
Showing posts from February, 2021

Cool Foreign Names You Wish You Had

 Cool Foreign Names You Wish You Had This article is about foreign names of the kids that everyone wish to had for his kids. These foreign names looks cool to be hear and speak and also theses names has very much importance to the personality. What if every second person in the world shared the same name? Yes, I know it is thrilling to even think about it, Even if there is no bad in having the same names. But branding everything with the same name or label kills the diversity and uniqueness of things. Homogeneity of anything makes it boring and who likes ‘boring’ in this modern and advanced era where even a mistake can turn into a new trend. Having a same-named class fellow even becomes frustrating sometimes. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,......... Why Cool Foreign Names Hit the Interest of Language Learners?   Would you know what does Senorita mean, if you had stuck to only your native language? No, I don’t think so, being a native English speaker you would never have been able to know the ...

නදී ගංගා තරණයේ.... cover song

 නදී ගංගා තරණයේ.... cover song share  and dont forget to, subscribe ,channel five.  Message me on WhatsApp Message channel FIVE5 on WhatsApp_ channel FIVE5 on  FB - on Blog -  .................................................... background helps... मिनट में प्रेशर कुकर में बनायें स्पॉन्जी सॉफ्ट छेना# रसगुल्ला:Margarita Bennett,Travel With Chatura,the king pac,cardi b,fresh,B-FIT with Elle,TV Derana,වසති, Swarnavahini TV,Magic Compass,SL VLOG,stephaniesiriwardhana,YouTube Creators,Ghost Cube Compilations,tnl,itn,sri lankanxxx,modelers sri lanka,indian cinama,devami inima,hitha illana tharu,news1st,yfm,sangeethe,wasthi,hari tv,channel one,pramuka tv,nilame,channel FIVE5,Crypto currency,ramuwa,chamurditha,eugene, cnn, bbc,abc, forex,

ෆින්ටෙක් 2021 හි සයිබර් ආරක්ෂාව සහතික කිරීමට පියවර.

 ෆින්ටෙක් 2021 හි සයිබර් ආරක්ෂාව සහතික කිරීමට පියවර.  මූල්‍ය භූ දර්ශනය හරහා ඩිජිටල් පරිවර්තනය පසුගිය වසර කිහිපය තුළ වේගයෙන් ගමන් කරයි. ෆින්ටෙක් හි සයිබර් ආරක්ෂාව සඳහා වන ඊළඟ මට්ටමේ ප්‍රමිතීන්ට අනුකූල වන පරිදි ඔවුන්ගේ තාක්ෂණික යටිතල පහසුකම් යාවත්කාලීනව තබා ගන්න.  විශාලතම මූල්‍ය කර්මාන්තයේ දත්ත උල්ලං ach නය සිදුවී ඇත්තේ 2017 සැප්තැම්බර් මාසයේදී විශාලතම පාරිභෝගික ණය වාර්තාකරණ ආයතන තුනෙන් එකක් වන ඉක්විෆැක්ස් මිලියන 147 ක ගනුදෙනුකරුවන්ගේ පුද්ගලික දත්ත හෙළිදරව් කිරීමෙනි.  අපැහැදිලි Apache Struts අවදානම දත්ත උල්ලං to නය වීමට හේතු විය. Apache Struts යනු Equifax හි එක්සත් ජනපදය පදනම් කරගත් වෙබ් යෙදුම් සඳහා රාමුවයි. උල්ලං ached නය වූ නිරාවරණය වූ ගනුදෙනුකරුවන්ගේ නම්, උපන් දිනය, සමාජ ආරක්ෂණ අංක සහ වෙනත් පුද්ගලික තොරතුරු. උල්ලං to නය හේතුවෙන්, ඉක්විෆැක්ස් හි සී-සූට් හි සාමාජිකයින් කිහිප දෙනෙකු ඉවත් විය.  ෆින්ටෙක්හි සයිබර් ප්‍රහාර පිළිබඳ තවත් සිදුවීම් තිබේ. ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම, ඉක්විෆැක්ස් වලින් පසුව, ෆින්ටෙක් හි තවත් දත්ත උල්ලං aches නයන් කිහිපයකින් මිලියන 130 ක්, මිලියන 90 ක්...

Steps To Ensure Cybersecurity In FinTech 2021.

