AT&T Virtual PrePaid
AT&T Virtual PrePaid is a great way to stay connected to family and friends all over the world without having to carry a card.
So, whether you’re new to the U.S., traveling abroad, have family members in the military or just want to supplement your home or mobile phone calling plans, the weight has been lifted. AT&T Virtual PrePaid is for you!
When traveling internationally, it's not always clear what is the most cost-effective way to call back to the U.S. Here's a primer on what to use, when, and with which phone. Got that?
What's the best option when calling from a hotel, international residence or payphone?
To place a call from an international country to the U.S.
What about calling with an internationally-subscribed mobile phone?
How about my own U.S.-subscribed mobile phone?
What's the best option when calling from a hotel, international residence or payphone?
To place calls to the U.S. from a landline phone overseas, use AT&T PrePaid Minutes and/or an AT&T PrePaid Phone Card with AT&T USADirect and you'll likely save considerably.
AT&T USADirect access numbers are always toll free from fixed line phones. Using a local phone to access AT&T USADirect, then paying for the call with a prepaid card can be an optimal way to save on charges compared to calling with a US-subscribed cell phone, which will incur roaming rates/fees.
Prior to leaving the U.S., purchase minutes by clicking on the "buy now" link at the top of this page, then obtain the AT&T USADirect access number for the country you are going to, by visiting
To place a call from an international country to the U.S.:
From a touch-tone phone, dial the AT&T USADirect®access number for the country you are in.
When asked to enter the number you wish to call, enter the toll-free Access Number (without a '1') found on your AT&T Virtual PrePaid Minute Verification email or AT&T PrePaid Phone Card. (View sample)
When prompted, press 1 to hear the instructions in English, 2 for Spanish.
When prompted, enter the PIN. (View sample)
After entering your PIN, dial 1 + Area Code and Number to complete your call.
Due to Government restrictions within some countries, using PrePaid Minutes to place a call may not be available from every country. Call Customer Service for international calling information before leaving the U.S.
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What about calling with an internationally-subscribed Mobile Phone?
Using AT&T PrePaid Minutes and/or an AT&T PrePaid Phone Card with AT&T USADirect to place calls back to the U.S. from an internationally subscribed cell phone.
If you have an internationally subscribed cell phone, you can save on calls back to the U.S. when traveling internationally on business or leisure by using AT&T USADirect in concert with AT&T PrePaid Minutes and/or an AT&T PrePaid Phone Card.
AT&T USADirect access numbers are usually toll free when called from a locally subscribed cell phone in a foreign country - using this service with AT&T PrePaid Minutes can help you save on calls back to the U.S.
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How about my own U.S.-subscribed mobile phone?
A U.S. subscribed cell phone used in a foreign country will always charge a roaming fee, even when calling a number that is toll free within the country you are calling from.
AT&T USADirect access numbers are not toll free when dialed from a U.S. cell phone used in a foreign country - therefore, it is not recommended to use your cell phone with AT&T PrePaid Minutes when traveling internationally and calling back to the
U.S. - you will be charged twice, once for the roaming access to AT&T's network (charged by the local network provider) and once for the use of the prepaid card.
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Those are the facts. As you can see, AT&T PrePaid Minutes can help you save while you travel the world. Buy yours today!