Cool Foreign Names You Wish You Had

 Cool Foreign Names You Wish You Had

This article is about foreign names of the kids that everyone wish to had for his kids. These foreign names looks cool to be hear and speak and also theses names has very much importance to the personality.

What if every second person in the world shared the same name? Yes, I know it is thrilling to even think about it, Even if there is no bad in having the same names. But branding everything with the same name or label kills the diversity and uniqueness of things.

Homogeneity of anything makes it boring and who likes ‘boring’ in this modern and advanced era where even a mistake can turn into a new trend. Having a same-named class fellow even becomes frustrating sometimes.


Why Cool Foreign Names Hit the Interest of Language Learners?


Would you know what does Senorita mean, if you had stuck to only your native language? No, I don’t think so, being a native English speaker you would never have been able to know the meaning of this Spanish word. You get to know and admire names and people when you know their origin and the significance they hold according to their origin.


Names are not mere words to call someone out from a crowd. Names identify you among the rest, they tell a lot about your family, background, social status as well as your personality. The meaning of your name and the importance it holds in your religion and your region tells about the reputation you have in society.


Your identity is deeply knotted with your name. A person can draw a whole figurine of you and your personality by just listening to your name. The concept that your parents had before giving you a certain name varies in different regions and cultures.


Parents in western cultures can name their children anything, they find suitable. There is no necessity of having cultural or religious names. But this might not be the condition with other parents in other parts of the world.


Why don’t our parents choose a name from the foreign cultures for us on the first hand? When we live in a region where culture and preservation of culture are prioritized over everything, our elders start it by preserving the vintage and classic names. Because they are afraid to let go of the legacy, that these old vintage names hold.


What link can a name have with the foreign language learners? Well, there are a lot of things that boost the interest of language learners. Because when we learn a language, we learn cultural and ethical values, dos and don’ts of that particular country.


We are not just learning the grammar of the language we choose, we are getting into the culture and norms of the respective country. We learn through the movie dialogues’, video clips, and every other source that brings us closer to the particular language.


If you have an interest in a specific country, you would try your level best to learn the language. Getting into the traditional values of that country you will like their names and characters. Pronouncing the names in the right way becomes our priority, and that is when you become extra interested in the names of the language you are learning.


නදී ගංගා තරණයේ.... cover song

 නදී ගංගා තරණයේ.... cover song

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ෆින්ටෙක් 2021 හි සයිබර් ආරක්ෂාව සහතික කිරීමට පියවර.

 ෆින්ටෙක් 2021 හි සයිබර් ආරක්ෂාව සහතික කිරීමට පියවර.

 මූල්‍ය භූ දර්ශනය හරහා ඩිජිටල් පරිවර්තනය පසුගිය වසර කිහිපය තුළ වේගයෙන් ගමන් කරයි. ෆින්ටෙක් හි සයිබර් ආරක්ෂාව සඳහා වන ඊළඟ මට්ටමේ ප්‍රමිතීන්ට අනුකූල වන පරිදි ඔවුන්ගේ තාක්ෂණික යටිතල පහසුකම් යාවත්කාලීනව තබා ගන්න.

 විශාලතම මූල්‍ය කර්මාන්තයේ දත්ත උල්ලං ach නය සිදුවී ඇත්තේ 2017 සැප්තැම්බර් මාසයේදී විශාලතම පාරිභෝගික ණය වාර්තාකරණ ආයතන තුනෙන් එකක් වන ඉක්විෆැක්ස් මිලියන 147 ක ගනුදෙනුකරුවන්ගේ පුද්ගලික දත්ත හෙළිදරව් කිරීමෙනි.

 අපැහැදිලි Apache Struts අවදානම දත්ත උල්ලං to නය වීමට හේතු විය. Apache Struts යනු Equifax හි එක්සත් ජනපදය පදනම් කරගත් වෙබ් යෙදුම් සඳහා රාමුවයි. උල්ලං ached නය වූ නිරාවරණය වූ ගනුදෙනුකරුවන්ගේ නම්, උපන් දිනය, සමාජ ආරක්ෂණ අංක සහ වෙනත් පුද්ගලික තොරතුරු. උල්ලං to නය හේතුවෙන්, ඉක්විෆැක්ස් හි සී-සූට් හි සාමාජිකයින් කිහිප දෙනෙකු ඉවත් විය.