 Steps To Ensure Cybersecurity In FinTech 2021. Digital transformation across the financial landscape is moving at a quick pace for the past few years. keep their technological infrastructure up to date to be compliant to the next level of standards for cybersecurity in FinTech. The largest finance industry data breach happened in September 2017 when one of the three largest consumer credit reporting agencies, Equifax, exposed 147 million customers’ personal data. An unpatched Apache Struts vulnerability caused the data breach. Apache Struts was the framework for Equifax’s US-based web apps. The breached exposed customer names, date of birth, social security numbers, and other personal information. Due to the breach, several members of Equifax’s C-suite stepped down. There were other incidents of cyberattacks in FinTech. In fact, after Equifax, several other data breaches in FinTech saw as many as 130 million, 90 million, and 76 million people affected

How one simple mantra helped me achieve my weight loss goals for good | Insider in Insider

Today's highlights How one simple mantra helped me achieve my weight loss goals for good Speaking to yourself in this way is called "distanced self-talk" and is scientifically proven to help people… Insider in Insider 4 min read 8 Node.js Projects To Keep An Eye On SheetJS, ESlint & More Mohit in JavaScript in Plain English 3 min read 21 Tiny Habits to Improve Your Life in 2021 Without Much Effort #15. Discover one new thing a month. Mathias Barra in The Ascent 9 min read 3 small tips to become Master Yoda of modern JavaScript Tips to make your code reviewer adore your code Zhichuan 4 min read Quick reads Harvard's Most Popular Course is Free, Online Here's why it's worth it. Frederik Bussler in CodeX 2 min read 10 Space Pictures That Look So Good You Won't Believe They're Real Just say no to artist's illustrations. This is what the Universe actually looks like. Ethan Siegel in Starts With A Bang! 3 min read The Science of Why Friends With...

Only the Best Day of the Year


Lobbying in the time of the COVID: The new normal in Georgia’s Statehouse

  How the paid influencers on the Capitol’s third floor do their work has changed — sometimes in profound ways — with COVID-19. While lobbyists are still wining and dining lawmakers, there are fewer big committee dinners, and going out often means checking into the layout and seating arrangements of restaurants, ruling out regular haunts. Some legislative committee meetings are off-limits. The rope line, where lobbyists normally call lawmakers out of the chamber to buttonhole them about a bill or state funding for their clients, is gone. In some cases, they need an appointment to meet with lawmakers for more than a few minutes, and they have to give staffers their information for contact tracing in case they or the lawmaker comes down with COVID-19. Some older lobbyists or those with medical issues are staying away, sending younger colleagues to hang out at the Capitol to monitor the goings on while they are watching meetings on stream. Phone calls and texts have replaced some in-p...

Peter Andre mysterious girl band cover


Mixing up your workouts ‘boosts motivation to exercise by 40%’

  Mixing up your workouts ‘boosts motivation to exercise by 40%’ The study found that doing three different kinds of workout per week is best for motivation  It’s no secret that exercise motivation during this third lockdown is at an all-time low. But, if you’re sick of jogging, and can’t be bothered to do yoga in the living room again, there might be a tactic that could make you feel more motivated – mixing up your routine. It seems variety really is the spice of life, as a new study has found that regularly changing your fitness regime and trying new things could boost your fitness motivation by almost 40%. The study by the HUAWEI Watch GT 2 Pro, supported by sports psychologist Prof. Andy Lane, says that chopping and changing between things like HIIT workouts, pilates or even something completely different like hula hooping, could be the key to keeping you active. The research reveals that one in five people (20%) find that mixing up their workouts gives them the most ...

මූල්‍ය පද්ධතියේ ප්‍රධාන බැංකුවකින් ක්‍රිප්ටෝ වලංගු කිරීමක් BNY Mellon to offer bitcoin services, a validation of crypto from a key bank in the financial system

 BNY Mellon to offer bitcoin services, a validation of crypto from a key bank in the financial system Bank of New York Mellon, the nation's oldest bank, said Thursday that it will begin financing bitcoin and other digital currencies. It will eventually allow digital currencies to pass through the same financial network it currently uses for more traditional holdings like U.S. Treasury bonds and equities. "BNY Mellon is proud to be the first global bank to announce plans to provide an integrated service for digital assets," said Roman Regelman, head of digital at BNY Mellon. Bitcoin, off to a robust start to 2021, was up 6% around $47,450. a person standing on a sidewalk: The Bank of New York Mellon on Wall Street, New York.© Provided by CNBC The Bank of New York Mellon on Wall Street, New York. Bank of New York Mellon, the nation's oldest bank, said Thursday that it will begin financing bitcoin and other digital currencies. The custody bank will eventually allow digit...