How To Search For Kenya Safari Package Providers

By Elsa Noel

For first time travelers, it is only a given to search for the best providers of tours and trips before they decide on one. It is a given for you to look for the best service providers, especially if you are eyeing a Kenya safari package this upcoming summer. You should get the best provider so that you can make this trip a memorable vacation for the entire family.

First time travelers will surely have to bear the burden of searching for the best service providers nowadays. When they find the best provider on their first trip, then they do not have to worry about it later on for their next trips. To search for the best providers, they have to look into qualifications and other things.

Of course, there are many things that they will have to check to be able to get the most out of the said tour. If they do not look into these things, then they will surely end up with a disappointing trip. Here are just some of the things that travelers should pay attention to when they are looking for a tour operator.

First of all, it is highly important to find an operator with the right licenses and certifications to provide the said tour. The licenses will also prove that the said tour operator actually has the acknowledgment of the law to provide quality tour packages to clients. You can rely on the licensed and certified tour operators.

The years of business that this operators have should be taken into account as well. You have to find those operators who have been staying in this business for a period of not less than five years. This is because five years should be sufficient in establishing a good reputation. You can rely on operators with this years of service.

The vehicle used for the tour should be taken into consideration. There are many types of vehicles and they have their own purposes. When you want to avail of a tour, make sure that the vehicle that is offered to you is one that can really provide you with a smooth travel. It should fit the occasion well.

The drivers and tour guides should have the essential skills, expertise, and experience in this field. When they are experienced in the field, then they should be able to handle the said tour without any problems. And, even when there are emergencies, they can handle it without making their guests panic.

You should check up on the cost before you agree to any trip. This is because you have to verify that the cost of the said trip is really reasonable. It is also necessary to do this so that you can determine whether this trip is within your budget or not. Otherwise, you might get financially strained.

Know what is included in this tour. You have to ensure that the tour is what you really want to do. The tourist spots and activities that are included there should be the ones that you are looking forward to. Otherwise, the trip will not be worth it.


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British Airways cease Flight operations from Colombo

British Airways cease Flight operations from Colombo

British Airways today announced that it will cease its operations onwards to Colombo from March 28 next year.

Services to Male will re-commence for winter 2015, but British Airways will cease to operate flights onwards to Colombo.

With SriLankan Airlines recently joining oneworld, customers in Sri Lanka will still be able to enjoy the benefits of British Airways' extensive network of flights to Europe and North America, connecting on from the direct SriLankan Airlines flight to London Heathrow.

Christopher Fordyce, Regional Commercial Manager, British Airways, South Asia, said, "The decision to suspend flights between Colombo and London has been a difficult one to make. We constantly assess all our global routes and take appropriate steps, as needed. The Colombo route is not making a profitable contribution to our business and we are unable to sustain it.

"British Airways will continue flying between London Gatwick and Male, however, the service will be operational only during the winter schedule to cater to the high leisure travel demand."

British Airways is in the process of contacting all affected customers, who will be offered a full refund. The premium airline is also in the process of seeking out solutions to assist as many customers as possible in making alternative arrangements. Customers who have booked through travel agents may contact their agents directly.

British Airways would like to apologise to the customers affected by these changes and would like to thank the airport authorities, local government, tourist organisations and people of Sri Lanka for their support.

Climate Change 2014: UN Climate Summit In New York Comes At Critical Point In Fight To Reduce Emissions