 ෆින්ටෙක්හි සයිබර් ප්‍රහාර පිළිබඳ තවත් සිදුවීම් තිබේ. ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම, ඉක්විෆැක්ස් වලින් පසුව, ෆින්ටෙක් හි තවත් දත්ත උල්ලං aches නයන් කිහිපයකින් මිලියන 130 ක්, මිලියන 90 ක් සහ මිලියන 76 ක ජනතාවක් පීඩාවට පත්විය

Steps To Ensure Cybersecurity In FinTech 2021.

 Steps To Ensure Cybersecurity In FinTech 2021.

Digital transformation across the financial landscape is moving at a quick pace for the past few years. keep their technological infrastructure up to date to be compliant to the next level of standards for cybersecurity in FinTech.

The largest finance industry data breach happened in September 2017 when one of the three largest consumer credit reporting agencies, Equifax, exposed 147 million customers’ personal data.

An unpatched Apache Struts vulnerability caused the data breach. Apache Struts was the framework for Equifax’s US-based web apps. The breached exposed customer names, date of birth, social security numbers, and other personal information. Due to the breach, several members of Equifax’s C-suite stepped down.

There were other incidents of cyberattacks in FinTech. In fact, after Equifax, several other data breaches in FinTech saw as many as 130 million, 90 million, and 76 million people affected

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Lobbying in the time of the COVID: The new normal in Georgia’s Statehouse


How the paid influencers on the Capitol’s third floor do their work has changed — sometimes in profound ways — with COVID-19.

While lobbyists are still wining and dining lawmakers, there are fewer big committee dinners, and going out often means checking into the layout and seating arrangements of restaurants, ruling out regular haunts.

Some legislative committee meetings are off-limits. The rope line, where lobbyists normally call lawmakers out of the chamber to buttonhole them about a bill or state funding for their clients, is gone.

In some cases, they need an appointment to meet with lawmakers for more than a few minutes, and they have to give staffers their information for contact tracing in case they or the lawmaker comes down with COVID-19.

Some older lobbyists or those with medical issues are staying away, sending younger colleagues to hang out at the Capitol to monitor the goings on while they are watching meetings on stream. Phone calls and texts have replaced some in-person conversations. Everyone is masking, making it harder to gauge reactions when they do talk to lawmakers.

“I really miss the personal interaction,” said Trip Martin, a 38-year lobbying veteran of the Capitol who has among the longest client lists in the Statehouse. “I am a face-to-face, eye-to-eye kind of guy. I like to see people’s expressions.”

Martin and his team spent $5,800 buying breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks for lawmakers during the first month of the 2021 session, so they’re still getting plenty of face time from individual lawmakers.

He’s 69 and has gotten his COVID-19 vaccinations.

Still, when asked whether he’s worried about wining and dining in the time of COVID, he said: “Hell yes, I got my shots. But I am still concerned.”

A job built on professional relationships was certain to see changes from the COVID-19 pandemic, where mask-wearing and social distancing are recommended and group gatherings often make headlines. And not the good kind.

A typical legislative session is a perfect superspreader event — hundreds of people, sometimes well over 1,000, jammed together on the third floor of the Capitol for hours, talking close to each other and often meeting in crammed, poorly ventilated rooms that can feel like a sweat lodge in February.

On days when groups hold their annual “Day at the Capitol” — from teachers and nurses to disability advocates — it is nearly impossible to move about and can feel claustrophobic to those prone to having problems with crowds in tight spaces. Children serve as pages, scurrying about, bringing messages to lawmakers to come outside their chambers to talk to the supplicants who are standing — sometimes three deep — behind a rope line.

It is democracy writ large — and the perfect environment to spread a deadly virus. A winter session doesn’t go by without some legislators, staff, lobbyists and the journalist who cover them coming down with a nasty bug.

And that was before COVID-19.

After the 2020 session was suspended due to the COVID-19 outbreak, lawmakers returned for a few weeks in June and most lobbyists wore masks, taking a cue from legislative leaders such as House Speaker David Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, who required face coverings in his chamber.

Lawmakers spread out in the chamber or nearby rooms and were urged to regularly get tested at medical aid stations in and around the Capitol. The rope line disappeared, as did the crowds of citizen lobbyists visiting the Statehouse.

Fewer lobbyists took fewer lawmakers for a night out, and fewer lobbyists hung out in the halls outside the chambers.

Some things got back to normal when lawmakers returned in January. Leaders of the Republican majority held the same kind of fundraisers they hold every year in the days before a session, with lobbyists invited to come by with a check to help pay for the next round of campaigns.

But other things had changed. Once the session began Jan. 11, Ralston and other legislative leaders required lawmakers and staff be tested twice a week. Ralston had one lawmaker who refused to do so escorted from the chamber and told him not to come back until he complied. The speaker said he’d just lost two friends to COVID-19 and he was in no mood to have his mandate ignored.

