Air strikes hit Kobani as Kurdish peshmerga prepare to enter

Turkish policemen stand guard outside the gate of a camp that hosts Peshmerga fighters in the border town of Suruc, Sanliurfa province, October 30, 2014.  REUTERS-Yannis Behrakis
1 OF 2. Turkish policemen stand guard outside the gate of a camp that hosts Peshmerga fighters in the border town of Suruc, Sanliurfa province, October 30, 2014.
(Reuters) - U.S.-led air strikes hit Islamic State positions around the Syrian border town of Kobani on Friday in an apparent bid to pave the way for heavily-armed Kurdish peshmerga forces to enter from neighbouring Turkey.
The predominantly Kurdish town, besieged for more than 40 days, has become the focus of a global war against the Sunni Muslim insurgents, who have captured expanses of Iraq andSyria and declared an Islamic "caliphate" straddling the two.
Its fighters have slaughtered or driven away Shi'ite Muslims, Christians and other communities who do not share their ultra-radical brand of Sunni Islam. They executed at least 220 Iraqis in retaliation against opposition to their takeover of territory west of Baghdad this week.
The siege of Kobani -- known in Arabic as Ayn al-Arab -- has turned into a test of the U.S.-led coalition's ability to stop Islamic State's advance, with weeks of air strikes so far failing to break the insurgents' stranglehold.
Kobani's defenders, outgunned by the militants, are hoping the arrival of peshmerga forces from Iraqi Kurdistan with badly-needed weapons including cannon and truck-mounted machine-guns will help them turn the tide.
An advance guard of 10 peshmerga briefly entered Kobani on Thursday to discuss a joint strategy with leaders of the YPG, the main Syrian Kurdish armed group defending the town.
Armoured vehicles came and went from a former cotton processing warehouse near the Turkish border town of Suruc on Friday, where the wider contingent of around 150 peshmerga fighters were preparing for their deployment.
Tankers from the convoy emerged from the compound, guarded by Turkish security forces, to fill up at a local fuel station.
"For the past 15 days, Islamic State has been attacking to try to take control of the border gate, including with car bombs. But we are resisting," said Enver Muslim, the top administrative official in the Kobani district.
"While the peshmerga convoy passes, U.S. jets will be overhead and warplanes from the coalition ... will be flying over Kobani to ensure their security," he told Reuters by phone.
Around 200 fighters from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) - an umbrella term for the dozens of armed groups fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad - have also entered Kobani fromTurkey to support the struggle against Islamic State.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday preliminary information indicated that at least 21 Islamic State members were killed in coalition air strikes around Kobani, including a Danish jihadist.
A local journalist in the town said there had been several air strikes overnight and a Reuters correspondent saw one early on Friday to the east of Kobani.
U.S. Central Command said on Thursday there had been 10 strikes near Kobani since the previous day, hitting two small insurgent units and destroying seven fighting positions and five buildings.
The peshmerga were given a heroes' welcome as their convoy of jeeps and flatbed trucks crossed Turkey's mainly Kurdish southeast this week, making their way towards Kobani from their base in northern Iraq's Kurdistan region.
It is unclear whether the small but heavily armed contingent will be enough to swing the battle, but the deployment is a potent display of unity between Kurdish groups that more often seek to undermine each other.
Syria responded to the arrival of the peshmerga by condemning Turkey for allowing foreign fighters and "terrorists" to enter Syria in a violation of its sovereignty. Its foreign ministry described the move as a "disgraceful act".
Turkey, which is a staunch backer of the moderate rebels fighting Assad in the Syrian civil war, dismissed the comments.
But Ankara has made clear it will not send troops into Syria and has been a reluctant member of the U.S.-led coalition, insisting that any military strategy should also include the removal of Assad from power.
Ankara also fears Syria's Kurds will exploit the chaos by following their brethren in Iraq and seeking to carve out an independent state in northern Syria, emboldening Kurdish militants in Turkey and derailing a fragile peace process.
U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel acknowledged on Thursday that Assad may be benefiting from U.S. attacks on Islamic State fighters in his country, although he added that U.S. policy still supported Assad's removal from power.

