Why China’s Unbalanced Growth Will Not Lead To A Hard Landing

  • China factory
    Employees assemble washing machines on the production line inside a factory of Hefei Rongshida Sanyo Electric in Hefei, Anhui province on Aug. 13, 2013. Reuters
  • China magnifying glass
    A visitor uses a magnifying glass to look at a handmade wood carving in the shape of a Chinese ancient pavilion at a culture industry exhibition in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, July 2, 2013.REUTERS/Jon Woo
  • China factory
    Employees assemble washing machines on the production line inside a factory of Hefei Rongshida Sanyo Electric in Hefei, Anhui province on Aug. 13, 2013. Reuters
  • China magnifying glass
    A visitor uses a magnifying glass to look at a handmade wood carving in the shape of a Chinese ancient pavilion at a culture industry exhibition in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, July 2, 2013.REUTERS/Jon Woo
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China’s growth is unbalanced -- that's a fact. But it’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Skeptics point to the country’s overreliance on the large investment share of gross domestic product as a basic reason to be bearish. The standard argument would go like this:
No other country has an investment share of nearly 50 percent of GDP. This means that much of China’s investment is wasted, there's lots of overcapacity, and household consumption is suffocated. The model has to change, but it isn't changing, so we are likely to see either an investment crash (i.e., a “hard landing”) or several years of very low growth (say, around 3 percent) as China absorbs overcapacity, resolves bad loans and begins proper rebalancing. The government should promote consumption-driven growth as the antidote to the current investment-led growth model and any decision to support investment amounts to dangerous backpedaling on reform.
Stephen Green and Wei Li at Standard Chartered think otherwise. It’s true that China’s household consumption as a share of GDP has declined to below 35 percent -- the lowest of any major economy -- while its investment share has risen to above 45 percent. That is, if you trust the statistics.
It’s been proven time and time again that the quality of Chinese statistics is far from perfect. Even the National Bureau of Statistics itself admitted in August that it “can’t ensure all industry-specific data can reach accuracy requirements” and suspended the release of industry-specific data from a purchasing managers’ index for manufacturing due to accuracy concerns. Chen Long at the INET China Economics Blog wrote a nice piece on “A Short History Of China’s Doubtful GDP.”
In a note, Green and Li highlighted the findings of Europe International Business School’s Tian Zhu and Fudan University’s Jun Zhang. The authors argue that three problems with the national accounts data had led to a significant underestimation of consumption.
The bureau of statistics doesn't do a good job of estimating residential housing rents. Even if most households owned their own homes, from an economist’s perspective, they still pay for and consume the service provided by that housing unit. This “inputted” rent should be counted as household income and consumption, according to Zhu and Zhang.
The academics ran the numbers and found that total residential rent isn't equivalent to 6 percent of GDP, as the bureau of statistics assumes, but 12 percent. This reestimate would increase GDP and the consumption share of GDP.
Skeptics argue that China’s households don't consume enough because they stash away more than half of their income in bank accounts that carry excessively low interest rates. China’s savings rate, at 54.3 percent in 2012, is the highest in the world, even higher than its investment rate.
“But anyone who has lived in China should know that the first purchase decision of any household is an apartment. This is one of the main reasons people save,” economists at Standard Chartered said. “The booming housing market tells us more about household income and spending than the official statistics suggest.”
China’s households spend some 9-10 percent of GDP on homes each year. This spending is counted as an investment, but it can also be viewed as consumption.