House members remained spread out, and committee and subcommittee meetings were streamed, limiting the need to attend them in person. In at least some committees, lobbyists and their clients were told to submit written testimony why lawmakers should pass or kill a bill, rather than have them testify in person.

Lobbyist-funded dinners and drinks have picked up again. About $75,000 in spending on lawmakers was reported during the first month of the session, according to disclosures reviewed by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. That’s typically closer to $200,000 or so, but the most costly events — such as those sponsored by chambers of commerce to promote Savannah and other cities — weren’t held this year. Neither was the Wild Hog Supper, the traditional event the night before the start of a session where visitors communally try to pick roasted hogs clean.

One of the strongest traditions at the Capitol is the committee dinner. Groups of lobbyists take entire committees of lawmakers out, typically for a fancy dinner that can run well over $1,000.

David Pratt, a 19-year lobbyist whose client list runs the gamut from AARP and autism advocates to pharmaceutical and private prison companies, is a veteran of the committee dinners, as is his wallet.

“It’s entirely possible there won’t be any of those this year,” he said.

Senate Majority Leader Mike Dugan, R-Carrollton, agreed that those regular big gatherings are less likely.

“The part I miss about the committee dinners (not happening) is not the food as much as they are bipartisan,” Dugan said. “You get to engage with people you typically don’t spend too much time with during the day. That’s been put on the back burner.”

Dugan, who tested positive for COVID-19 at the start of the session but has since returned, said the pandemic hasn’t stopped him from going out with lobbyists.

“I am not one of those who is typically in fear of something going bad,” he said. “I do it as safely as I possibly can. It’s not something I really think about.”

Pratt said he takes lawmakers to places that have spread-out dining and outdoor patios, and he mentioned Kevin Rathbun’s and Murphy’s as places he feels comfortable taking people. “We love to patronize those places,” he said.

Another lobbyist said he’s invited lawmakers to his condo and ordered steaks to be delivered. A third said her company won’t let her go to the session because of COVID-19, so she’s had lawmakers over for food and drinks in her backyard.

Chuck McMullen, a veteran lobbyist whose clients include Anheuser-Busch, the Georgia Academy of Family Physicians, Microsoft, the Wellstar Health System and the Wynn Resorts casino company, said COVID-19 hasn’t slowed the traditional after-hours get-togethers that much.

“I am still getting invitations from people calling me up and asking, ‘Hey, do you want to take me to dinner?’ ” he said.

But McMillen said other things have changed. Lobbyists have to get written testimony on bills prepared to submit because they may not get to speak in subcommittees. In-house lobbyists working for some big corporations have been told to stay home, so the sheer volume is down.

Fast-moving lobbyists can still catch lawmakers in the hall as they walk to and from chambers, but often they have to schedule appointments to get more than a few minutes with a legislator during the workday. Many lobbyists regularly get tested for COVID-19, even those such as McMullen, who’s had the virus.

Ben Harbin, a former House budget chairman turned lobbyist representing the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network, Georgia Power and the Georgia Military College among other clients, said he’s not going to the Capitol as much as he normally would. He’s making a lot of calls and texting with a cellphone number list he and many top lobbyists have built up over years of working the Capitol.

“What has changed is you are more respectful of legislators and the system,” he said. “We are all out and about during the day, and we don’t want to expose anybody. You’ve got older lobbyists, older legislators.”

But McMullen said there is a certain amount of time you have to spend at the Capitol working legislators and legislation, COVID-19 or no COVID-19.

“At the end of the day, to get a bill passed, you still have to be down here,” he said.

Dugan expects the new normal to revert, for the most part, to the old normal once the pandemic is over.

“It won’t be like a switch getting turned on and it (instantly) goes back to the way it was before,” he said. “I think you will see a constant migration back to it.”

The first thing that will happen, he said, is committee meetings will all be opened back up to lobbyists and the public. And the “Day at the Capitol” for professional associations and other groups will eventually return, bringing back the jam-packed third-floor halls and hurried conversations with citizen lobbyists.

“The convenience factor goes way up by not having them here, but we’re not here for our convenience,” Dugan said. “Half of our responsibility is to engage with those that have concerns.”

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Mixing up your workouts ‘boosts motivation to exercise by 40%’


Mixing up your workouts ‘boosts motivation to exercise by 40%’

The study found that doing three different kinds of workout per week is best for motivation 

It’s no secret that exercise motivation during this third lockdown is at an all-time low.

But, if you’re sick of jogging, and can’t be bothered to do yoga in the living room again, there might be a tactic that could make you feel more motivated – mixing up your routine.

