Busting Acoustical Myths From Our Children's Schoolroom Across The Globe

By Johnathan Louis

One of the most important things for students to actually learn in the classroom environment is good sound quality in the classrooms. There has been a vast pool of research showing that noise exposure can affect the educational outcomes for children in both positive and negative ways. This goes a long way towards busting acoustical myths regarding sound in the classroom and learning versus behavior.

One of several things these studies shown us is that most children are distracted by sound levels equal or lower then ambient sound. The effects are somewhat more pronounced in younger children to around four years old. Oddly most adults will not encounter this problem as they can discern speech better regardless of background noise.

This is an even greater disadvantage with children in their beginning years of schooling. This is mostly because the vast majority of classroom exercises involving them listening and speaking with each other and their teachers. This is typically their primary mode for learning in classroom settings.

Background sounds can impair the learning process by interfering and altering the speech perception children have. By closely observing these properties inside a classroom the classroom setting, an enhanced learning surrounding is possible. There are also some areas deserving a closer look when going over these noise characteristics

The understanding of spoken words also has much to do with pitch, volume and timber of the words themselves. The background noise which distorts the sounds a speaker produces may easily cause the words to start bleeding into each other. This type of distortion is often called - bleed through effect - and accounts for about 85 percent of sound difficulties within the classroom environment.

Foam works very good at absorbing both mid and high frequency sound waves. The practicability and reliability depend a great deal on the thickness and placement of the foam. The thicker the foam generally the greater absorbing powers it will have. Typically foam sizes will range from 1 inch to 5 inches. After 5 inches, added sound absorption is negligible in most cases.

Sound absorption also decreases as the frequency of the sound becomes lower. However, the thicker foam still has a much greater ability to absorb lower frequencies than its much thinner counterpart. Busting acoustical myths inside the classroom environment is not that difficult when you consider all these facts. By making some simple cost effective additions we can make better classrooms. Now, let's go make some better schools for our children.

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