Much of China’s consumption is paid for by corporates and the government. And all that is really household consumption. Officials and company bosses use official cars, and they go out for meals and karaoke. Employers also foot the bill for everything from gas bills to holidays. If this activity were properly accounted for, it would be included in wages, and a large chunk of it would be privately consumed, the researchers said. Based on survey work, Zhu and Zhang estimate that this consumption is equivalent to between 1 percentage point and 1.5 percentage points of GDP a year.
household incomeXiaolu Wang's estimate of actual household income.  Xiaolu Wang
Undeclared household income and consumption. Perhaps the bureau of statistics shouldn’t take all the blame for putting out unreliable data. The Chinese people themselves played a part in distorting the figures by accepting and not reporting “grey income.” A widely-circulated paper by scholar Xiaolu Wang of the National Economic Research Institute in Beijing revealed that China's urban rich are making far more than they officially report.
This “grey income,” which can range from illegal cash from kickbacks to unreported income and gifts, isn't captured in the survey of urban households (the source of the bureau of statistics' annual estimates of household income and spending growth).
On Monday, Wang released his latest results for 2011. He estimates total household income at 34.7 trillion yuan in 2011 ($5.67 trillion), against the official figure of 19.7 trillion yuan. Wang adds that when including this income in the GDP, household incomes rise to 68 percent of GDP from 42 percent -- an extraordinary adjustment.
Putting these three factors together, Zhu and Zhang argue that China’s household consumption in 2009 wasn't 35.3 percent of GDP, as reported, but 49.8 percent. “This puts China in the middle of where other Asian economies were during their rapid growth periods,” economists at Standard Chartered said.
Over several decades, the consumption share of GDP fell steadily by between 20-30 percentage points of GDP, bottoming out at around 50 percent in Japan in 1970 and South Korea in 1988, at roughly similar producer price index-adjusted per capita income levels. The movement of the consumption share is mirrored by a sustained increase in the investment share of GDP, peaking around 40 percent.
While Zhu and Zhang’s reestimate still puts consumption’s share of GDP below that of investment, Yukon Huang at the Carnegie Endowment argues that what appears to be an unbalanced growth pattern for China is actually the result of a successful urbanization and industrialization process that promotes higher-value activities.
Farmers with low incomes move to factories, and in the process, their incomes double or triple. At the same time, the factory owner enjoys high profits because he can employ cheap migrants. Thus, corporates’ share of total income rises against households’ share of total income. The factory owner can then expand and invest in new capacity. The migrants, however, are happy to save a large chunk of the marginal increase in their incomes, so the overall consumption share of GDP falls, Standard Chartered economists explained.
Huang gave a detailed example:
Assume for example that a typical Chinese farmer produces rice worth 10,000 yuan a year and nets 9,000 after paying for inputs. He then saves 2,000 and spends 7,000. In the national accounts, his activity translates into a consumption share of 70 percent of the value of production.
Suppose he moves to Shenzhen and gets a job with Apple (Foxconn) and is paid a typical 30,000 yuan a year. Like most migrants, he saves half and consumes half, or 15,000. Apple combines his labor with capital and imported parts to produce iPads worth 60,000 in terms of valued added. His consumption as a share of industrial value added is now 25 percent.
As in Figure 2, this particular labor transfer shows up in the national accounts as labor’s share of output going from 90 percent to 50 percent and consumption as a share of GDP going from 70 percent to 25 percent.
farmerImbalances come from the impact of urbanization on labor’s share of GDP as workers move from rural to urban-based activities.  Carnegie Endowment / Yukon Huang