It seems variety really is the spice of life, as a new study has found that regularly changing your fitness regime and trying new things could boost your fitness motivation by almost 40%.

The study by the HUAWEI Watch GT 2 Pro, supported by sports psychologist Prof. Andy Lane, says that chopping and changing between things like HIIT workouts, pilates or even something completely different like hula hooping, could be the key to keeping you active.

The research reveals that one in five people (20%) find that mixing up their workouts gives them the most motivation to keep going, with 35% saying that setting themselves goals is key, and 32% who find that tracking their progress is the best incentive to get them lacing up their trainers.

The post-workout rush of endorphins is also a significant factor in boosting motivation, with over half (51%) of Brits citing the feel-good factor as a reason they keep up with their exercise plan.

‘Getting fit and doing regular exercise is a goal many of us want to achieve and mixing up your workouts can really help aid motivation and enjoyment, particularly during a challenging time like this,’ says prof. Andy Lane.

45% of respondents say that they’re lacking in motivation as they get bored of working out 

‘Goal-setting is a highly successful method of raising motivation, but understanding that you need to vary your training is really important if you wish to get fit and enjoy training.’

A recent review in the Health Psychology journal emphasises the importance of changing the types of goals that people set, which can involve learning new skills, and trying new activities along with trying to perform better.

Although 76% of Brits state that regular exercise has a positive impact on their mental health, 41% admit they’re struggling to find motivation to keep going, with one in five (20%) working out less during lockdown than they did previously.

This data suggests that changing up a fitness routine and trying something new, even virtually, could help get people back on track.

Three different workouts a week is seemingly the magic number for motivation, with a quarter (26%) who stay motivated to exercise trying this number of workouts in a week. One in 10 (9%) work out five times or more a week.

The findings also reveal that the most popular activities Brits are adding into their lockdown routine are walking (70%), running (31%), cycling (29%) and strength training (24%), with 21% striding up the stairs to get their steps in. 

Former footballer and broadcaster Jermaine Jenas, who is working with Huawei on the Mix It Up workout content, is passionate about the mental and physical benefits of trying different types of exercise.

‘The current lockdown situation is undoubtedly difficult for many people,’ says Jermaine.

‘I’m a big believer in the benefits of exercise for mental health, and I’ve found that mixing up my workouts throughout the week helps keep me motivated and happy. From kicking a football around to practising yoga, there are lots of different exercises you can do indoors or outside, every little helps.’

Even outside of lockdown life, Brits tend to throw in the towel after an average of three weeks after starting a new workout plan. 16% lose losing motivation after two weeks or less. But an impressive 29% say they don’t lose motivation at all. 

45% of respondents say that they’re lacking in motivation as they get bored of working out, while 45% also admit that they just don’t feel like exercising.

මූල්‍ය පද්ධතියේ ප්‍රධාන බැංකුවකින් ක්‍රිප්ටෝ වලංගු කිරීමක් BNY Mellon to offer bitcoin services, a validation of crypto from a key bank in the financial system

 BNY Mellon to offer bitcoin services, a validation of crypto from a key bank in the financial system

Bank of New York Mellon, the nation's oldest bank, said Thursday that it will begin financing bitcoin and other digital currencies.

It will eventually allow digital currencies to pass through the same financial network it currently uses for more traditional holdings like U.S. Treasury bonds and equities.

"BNY Mellon is proud to be the first global bank to announce plans to provide an integrated service for digital assets," said Roman Regelman, head of digital at BNY Mellon.

Bitcoin, off to a robust start to 2021, was up 6% around $47,450.

a person standing on a sidewalk: The Bank of New York Mellon on Wall Street, New York.© Provided by CNBC The Bank of New York Mellon on Wall Street, New York.

Bank of New York Mellon, the nation's oldest bank, said Thursday that it will begin financing bitcoin and other digital currencies.

The custody bank will eventually allow digital currencies to pass through the same financial network it currently uses for more traditional holdings like U.S. Treasury bonds and equities after months of analysis of its prototype digital asset framework.

