City Bike Roads: Why Should The Building Process Be Stopped?

By Rob Sutter

Cars seem to have the most space spared to them out of just about any land-based vehicle. I know that these are the most typical ways of moving about but why does it have to be that they are the only ones commonly looked at? While you may not think that other modes of transportation, in this regard, deserve to be looked at, they should be. A city bike road system sounds ideal and the fact that it has been paused in some areas of the world isn't right.

News stories speaking about protesting groups may typically have legitimate reasons to go about cases. The article that I had read on Global Edmonton is one that makes me shake my head, especially since I support the creation of city bike lanes. Residents within the Edmonton area had voiced their concerns about this movement, believing that it would do nothing short of hindering drivers on the road. It's a conflict in which companies such as Linus Bike would offer support to the cycling community.

There are a number of concerns that seem to have risen when it comes to the building of these roads. One of the big ones is a reduced amount of parking space, since there may be a 15 minute loading zone if this construction process manages to go through the entire way. The article also said that the people were not consulted about this, making it harder for them to speak out about it. While construction may raise a number of concerns, I don't feel like many of them deserve the loss of sleep.

If there's one thing that I would expect these stories to show, it's the element of support. People want to see these roads being created, I am sure, which means that people would want to back it up. Cyclists have been vying for ways to get around safely and the creation of roads intended only for them is something that I am in full support of. I just hope that the backing of others can be seen in time since I don't want to see this level of potential go to waste.

As someone who rode his bicycle about constantly until it was stolen, I would have loved to see a city bike road system come about where I live. Sometimes it's difficult to keep your sights on everything, scanning your surroundings while you continue to ride on. I just don't want to see a lack of support come about if this idea is proposed. If it happens, however, you better believe that I will be the first one to jump onboard to see it occur.

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