Indians Prefer Pizza, Specifically Domino’s (DPZ), Over McDonald’s (MCD), Subway And Everything Else, In Booming Fast Food Market

pizza Creative Commons
Pizza is one American export that India simply can’t eat enough of, according to leading Indian market research firm CRISIL Research, in a recent study of India’s flourishing fast food industry.
Michigan’s world famous Domino’s Pizza, Inc. (NYSE:DPZ) has the greatest market share of any foreign fast-food operator in India, cornerning 20 percent of the market owned by foreign brands -- about double that of McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE:MCD), Kentucky Fried Chicken (NYSE:YUM), Subway and Pizza Hut (NYSE:YUM).
Indian Fast Food Market Share, 2013, Based On Operational Outlets, CRISIL Research Report Sept 2013
Domino’s has adopted an aggressive approach of expanding into smaller and lesser-known Indian cities, where they can best rivals like McDonald’s because Domino’s typically needs less land and financing for a store, D’souza said.
That, in turn, is because Domino’s has focused on home delivery.
“In the case of McDonald’s, stores are larger, and to get those kind of outlets in tier 2 and tier 3 cities is likely more difficult,” he said.
Domino’s is also ahead in tweaking its menus so as to cater to local tastes, said Dsouza, a path McDonald’s has only just adopted. D’souza cited Paneer Tikka topping at Domino’s, which involves locally-styled cottage cheese and a so-called Manchurian pizza.
Domestic Indian companies have also cashed in on the pizza trend. Many local brands offer pizza, like Pizza Corner, Smokin’ Joe’s or US Pizza, besides South Indian fine diners who increasingly serve pizza.
According to market researcher Euromonitor International, which tracks fast food markets in several countries, pizza has boomed in the past three years especially.
Pizza Hut added 45 new outlets in 2012, while Domino’s opened 113 outlets in the year, reaching 522 outlets in 2012, the firm said.
As with much other fast food, urbanization and more households with two breadwinners have spurred this growth, wrote Euromonitor analyst Sunita Barlota in an email to IBTimes.
Pizza can also be compared specifically to chicken fast food, Barlota said. The chicken fast-food market is forecast to reach 13 billion rupees ($207 million) in 2013, while pizza consumers are projected to be worth 23 billion rupees in 2013.
One reason for the difference: “The size of pizza consumer foodservice is larger because of the huge vegetarian population in India,” Barlota wrote.
And other types of fast food are taking off in India, too, including Latin American fast food, spurred on by the recent success of Taco Bell Corp.
Still, according to CRISIL, pizza accounts for 47 to 50 percent of overall fast food revenue, compared to 36 percent from sandwiches. The remaining 14 percent is split by other assorted fast foods.
Competition between Pizza Hut and Domino’s has heated up, too, said Barlota. Domino’s launched its ‘Pehli Kamai’ campaign, offering pizza at 44 rupees (less than $1) each, just as Pizza Hut uses social media to offer 23 percent discounts. A constant flow of new products from both is also evident, she said.
“Both these brands have launched value for money food offerings which do not pressure on the consumer’s wallets,” wrote Barlota.
That mimics one trend in U.S. fast food, where giants like McDonald’s and Burger King Worldwide Inc (NYSE:BKW) offer dollar menus and steep discounts in an ongoing price war, to offset depressed consumer spending. Another similarity is expansion into offerings for all times of the day, so that breakfast and post-midnight options are on the table, as Domino’s has started to do in alliance with Dunkin’ Donuts (Nasdaq:DNKN) in India.
Neither Domino’s nor McDonald’s breaks out revenues specific to India. Representatives from the two companies didn’t return requests for comment on their Indian business strategy or on their next steps in the country.
India’s is Domino’s fastest growing market, Domino’s CEO Patrick Doyle told the Ann Arbor News in early September.  
“Opportunity for us is largely now driven by sheer scale of population,” Doyle told the newspaper then. “The bigger the country, the bigger the opportunity.”
According to CRISIL’s report, the Indian fast food market will more than double to 70 billion rupees over the next three years, from 34 billion in 2012-2013.

Visiting Other Countries

By Paulette Short

There are many reasons for visiting Panama and other countries. First of all, it is necessary for them to do this when they wish to experience different cultures. Venturing into other countries will let the person to open their eyes into how the different cultures around them are truly fascinating and interesting.

It is also a good thing that the person can easily experience a wide range of possibilities and resources. There are thousands of countries that one can go to for the sake of traveling. If the person can make the right choices, then it should be easy to enjoy their stay with their own experience for the destination's culture, adventure, and relaxation.

