53 New Colorized Photos From The Past
These 53 Colorized Photos From The Past Will Blow You Away. Up until the 1970s, color photography was extremely rare, and so when we think about history prior to that time, we often envision it in black and white. Today's technology now enables us to "colorize" historical photos, giving us our only chance at seeing what the world really looked like back then. And it was truly spectacular. Take a trip back in time through these photos below. It's quite incredible to see Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein in living color. 5. Times Square 1947. 9. Burger Flipper 1938. 14. Samurai Training 1860. 34. A Washington, D.C. Filling station in 1924. 37. Louis Armstrong plays to his wife, Lucille, in Cairo, Egypt 1961. 46. Baltimore Slums, 1938. Source: Reddit
-- The moment you have hatred,even with good reason,that hatred will hurt you before it hurts anyone else.- Swami Satprakashananda. |