climate change
For residents of the Marshall Islands, normal life is disappearing. The Pacific Ocean’s encroaching waters are wiping away beaches and poisoning drinking water. Crops are shriveling amid persistent drought, and massive floods have forced thousands of people from their homes. “Life is quickly becoming like living in a war zone,” Tony de Brum, the island nation’s foreign affairs minister, says. “For us, climate change is not a distant threat. It has already arrived.” De Brum is one of hundreds of government officials gathering in New York City this week for a triple-header of climate events.
On Sunday, some 400,000 people marched along Manhattan's west side in what is being called the biggest climate demonstration in history. Monday marks the kick-off to Climate Week NYC, an annual forum to promote the business case for a low-carbon economy. A U.N.-led summit Tuesday will be the largest gathering of its kind in five years. Organizers say they hope it can revive a languishing effort to commit the world’s countries to reducing dangerous greenhouse gas emissions.
The efforts come at a critical point in the climate fight. The 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the first international agreement to reduce emissions, expired two years ago with little discernable impact. (The United States signed the treaty, but never ratified it.) Attempts to negotiate a successor treaty collapsed in 2009 at the U.N. climate talks in Copenhagen. Now world leaders have set a target to negotiate a new treaty at the Paris conference in December 2015 -- and the sense of urgency is building.
The planet is on track to warm by 4 degrees Celsius (7.2 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century. Scientists say that warming should be kept below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) to avoid the most catastrophic climate impacts.
“We are running out of time,” U.N. climate chief Christiana Figueres told reporters this month. “We can no longer afford the luxury of being gradual or incremental. We need very, very stark changes right away.”
Government leaders like de Brum won’t be negotiating an international climate treaty this week. Instead, the idea behind the summit -- which was convened by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon -- is to pressure governments into adopting aggressive domestic strategies for reducing emissions and investing in clean energy technologies. Those plans will then be incorporated into formal negotiations in Paris.
“We believe this summit will be a major turning point in the way the world is approaching climate change,” Selwin Hart, who directs Ban’s climate support team, said on an earlier press call. “The summit provides countries [a chance] to show what they are doing and what they intend to do … instead of waiting to see what others do.”
While representatives from more than 125 countries -- including President Obama -- will attend the Sept. 23 event, the real onus for climate action rests on only a handful of governments. China and the United States together account for roughly 45 percent of all emissions of carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas; the European Union, India, Russia, Japan and Brazil are among the other top emitters.
Climate experts say for a global climate strategy to have a significant impact, countries need to commit to at least two overarching measures: First, unprecedented investment in low-carbon electricity, transportation and fuel. And second, a price on carbon dioxide emissions, which would make it costlier to extract and burn coal, oil and natural gas. Nations have implemented these policies to varying degrees, but the world has yet to bring these approaches to a massive scale.
The first point, investing in technology, is critical because many of the low-carbon options that countries need to reduce their emissions are not yet mature or cheap enough to replace fossil fuel-dependent energy systems, said Emmanuel Guerin, who directs the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project at the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
“There are massive research, development and deployment efforts that need to be done to bring these technologies to deployment at scale and on time,” he said in an interview.
According to his project team, the United States and China, for instance, will eventually need to adopt so-called “carbon capture and storage” to keep emissions from coal- and natural gas-fired power plants out of the atmosphere. Neither country has a commercial-scale CCS facility in operation, and the ones under development could cost upward of $1 billion each to build. India will rely heavily on renewable energy like solar and wind power to meet the growing demands of its rising middle class. The two technologies, however, are still technically and economically challenging on the whole when compared to fossil fuels.
All told, a colossal $36 trillion in additional clean energy investment is needed by 2050, the International Energy Agency has estimated -- roughly 250 times the amount that countries spent on low-carbon technology last year.
Wind TurbinesGermanyWind turbines are pictured on a field near Altengrabow, Germany.  Reuters
The U.N. climate process has set up a way for developed countries to help emerging economies make these investments and adapt to the effects of global warming. The Green Climate Fund aims to channel an annual $100 billion in public and private money to developing nations from 2020 onward, but right now, the 5-year-old fund is practically empty. Germany is the only rich country that has made a sizable pledge so far: $1 billion over four years. 
The second key climate measure -- a price on carbon -- will be essential for incentivizing this massive economy-wide shift away from fossil fuels, climate policy proponents say.
A carbon price is “the most powerful move that a government can make in the fight against climate change and the reengineering of the economy,” said Rachel Kyte, a special envoy for climate change at the World Bank, a U.N. financial institution. “What the public sector needs to do is send a clear, consistent signal through the economy of what the direction of capital is.”
Global investors said as much in a Sept. 18 letter to government leaders at the U.N. summit. More than 340 institutional investors representing $24 trillion in assets urged countries to tax carbon emissions or adopt cap-and-trade emissions policies to boost the economic incentive to invest in low-carbon technology.
Nearly 40 countries and 20 local governments so far have put, or are planning to put, a price on carbon emissions. The European Union’s Emissions Trading System is the largest cap-and-trade scheme in the world. In the United States, California and nine Northeastern states operate smaller programs, though previous attempts to adopt a nationwide system have resoundingly failed.
But those piecemeal efforts along aren’t enough to steer capital markets away from fossil fuels, Jeff Swartz, director of international policy at the International Emissions Trading Association, said by phone from Brussels. The nonprofit business group -- whose members include major oil and gas firms -- is calling on countries to link their carbon markets to create an overarching global framework.
“Not only will we get greater emissions reductions, but policies will be more cost-effective” if they’re able to harmonize, he said. His association recently studied various options for doing so, along with researchers from the Harvard Kennedy School. The two groups will present their research Tuesday with the hopes of building a carbon market collaboration into a 2015 global agreement in Paris.
For some climate activists, however, this entire week of U.N.-backed activities is missing the point when it comes to curbing the causes and effects of global warming.
Rather than drag out a decades-long process that so far has failed to produce meaningful emissions reductions, some say the climate movement should instead target fossil fuel companies directly. As long as oil, gas and coal companies have a powerful political influence, and as long as governments subsidize fossil fuels and offer favorable regulations, the world can’t move the needle on climate change, activiststold VICE News last week.
“What the big [environmental] organizations believe is that they can work within the existing political system -- that they can get global politicians, they can get Obama to do the right thing and then it will be okay,” Scott Parkin, an organizer with the environmental activist network Rising Tide North America, told VICE News. “But that political system is rigged against us in all possible ways.”
Even proponents of U.N.-led climate negotiations expressed a degree of fatigue with the process. “We can’t be absolutely confident that the outcome [in Paris] will be a success,” Andrew Steer, president and chief executive of the World Resources Institute, an environmental research organization, said on a press call this month.
Still, most mainstream climate groups remain hopeful. As scientific data increasingly points to a warming planet, momentum is building again among policymakers and the general public; the People's Climate March on Sunday drew four times as many people to the event as organizers first expected.
“In general we are more optimistic about a deal than realistically we could’ve been a couple of years ago,” Steer said.