(Additional reporting by Alexander Dziadosz in Beirut; Writing by Nick Tattersall, editing by Peter Millership)

16 m Sri Lankans qualify for new Digital NICs

The Director of the Digital National Identity Card project Janaka Amarasinghe declared that 16 million Sri Lankans over the age of fifteen had qualified to receive the new Digital NICs in the near future.

Based on the 2011 census, these individuals had qualified to receive these cards in the year 2016 and all arrangements are being made to issue these cards.
These cards with international quality standards would not require obtaining blood samples, but would include all information necessary for identification.
Accordingly, the new NIC would depict a photograph of the holder, details in all three languages, expiry date and would include the finger impression.

Mr. Amarasinghe clarified that the present NIC was vulnerable to forgery, failure in identifying the holder, not long lasting, the possibility of two identity cards carrying the same number being issued, and the possibility of misuse for fraudulent activities were some of the defects that were prominent in the present cards.

The proposed new cards designed and crafted according to the standards of the International Civil Airlines Organisation (ICAO), are to be made available throughout the island within an year.(Indika Sri Aravinda)
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Five ways Google is making it easier to travel the world

“Ok Google, take me to Taipei.”
And so it was that I came to be standing in a thunderstorm in the Taiwanese capital.
Happily, there happened to be a stall selling umbrellas and, even though I can’t speak Chinese (traditional) nor the vendor English (British), my Android did the talking and I managed to pick one up for T$150. That’s £3, O-G added, helpfully.
Ok, so Google hasn’t quite managed to tele-transport its users across eight time zones in the blink of an eye, or swipe of a finger. I was in a Googlerised version of Taipei, in a disused post sorting office in the middle of London. I’d come to Ok Google London to be shown all the nifty things my smartphone can help with when travelling, which includes using the Translate app in a two-way conversation to buy an umbrella, or take a photo of a shop sign to find out what the Chinese characters mean in English.
There are plenty of positive functions that can enhance your travel experience, and some shortcomings too, depending on your point of view.

Google Translate

It's currently available in 70 languages, from Afrikaans to Zulu. You can download your chosen language(s) to use offline when abroad, and if you feel like a twit speaking into your phone to hand to a Taiwanese umbrella-seller to voice his reply into, you can also scribble or type the phrase onto the phone screen. Or you could just learn a few key phrases before you go and attempt to have a normal conversation.

Ok Google

If I’d done my research, I would have known, using this part of the Google Now function, that there was a thunderstorm heading my way, simply by asking my phone, “will I need an umbrella in Taipei today?” iPhone users will recognise this as their suave PA, Siri.
Because Ok Google London is that kind of place, I next found myself in a campervan asking “How far is Paris?” Two hundred and eight one miles, or a minute under six hours’ drive, I discovered. The time takes into account real-time traffic updates, so you can also re-route to avoid build-ups. Snags included an assumption that I’d said “bottles” rather than Brussels, when testing out another route. A fellow tester got nowhere when her phone dropped the Wi-Fi signal.

Google Camera

At a film premiere for The Hangout, this newly-updated app proved how fast technology is moving – my two-year-old HTC One was way out of date and I had to borrow a Google Nexus 5 phone to explore the camera’s capabilities. Essentially, it’s as impressive as Apple’s HDR iSight camera, allowing you to add filters, blur backgrounds and “Auto Awesome” your photos when they’re uploaded to the cloud to cluster them into a little Gif, or brighten up smiles, or even make them more cheerful. It was pretty capable of taking good photos of moving objects, too. I was also shown the highly dazzling, utterly geeky feature that is Android Beam – touch two phones back-to-back and photos (or maps or documents) are shared between the devices using NFC (that’s Near Field Communication technology, a sort of highly localised Bluetooth field).

Google Maps

In the Google version of London, a jolly cyclist stopped Googler Philipp Beer to ask for directions. Using the Maps app, we were able to discover not only the best route to head in to avoid traffic jams and road works, but places to explore in a three-mile radius from our current location depending on the time of day, from breakfast cafes to late-night Chinese restaurants. Helpfully, maps are available offline so you can download in advance of a trip to avoid roaming charges.
Moreover, Google uses not only your own previous Google searches, but those of friends and family in your Google+ network (if you subscribe to it) to sprinkle your maps with local recommendations, which is either an incomparable crowdsourcing facility that no other map service can currently offer (according to Googler Adrian Carter), or slightly terrifying (if you’re me). You’re also not currently able to access directions when browsing offline.