Growing as a person is actually possible with traveling. There may be things that the individual will want to get right now. However, there may be lots of changes to those desires once the person starts traveling. The person can get exposed to various cultures to learn more about what life is, what they are missing, and how to live it to the fullest.

Being able to travel from one place to another means that they can meet up with a lot of strangers. If this is the case, they can train their social skills to perfection with this. They can get to talk with lots of people, whether they are foreigners or locals. They find bump into some difficulties at first but things will look better over time.

After they get used to talking to other people especially strangers, they will certainly find it easier to have new friends. Traveling should allow them to meet lots of people, regardless of whether they are dull or interesting. They can aim to establish friendships at the place where they are destined to go. This will certainly expand their social networks.

Aside from that, it is a good method for the traveler to meet people from every nationality. It might not be necessary for the traveler to go through with this but it can be a fun goal to aim for. If possible, the person should consider speaking to a person who came from a different nationality to make new friends.

It will be interesting to pay with different currencies as well. Remember that every country have their own currencies. The fun thing about it is that the person can handle dollars, pesos, rubles, euros, yens, and many other currencies. There are even different notes and coins that the person can easily take advantage of.

Being able to enjoy various climates is a nice thing as well. People living in the tropical country only get to enjoy to seasons. That is why they should try traveling to countries with four seasons so that they can experience winter as well. They will definitely be overwhelmed with their first time experiencing new seasons. They can enjoy various climates for their own good.

The person who are visiting Panama and any other countries does not need to have lots of things with them. They can even go traveling without their usual gadgets such as laptops and cameras. All they should pack are their clothes and money to be able to pay for their apartment rentals, traveling expenses, and basic necessities.


What Reasons To Have In Visiting Other Countries

By Paulette Short

There are many reasons for visiting Panama and other countries. First of all, it is necessary for them to do this when they wish to experience different cultures. Venturing into other countries will let the person to open their eyes into how the different cultures around them are truly fascinating and interesting.

It is also a good thing that the person can easily experience a wide range of possibilities and resources. There are thousands of countries that one can go to for the sake of traveling. If the person can make the right choices, then it should be easy to enjoy their stay with their own experience for the destination's culture, adventure, and relaxation.

Growing as a person is actually possible with traveling. There may be things that the individual will want to get right now. However, there may be lots of changes to those desires once the person starts traveling. The person can get exposed to various cultures to learn more about what life is, what they are missing, and how to live it to the fullest.

Being able to travel from one place to another means that they can meet up with a lot of strangers. If this is the case, they can train their social skills to perfection with this. They can get to talk with lots of people, whether they are foreigners or locals. They find bump into some difficulties at first but things will look better over time.

After they get used to talking to other people especially strangers, they will certainly find it easier to have new friends. Traveling should allow them to meet lots of people, regardless of whether they are dull or interesting. They can aim to establish friendships at the place where they are destined to go. This will certainly expand their social networks.

Aside from that, it is a good method for the traveler to meet people from every nationality. It might not be necessary for the traveler to go through with this but it can be a fun goal to aim for. If possible, the person should consider speaking to a person who came from a different nationality to make new friends.

It will be interesting to pay with different currencies as well. Remember that every country have their own currencies. The fun thing about it is that the person can handle dollars, pesos, rubles, euros, yens, and many other currencies. There are even different notes and coins that the person can easily take advantage of.

Being able to enjoy various climates is a nice thing as well. People living in the tropical country only get to enjoy to seasons. That is why they should try traveling to countries with four seasons so that they can experience winter as well. They will definitely be overwhelmed with their first time experiencing new seasons. They can enjoy various climates for their own good.

The person who are visiting Panama and any other countries does not need to have lots of things with them. They can even go traveling without their usual gadgets such as laptops and cameras. All they should pack are their clothes and money to be able to pay for their apartment rentals, traveling expenses, and basic necessities.


Start Working Instantly With This Warts Removal Method.

