New Gardeners Need Gardening Books For Beginners

By Flossie Gibbs

Any new gardener needs to add gardening books for beginners to their family library. There are volumes with beautiful illustrations of everything from herbs and flowers to vegetables and wild plants. There are also great little picture pop-up varieties for children who wish to learn about plants and nature, and how to grow food from seeds.

Learning about edible plants that grow wild in the region is something that should not be ignored. In the event of a natural disaster, having this information on hand in a book can save people from starvation. One may even have these plants already growing in their gardens, and they might not even be aware of it.

Most of the flowers people are familiar with are totally edible, and people are not always aware of this. The common dandelion, for example, can be added to salads along with nasturtiums which have a lovely, peppery flavor. Roses, iris bulbs, and wild onions are other edible options that people frequently find growing in their gardens, or around their homes, and these can provide nutrition without pesticides or GMO seeds.

The benefit of keeping written information on successful garden creation and maintenance can save a person a great deal of time and money. One can waste resources purchasing plants without knowing the ideal conditions to grow them in. This can be insulting when one receives a plant as a gift, but kills it right away by giving it too much sun, or too little, or growing it in the wrong kind of soil.

One common mistake new gardeners make is to create a beautiful garden bed, then mulch it with pine straw or pine bark. There are only a few varieties of plants which thrive in the acidic soils created by the presence of pine, and an entire garden can be killed in this way. One must know the ideal environment to create for their plants if their garden is to be a success.

These books can also teach gardeners about natural pesticide alternatives, even providing recipes. When one grows food for their families, it is not ideal to drown these food plants with pesticides which can actually be dangerous to their health. Learning how to control weeds and insect infestations in a more natural and organic way is beneficial to anyone who intends to eat what they grow.

There are some flowering varieties which are commonly found in gardens that are quite poisonous, and such a book can provide information and photographs of these toxic plants. Deadly nightshade, also known as belladonna, is one such plant which goes from flowers to sweet and enticing little berries which can kill just about any human or animal that ingests it. In addition, both the angel trumpet and the devil trumpet are very poisonous.

The best way to ensure the success and safety of any garden project is to purchase gardening books for beginners. Growing flowers and food is a healthy hobby which can be very satisfying, and even provide the household with an all-natural and self-replicating food source. One does not necessarily have to have a yard to do it either, as apartment dwellers can take advantage of container gardening for the same purpose.

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