Google Admin

On a ride back to London on the Google Eurostar, the lights cut out and my HTC phone disappeared from the table in front of me. What if it contained sensitive data? The Admin function allows users to wipe the device remotely and restore factory settings.
This being Google-world, my phone swiftly re-appeared and when the carriage doors opened, I was back to reality again. “Ok Google, take me home.” It didn’t work this time, but I wouldn’t be surprised if one day in the not-too-distant future, it did.

Hawaii lava crosses residential property, threatens more homes

Hawaii lava crosses residential property, threatens more homes

Smoke rises from the  Pu'u O'o vent on the Kilauea Volcano October 29, 2014 on the Big Island of Hawaii.  REUTERS-Marco Garcia
1 OF 12. Smoke rises from the Pu'u O'o vent on the Kilauea Volcano October 29, 2014 on the Big Island of Hawaii.


(Reuters) - A slow-moving river of molten lava from an erupting volcano crept over residential and farm property on Hawaii's Big Island on Wednesday after incinerating an outbuilding as it threatened dozens of homes at the edge of a former plantation town.
The lava flow from the Kilauea volcano has been slogging toward the village of Pahoa for weeks, moving at speeds of 10 to 15 yards (meters) an hour as it bubbled over a cemetery and reached the community's outskirts.
As of late Wednesday morning, authorities reported the lava had advanced to within 250 yards of Pahoa Village Road, the main street through the town of about 800 people built on the site of an old sugar plantation.
Pahoa's commercial district lies mostly to the south of the area in greatest danger, and most homes and businesses are believed to be out of harm's way, based on the lava's current trajectory, civil defense chief Darryl Oliveira said.
But residents of about 50 dwellings in what civil defense officials called a "corridor of risk" have been urged to be prepared to leave, and many have been slowly emptying their homes of furniture and belongings.
Oliveira told a news conference that officials had met about a dozen residents and business owners closest to the leading edge. He said all were prepared to leave, but added they intended to wait until the last minute before evacuating.
No mandatory evacuations have been ordered.
Oliveira added that 83 national guard troops were undergoing training and would be deployed to the community on Thursday.
Besides anxiety, some residents, like Aaron Milewski, voiced resignation about the forces of nature they faced.
"This energy is coming from the center of the Earth, so you have to respect it," he said.
Molten rock topping temperatures of 1,650 F (900 C) engulfed a storage shed on Tuesday but bypassed a rental house that was already evacuated, Oliveira said.
A slower-moving, narrower finger of lava then branched out off the main flow and oozed back toward the abandoned home, crawling to within 100 feet (30 meters) of it on Wednesday, Oliveira said. It remained to be seen whether the house would be spared.
The main lava front continued to creep over adjacent farm property, taking aim at a warehouse and home. Another property owner built a tall berm of soil and rock hoping to divert the approaching lava around his house.
The flow is expected eventually to reach the ocean, still 6 miles (10 km) away, authorities said.
Kilauea has erupted continuously from its Pu'u O'o vent since 1983, with its latest lava flow beginning on June 27. The last home destroyed by lava on the Big Island was at the Royal Gardens subdivision in Kalapana in 2012.

(Reporting by Karin Stanton; Writing by Curtis Skinner; Editing by John Stonestreet, Eric Beech and Peter Cooney)

Profits Of Hotels In Abuja Nigeria

By Young Lindsay

Of the numerous business exercises going on today, the settlement, nourishment and beverage industry has been striking throughout the years with their imagination. The different rooms and menus accessible are offered keeping in mind the end goal to fulfill the different needs of clients which are additionally contrasting. Hotels in Abuja Nigeria have made the spot to be similar to a home of sustenance and cabin for any guest, understudy or inhabitant of the spot. Customers can appreciate their most loved suppers here whenever and unwind in their rooms.

Preceding reserving any spot, one ought to be sure about it. This is on account of you need not to surpass your use as arranged. That is the reason this is the best place as you are given an assortment of rooms to look over. This guarantees one sticks to their funding.