By Byrann Franzen

Most people with warts also have questions such as, what causes warts, are they contagious and can they be prevented? Within the body of this article I will answer those questions, along with providing you with safe effective methods to remove your warts.

If you are tired of trips into the doctor you may be looking at wart removal home remedies to not only save you some money but also to safe you a bit of pain along the way. Not all wart removal home remedies are painless however and it is important to keep in mind that if you want your wart gone fast you will need to put up with a bit of pain.

It is still unknown why some people are more likely to get warts than others. It is known however that children are much more likely to get warts than adults. This is due to the fact that their immune systems have not yet built up their defenses.

This type of wart remedy is the quickest way to remove your warts at home however, so if time is an issue you will probably want to go this route.

That is a major reason why you should never pick at your warts, then touch another part of your body. If you have a wart on your face, be very careful not to Nick the wart with your razor when shaving, because the razor might spread the wart to other parts of your body.

This is one the most conventional removal method used by most dermatologist. The warts are excised or cut off from the skin at the base. This is the preferred option for large warts.

It's also important that you keep your skin free of cuts, and healthy. You should never share towels or bathmat's in public locations such as gym, and when showering in public locker rooms always wear rubber-soled flip-flops or sandals.

Simply chop the garlic into small pieces and apply it to the wart using gauze or a band aid to keep in place.

Most experts agree that if you develop warts they should be treated as it is possible either at home or by a dermatologist. Since warts are contagious if you develop one, it could become a "mother" wart, which could easily result in spreading into numerous warts.

There are a number of other wart removal home remedies you can try, if one does not work try another, you can apply apple cider vinegar to the wart 2-3 times a day for a few weeks.

The most common, and highly effective method of home removal involves the use of nonprescription over-the-counter medications that contain the substance, salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in the treatment product known as, compound W.

Warts are also notorious for being a recurring skin condition.

One natural, but effective method of removal can be accomplished with an item you probably already have in your house, duct tape. Waterproof adhesive tape, or duct tape works equally well with this method.

Wart removal home remedies have been around for a long time, offering you an alternative to an expensive doctor's visit that in most cases is not necessary. Warts are harmless if unsightly and will go away on their own when the virus passes in the meantime a few strategies for wart removal can help you keep warts at bay.



Oprah reportedly announced on her network  that she has adopted Lindsay Lohan!
Lindsay recently agreed to an exclusive series of interviews with Oprah Winfrey.  It was a disaster at the beginning, but not only has Lohan settled down, but Oprah was so taken with her and her story that she has legally adopted Lohan.
“Oprah always wanted a daughter, and now she has one!” said a source close to Oprah’s network, OWN.
“Lindsay has never been happier and Oprah is, ecstatic,” said the source.  ”Lindsay is already calling Orprah “mom” and Oprah is already planning on taking Lindsay on a “family vacation” to South Africa.
When they began their project together Lindsay was often a no-show — which didn’t sit well with Oprah.  Oprah went to Dina Lohan’s house on Long Island for a showdown with Lindsay.  She told Lindsay either clean up her act or the project is over and Lindsay would not get her $2 million paycheck.
But it wasn’t the money that brought Lindsay back to Oprah.  ”Lindsay always has done what she wanted.  She has always secretly craved discipline.  When Oprah started yelling at her.. she loved it,” said a source close to Lohan.  ”Lindsay really trust Oprah and feels like the luckiest girl in the world to now be her official daughter.”
Dina Lohan laughed at the idea of Oprah adopting her biological daughter. That was until Dina got a “you are not my mother anymore” letter from Lindsay.
Lindsay feels like her life is just beginning now and Oprah… can’t wait for the day Lindsay gets married.  She always wanted to plan a wedding for her daughter.
And there’s a boy out there that would love to be adopted by Oprah:

Poll: What Places Do You Want To See Before You Die?