මූල්‍ය පද්ධතියේ ප්‍රධාන බැංකුවකින් ක්‍රිප්ටෝ වලංගු කිරීමක් වන බිට්කොයින් සේවා ලබා දීමට බී.එන්.වයි මෙලන් රටේ පැරණිතම බැංකුව වන බෑන්ක් ඔෆ් නිව් යෝර්ක් මෙලන් බ්‍රහස්පතින්දා පැවසුවේ බිට්කොයින් සහ වෙනත් ඩිජිටල් මුදල් සඳහා මුදල් යෙදවීම ආරම්භ කරන බවයි. එය අවසානයේදී ඩිජිටල් මුදල් එක්සත් ජනපද භාණ්ඩාගාර බැඳුම්කර සහ කොටස් වැනි සාම්ප්‍රදායික වත්කම් සඳහා දැනට භාවිතා කරන මූල්‍ය ජාලය හරහා ගමන් කිරීමට ඉඩ දෙනු ඇත. “ඩිජිටල් වත්කම් සඳහා ඒකාබද්ධ සේවාවක් සැපයීමේ සැලසුම් ප්‍රකාශයට පත් කළ පළමු ගෝලීය බැංකුව වීම ගැන බී.එන්.වයි මෙලන් ආඩම්බර වෙනවා” යැයි බී.එන්.වයි මෙලන් හි ඩිජිටල් අංශ ප්‍රධානී රෝමන් රෙජල්මන් පැවසීය. 2021 දක්වා ශක්තිමත් ආරම්භයක් ලබා දුන් බිට්කොයින් ඩොලර් 47,450 ක් පමණ 6% කින් ඉහළ ගියේය. පදික වේදිකාවක සිටගෙන සිටින පුද්ගලයෙක්: නිව් යෝර්ක් හි වෝල් වීදියේ නිව් යෝර්ක් මෙලන් බැංකුව © සපයන ලද්දේ සීඑන්බීසී නිව් යෝර්ක් වෝල් වීදියේ නිව් යෝර්ක් මෙලන් බැංකුව විසිනි. රටේ පැරණිතම බැංකුව වන නිව් යෝර්ක් බැංකුව, බ්‍රහස්පතින්දා පැවසුවේ බිට්කොයින් සහ වෙනත් ඩිජිටල් මුදල් සඳහා මුදල් යෙදවීම ආරම්භ කරන බවයි. භාරකාර බැංකුව අවසානයේ ඩිජිටල් මුදල් එහි මූලාකෘති ඩිජිටල් වත්කම් රාමුව විශ්ලේෂණය කිරීමෙන් මාස ගණනාවකට පසු එක්සත් ජනපද භාණ්ඩාගාර බැඳුම්කර සහ කොටස් වැනි සාම්ප්‍රදායික වත්කම් සඳහා දැනට භාවිතා කරන එකම මූල්‍ය ජාලය හරහා ගමන් කිරීමට ඉඩ දෙනු ඇත. “ඩිජිටල් වත්කම් සඳහා ඒකාබද්ධ සේවාවක් සැපයීමේ සැලසුම් ප්‍රකාශයට පත් කළ පළමු ගෝලීය බැංකුව ලෙස බී.එන්.වයි මෙලන් ආඩම්බර වෙනවා” යැයි වත්කම් සේවා ප්‍රධාන විධායක සහ බී.එන්.වයි මෙලන් හි ඩිජිටල් ප්‍රධානී රෝමන් රෙගල්මන් මාධ්‍ය නිවේදනයක් නිකුත් කරමින් කියා සිටියේය. "ඩිජිටල් වත්කම් සඳහා සේවාදායකයින්ගේ ඉල්ලුම වැඩිවීම, උසස් විසඳුම් වල පරිණතභාවය සහ නියාමන පැහැදිලිකම වැඩිදියුණු කිරීම තුළින් අපගේ වර්තමාන සේවා පිරිනැමීම් මෙම නැගී එන ක්ෂේත්‍රයට ව්‍යාප්ත කිරීමට අපට ඉමහත් අවස්ථාවක් උදාවී ඇත." නිෂ්පාදන විශ්ලේෂණයන් සහ අනුමත කිරීම් අපේක්‍ෂා කරමින් බැංකුව සිය ගනුදෙනුකරුවන්ට මෙම වසර අගදී සේවා සැපයීම ආරම්භ කළ යුතු බව බී.එන්.වයි මෙලන් විධායකයා පැවසීය. වෝල් ස්ට්‍රීට් ජර්නලය මුලින්ම බැංකුවේ cryptocurrency නිවේදනය වාර්තා කළේය.

"BNY Mellon is proud to be the first global bank to announce plans to provide an integrated service for digital assets," Roman Regelman, CEO of asset servicing and head of digital at BNY Mellon, said in a press release.

"Growing client demand for digital assets, maturity of advanced solutions, and improving regulatory clarity present a tremendous opportunity for us to extend our current service offerings to this emerging field," he added.

The BNY Mellon executive added that, pending product analysis and approvals, the bank should begin offering the services to its customers later this year. The Wall Street Journal first reported the bank's cryptocurrency announcement.

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