By Cornelius Nunev Adults of the appropriate age sometimes enjoy alcoholic beverages, which are a multi-billion dollar business. However, spending is often more evident in restaurants, where individuals have been steadily charged more for libations.
A massive markup
"What America Spends On" is a series done by NPR that showed more Americans are spending increased amounts on alcohol in bars and dining places. This looked at the last thirty years comparing 1982 to today.
Only 24 percent of spending was on alcohol in dining places and bars in 1982 while the other 76 percent was spent in stores. This was during the Cold War when Americans were struggling through.
The price of restaurant and bar alcohol has increased 79 percent during that time while store prices have dropped 39 percent. This is important because it shows why there was a shift in people spending more in dining places and bars now. Currently, only 60 percent is spent in stores with 40 percent spent in bars and dining places.
More wine spending
The biggest change was what the nation indulges in. In 1982, 48.9 percent of spending was on beer, followed by spirits at 34.6 percent and wine at 16.2 percent. However, spirits have fallen to 12.6 percent of spending and wine has ballooned to 39.7 percent of spending on libations for 2012.
The San Francisco Chronicle explained that there were 329.7 million cases of wine shipped in 2011, which was a milestone in the States. In fact, it was the first time that the country beat France's 320.6 million cases. America is certainly more successful in wine than other things right now.
The American wine industry was a $30 billion industry as of 2010 and the bulk of it is all within the state of California as fully 61 percent of wine produced in the U.S. Was from the Golden State itself. That year, 241.8 million cases went out from numerous wineries. Millennials, the current crop of 20- and 30-somethings, are not only drinking more, but additionally reaching for pricier bottles.
Beer preferred
Beer accounted for 47.7 percent of sales in 2012, which was almost no change from 2012, according to NPR. It is still the drink everyone wants in the nation. Overall, Americans are consuming less though, which is why overall beer production decreased from 1990's 204 million gallons to 2011's 192 million gallons, according to BusinessInsider.
Beer drinkers are slowly gravitating toward brews from Main Street instead of Wall Street, as craft breweries are proliferating. In 2011, an 11 percent growth of the number of craft breweries was recorded over 2010. There were 1,989 craft breweries in operation, with 250 new breweries opening and 37 closing. Craft brewers produced almost 11.5 million barrels, a 5.7 percent share of the market, and made $8.7 billion in revenue.
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