. If some unwanted mishaps might possibly happen then at least you know that you are ensured. However, before you indulge into an operation, asses first your insurance company that they are willing to oblige for some damages that might happen.

You are also assured of an effective result. Those who tries this have a high tendency to lose weight. However, to prevent from any further complications, its important that you do things rightfully. If you might commit some unnecessary things, then your stomach might get hurt. Be more aware and conscious of yourself after the operation.

The operation is favorable in different countries. Many individuals across the world have tried this kind. That is why it has gotten into the interest of those who are also willing to undergo in this surgery. Though checkup after the procedure should also be maintained.

Decide on your own if you have the guts to be prepared with this. Its better to ask some experts and professionals about many things. A person should always sets in his or her mind how essential is the decision that he or she will make.

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'ඡන්දෙ නොදුන්නොත් අකමැති කෙනෙක් පාර්ලිමේන්තු යන්න පුළුවන්' - කැෆේ

'ඡන්දෙ නොදුන්නොත් අකමැති කෙනෙක් පාර්ලිමේන්තු යන්න පුළුවන්' - කැෆේ

'ඡන්දෙ නොදුන්නොත් අකමැති කෙනෙක් පාර්ලිමේන්තු යන්න පුළුවන්' - කැෆේ
ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ නොකර සිටීමෙන් අකමැතිම පුද්ගලයාට පාර්ලිමේන්තු යාමේ වැඩි අවස්ථාවක් හිමිවන බව කැෆේ සංවිධානය සඳහන් කරයි. 
ඒ හේතුවෙන් ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම අනිවාර්යයෙන් කළ යුතු බව එහි විධායක අධ්‍යක්ෂ කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් මහතා පවසයි.
මේ වනවිට මැතිවරණ ක්‍රියාදාමයේ සමස්ත බලය පොලීසිය සහ මැතිවරණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව අතට පත් වී ඇති බවත් ඒ හේතුවෙන් නිදහස් හා සාධාරණ වටපිටාවක් මැතිවරණ ක්‍රියාවලිය තුළ නිර්මාණය වී ඇති බවත් ඔහු පෙන්වා දෙයි.
දිගු කාලීන නිරීක්ෂකයින් 340 දෙනෙක් මැතිවරණය ප්‍රකාශයට පත් කළ දිනයේ පටන් යොදවා තිබුණ ද මැතිවරණය ආසන්න දිනය සහ මැතිවරණ දිනයවන හෙට (16) සහ අනිද්දා (17) දිනවල මැතිවරණ නිරීක්ෂණය සඳහා 9,000 ක පිරිසක් යොදවන බවත් මෙවර මැතිවරණ නිරීක්ෂණ කටයුතු පිළිබඳ අදහස් දක්වන තෙන්නකෝන් මහතා පවසයි.
තව ද මැතිවරණ නිරීක්ෂණ ජංගම සේවා 400 ක් පමණ දිවයින පුරා යෙදවීමට නියමිත බව ද ඔහු පෙන්වා දෙයි.

අධිවේගයේ නොමිලේ යන්න අවස්ථාවක්

අධිවේගයේ නොමිලේ යන්න අවස්ථාවක් 

සිය ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම සඳහා ගම්බිම් බලා යන ඡන්ද දායකයන් වෙනුවෙන් ගමන් පහසුව සඳහා එළැඹෙන 17වැනිදා අධිවේගී මාර්ගයට ඇතුළුවන සියලුම වාහන සඳහා පැය 12ක කාලයක් නොමිලේ ඇතුළුවීමට අවස්ථාව ලබා දි තිබේ.
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A Guide To Living In Hong Kong

By Jonny Blair

In Hong Kong you can find a load of really cool places to live. Whether you want a high rise, a small flat or a mansion by the beach it's a city which clearly caters to everyone and is worth checking out. This will give a good overview into life in the Kong!

Discover how you can be cost-effective and contented with your space of choice when you settle for an apartment hotel Hong Kong in Happy Valley.

In Happy Valley which is on Hong Kong Island you will be impressed by the crazy range of things to do, the excellent location and the brilliant views. Happy Valley is stunning and a load of ex Pats, foreigners and Chinese locals all come here to chill out in swanky apartments after a hard day's work.

Hong Kong can be a dear place so you do need to consider a lot of things if you want to meet your budget. You want a good location as well as cutting your costs.

Managed apartments are a great alternative to pricey hotel room accommodations because living spaces like these already come as fully furnished and fully serviced units. You can even stay in one for as long as you like, without breaking the bank.

These type of serviced lodgings will not only offer you some cost-effective housing options, but the managed flats also offer big spaces - a rarity in Hong Kong to have more space around you. You'll also love the fact that there will be lots more privacy in your apartment, as room designs and outlook have been well thought out.

Bathrooms and kitchens are standard these days, and while you will pay extra to have the main essentials installed it will be worth it once you move into that flat and feel the magic of your own place. Hong Kong is a truly magical and wonderful place to live.

Happy Valley is in Hong Kong island near Causeway Bay and is a mixture of locals, mainland Chinese and even foreign ex-Pats. Hong Kong's diverse appeal means you will always have something to do and people to meet wherever you go.

You'll certainly feel relaxed when you stay in a V apartment because each space already comes fully managed (comes with a commendable set of services) and fully furnished (comes with the latest and finest resources and amenities, just like in a hotel). They definitely have all the things that you're looking for in a place and more.

Hong Kong is a really cool place to live!

About the Author:

Starting Your Own High Fashion Jewelry Business

By Olive Pate

Having a talent in creating different jewelries might be a good reason to start your own jewelry line. And since there are many individuals especially women who love to own their jewelries, starting your shop is a great way to earn extra income. These days, some sellers who are offering and selling their items in both online and on site.

There are some jewelry businesses that fail because they do not plan it carefully. There are many ways to become successful in this venture. You only have to use some of these tips to get started. Starting your own high fashion jewelry NYC business requires design and technical skills. Thus, spend more time to design jewelry for your friends, loved ones or for yourself before you start the venture.

Make comparisons with your creations to other competition. If you see a difference with your pieces to others, it only shows that you are ready to belong in the industry. Gather important tools or materials you need in making fine jewelries. You can purchases the materials from either bulk or wholesale resources in order to save more costs for the production.

Although setting the process is not easy, but considering important factors is very helpful for this process. It would be easier for you to set the cost depending on the expenses you spend for the operating process and the money you spend for acquiring the materials. Next to plan where you will sell the items.

Normally, there are different options to consider in terms of sales. Nowadays, there are many sellers who prefer to offer and sell their items online, since there are many people who are engaging to online buying and selling. But, still, some sellers prefer to sell their products at local shops and boutiques.

It is also important to speak with an accountant or a business adviser to find out the best ways to start a jewelry business. Start learning about this undertaking, register with the income revenue service and how to handle proper taxation. Check out what type of liability coverage and insurance you need. Better ask from the local government about essential licenses and permits to get started.

Be sure to think about certain marketing tools. In this case, no need to spend thousands of money for the advertisement of your items. This is because, you can actually promote the products in social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to study various aspects about the industry and to successfully manage your store.

It is also essential to make a logo for the shop so that it can be remembered easily by the buyers. You will also register this. Printed catalogs are also essential to market and promote your shop. People can easily some of your creations.

Take business courses if possible and read books to run your business effectively. Teaming up a friend who is well versed in this venture is also helpful to become successful in this undertaking. It is best to take jewelry making classes IN NYC to develop more your abilities and to learn different techniques. Read some magazines and journals about the trends of the industry.

About the Author:

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