Liveliness is the first interpretation you get from outside. The plans joined in the outer surface and inner part of the lodgings include abnormal amounts of professionalism. The hardwood furniture utilized within the rooms give an official touch that is noteworthy. For the mid-year and winter seasons, one does not have to stress as aeration and cooling systems and radiators are altered in all rooms. There is additionally sufficient stopping and high security for customer vehicles.

It is upon the customers to pick where they will have their suppers. Some are open to taking them inside the inns, while others lean toward their sustenance to be bundled for them for a take out. In a few cases, a little charge is pegged on conveyance administrations given to clients inside the region. This will verify that the changing nourishment and administration given to customers are agreeable.

The other essential office offered is gathering rooms. They are expansive and have a great deal of space as coveted by generally customers. Regardless of the sort of gathering held, a cool environment is given here. Clients are encouraged to reserve their spot early with the goal that arrangements can be set aside a few minutes.

Meeting offices are additionally accessible here. On the other hand, development booking must be carried out since numerous exercises occur at prior. The rooms are substantial and roomy pretty much as favored by a lot of people. Any sort of official gatherings can be held here as nature's domain is peaceful.

Other energizing administrations are additionally offered to clients other than the significant settlement and nourishment administrations. Keepsakes can be gotten from blessing shops to take home. You can likewise spruce up and get a minute of unwinding in the swimming pool, sauna or other donning grounds. There is additionally openness of mail, fax and quick web administrations.

The approaches utilized have made it workable for them to stand head high in the offering of the ideal settlement to customers. Congruity and a feeling of having a place are acknowledged by all who decide to stay here. The job of top security and advanced reconnaissance cams have made it conceivable to secure client well-being.

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එම අඩුපාඩුව පෙන්වා දෙමින් ඔබේ නිර්මාණ වලට (Content) වලට වටිනාකමක් ලබාදෙන නවතම සමාජ ජාල වෙබ් අඩවික් මේවනවිට සීග්‍රයෙන් ජනප්‍රියත්වයට පත්ව තිබේ. මෙම සමාජ ජාලය හඳුන්වා ඇත්තේ TSU නමිනි. මෙහි ඇති විශේෂත්වය වන්නේ පරිශීලකයන්ගේ නිර්මාණ මගින් උපයන මුදලින් 90% ක් ම පරිශීලකයන්ට ලබාදීමට TSU කටයුතු කිරීමයි.  

මෑතකදී පැමිණි ෆේස්බුක් තරඟකරුවා වන Ello ට වඩා මෙහි මුහුණත ඉතා දැකුම්කළු හා හැසිරීමට පහසු එකක් වේ.


මෙම සමාජ ජාලයේ ඔබට ෆේස්බුක් මෙන්ම Status දැමීම, ඡායාරූප එක්කිරීම කල හැකි අතර ඒවාට Like, Comment, Share, වටෙන් විට ඔබට ගෙවීමක්ද සිදුකරනු ලැබේ. මෙහි ඔබ බෙදාහැරිය යුත්තේ ඔබගේ නිර්මාණ පමණි. වෙනත් අයගේ හිමිකාරිත්වය සහිත ඒවා දැමු විට ඒවා ඉවත් කිරීමට මෙම සමාජ ජාලය කටයුතු කරනු ලැබේ. 


2013 දී TSU ආරම්භ කොට ඇත්තේ Sebastian Sobczak, Drew Ginsburg, Thibault Boullenger, සහ Jonathan Lewin විසිනි. TSU වෙබ් අඩවිය අන්තර්ජාලය වෙත එක්කොට ඇත්තේ පසුගිය 13 වනදාය. සාමාජිකයන්ට මුදල් ගෙවීම සඳහා මෙහි ඩොලර් මිලියන හතක අරමුදලක් දැනටමත් තිබේ. 


වෙබ් අඩවියට පිවිසීම මගින් මෙහි සාමාජිකයෙකු වීමට නොහැකි අතර වෙනත් TSU පරිශීලකයෙකුගේ ගිණුමක් හරහා TSU ගිණුමක් ඇරඹීමේ පහසුකම තිබේ.


TSU ගිණුමක් අරඹන්න පිවිසෙන්න පහත සබැඳියෙන්


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