Nano Cab Contact Numbers

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011 2 67 67 67
Sonnit Cab
011 2 816 816
Lankafood Nano Cabs
011 576 77 66
Green Cabs
011 7 735 735
Prestige Cabs
011 5 500 500
Budget Cabs
011 7 299 299
Kangaroo Cabs
011 2 592 592
Q Nano Cabs
0727 317 317 / 0117 317 317
Excellent Cabs
011 7 988 988

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Malta: Traveller's Guide

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How To Produce A Good Food And Travel Blog

By Karina Frost

If you are an aspiring blogger, certainly you also have many questions in mind that need to be answered. Actually, if writing blogs is one of your passion and hobbies, then you might consider starting your own career. Every day, a lot of people share their ideas, fashion, and especially on ideas about food and trips through their blogs. Some even make good money through it.

Before you get started, you might consider helpful tips for all aspiring and emerging bloggers. Typically, if you love to travel and loves to eat, then writing a food and travel blog might be ideal for your interests. Decide first on the certain type of food and trips you want to include in your blogs. Perhaps, you opt for reviews, recipes and anything related to your vacation and the dishes you have tasted.

It is also necessary to produce what you have written., But first, you have to decide the type of story you want to write. It could be the best town you visited, A magnificent beach you have stayed for the rest of your vacation and a perfect tropical country where you enjoy most. You may also include the best dishes of the respective countries you have ever tasted in your life.

It is necessary to schedule your blog. Use a calendar so you can organize the dates of your travel. You may opt for once, twice or thrice a week depending to your schedule. It is also necessary to prepare a draft or a diary. This way, you can ensure that you are consistently blogging in a balance and regular way. This is also an effective way, so you would not forget the details you want to write about.

Actually, most of the bloggers are inspired by the work of other people. So, you may also place a certain acknowledgement to the sources of your inspiration if possible. You may create favorite sites section to your blog in promoting other food bloggers you want. You may also visit other sites and leave comments. There are certain cases, where writers are curious about who you are and even check your own site.

Stealing others work is certainly a crime. Thus, you have to avoid making this action and just create your own. Do not steal the others work, especially without their authorization. If you prefer to do so, then much better to ask their permission first before publishing their photographs and other materials.

If you are established enough in your career, then opportunities will also come on your way. You may start receiving approaches and invitations from markets, advertising companies, restaurants, chefs, producers and other companies interested in the promotion of their services and products on your blog. You will be sent with press releases, invitations and samples.

If you receive this attention, then this is your chance to grab that opportunity.This is also your chance to be more creative in making many stories appropriate to your interest. Then, it would also be the start of your successful career.

Actually, there is no right or wrong. As long as it is your own idea, thought and opinion, No one can criticize it. Just be true to yourself and write all things that you love to share with others. As mentioned above, this may also be the start of your successful career and earn more money from blogging.


Points Regarding African Missions That You Have To Know

By Karina Frost

There are different organizations around the world which are focused on helping other people especially those who are unfortunate and those who are victims of devastation. You would find others who are willing to join such organizations. There are those which would even volunteer to travel to other countries just to provide help that others need. These were established in different reasons.

Being knowledgeable with the activities where they focus in prior to entering this is really necessary. An organization has activities which would be done. One might have an idea with African missions wherein numerous volunteers are interested on. The activities which will be done will rely with the focus that they got. One may see them in the countries wherein a lot will be needing their help.

Evangelism is one task that they have for it. They will be delivering words of God on everybody. They will usually talk on things that He was able to do for us. They will also discuss on the things He can do on others. You will be seeing that there are groups which they would form in which topics like these would be discussed. They would have a time where they are sharing thoughts for it.

The tasks which the organizations commonly have is relief and development. They have the commitment in saving and in rebuilding those communities that were devastated. There are times that they will support the projects that are of great help on the citizens. You will also see them rebuilding the homes that have been destroyed by the calamities and by the war that occurred in those areas.

Since the word of Lord is being spread to them, building churches in those communities would also be part of it. Mostly, it would be built in the places that only a lesser number of churches or none could be seen. That is an area in which they pursue spreading the words of God in the citizens of an area.

Other than helping on rebuilding the communities, they would also work for justice. They would talk to those who have been oppressed and wronged so they could help them. They would be having legal campaigns for them. It is better for them to have it as it would surely raise awareness in the world.

So they can ensure that people can have good lives, they are going to offer them skills training as well. Some of these groups are giving scholarships on them so that they can acquire more knowledge. Mostly, livelihood programs are being offered so they will learn how they can earn a living every time.

They believe that God would be empowering those who believe in Him. He would surely comfort the believers especially during the worst times of their lives. Through organizations like these, they would be introducing God on the lives of others.

It will not matter what the focus would be as long as you can find an organization that have willingness to help the ones that needed something. You can call them so you can ask about the process on joining the cause they have. Some volunteers came from various countries in the globe.

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