GlobeIf you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?  Reuters
We here at International Business Times are looking to put together the ultimate travel bucket list, and we need your help. We’ve compiled a list of 50 of the world’s most exotic and iconic places, but we want to narrow that down to the top 20. That’s where you come in.
Below is a poll (that will not ask for any personal details or an email address) where you can either vote for the places you’re just dying to visit, or vote for spots you’ve already seen that are so special you think everyone else deserves to see them too. You can pick as many as 20 sites in total, but you can only take the survey once.
In two week’s time, IBTimes will analyze your answers and put together a list of the 20 Places You Should See Before You Die. So go ahead, make your voice heard. And if you’re really passionate about a particular destination, make sure you pass the poll along to your friends so they can vote too. We’re looking forward to hearing from you and finding out all of the places you want to see before you die.

What Are The Places Everyone Should See Before They Die?
Taj Mahal (India)
Angkor Wat (Cambodia)
Bagan (Burma)
Koh Phi Phi (Thailand)
Ha Long Bay (Vietnam)
Mount Fuji (Japan)
The Great Wall of China (China)
The Terra Cotta Warriors (China)
Lhasa (Tibet)
Borobudur (Indonesia)
Sydney Opera House (Australia)
Uluru/Ayers Rock (Australia)
Great Barrier Reef (Australia)
Milford Sound (New Zealand)
Bora Bora (French Polynesia)
Stonehenge (UK)
Palace of Versailles (France)
The Eiffel Tower (France)
The Louvre (France)
Berlin Wall (Germany)
The Colosseum (Italy)
Venice Canals (Italy)
Sistine Chapel (Vatican City)
Santorini (Greece)
Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Moscow’s Red Square (Russia)
Cappadocia (Turkey)
Petra (Jordan)
Socotra (Yemen)
Dubai’s Palm Islands (UAE)
Mecca (Saudi Arabia)
Pyramids of Giza (Egypt)
The Serengeti (Tanzania/Kenya)
Victoria Falls (Zambia/Zimbabwe)
Table Mountain (South Africa)
Moraine Lake (Canada)
Yellowstone National Park (USA)
Grand Canyon (USA)
Times Square (USA)
Chichen Itza (Mexico)
Tikal (Guatemala)
Galapagos Islands (Ecuador)
Angel Falls (Venezuela)
Machu Picchu (Peru)
Salar de Uyuni Salt Flats (Bolivia)
Christ the Redeemer (Brazil)
Iguazu Falls (Brazil/Argentina)
Perito Moreno Glacier (Argentina)
Torres Del Paine (Chile)
Easter Island (Chile)


Wild hogs are roaming loose in Atlanta… and residents are running for their lives!
Wild hogs are scaring residents of Atlanta.
Some parents fear sending their children to a school bus stop, where up to four hundred of the hogs are roaming the streets and eating trash, attacking people.
Authorities hope the hogs can be trapped in cages by next week, but they may need to have help from the National Guard.
“They’re causing mayhem and terror,” said one Atlanta resident as she headed out to work in downtown Atlanta.
The Atlanta Police Department’s  animal control officers are working on a plan to capture the animals, but two of the officers were already hospitalized after trying to capture just one.
“My children are petrified,” said another Atlanta resident “I have little ones that get on the bus at 6:40 in the morning,” she added. “So, I’m sorry. I’m not built to fight off wildlife.”
The hogs are extremely dangerous if they are cornered, said Harry Forston, a deer and feral hog biologist with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
“If they feel threatened, they can bite and kill,” he said.
A sow protecting piglets can also be dangerous, much like a bear protecting her cubs.
Feral hogs live in just about every county in Georgia. The animals in Georgia are “a hodge-podge” of domestic pigs that escaped from their pens and hogs that have been living in the wild for years.

In the early 1900s, several animals escaped from their enclosures at a hunting preserve at a mountain known as Hooper Bald in North Carolina, and they mated with feral hogs in the surrounding area. That population then spread into other areas of the Southeast, including Georgia, according to research done by Dr. Jack Mayer of the Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, S.C.s.

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