Dog Lyme Disease Symptoms

By Geraldine Dimarco

What is canine Lyme disease? This is a condition that has affected thousands of dogs every year. This is not specific only to dogs - humans and other pets can contract Lyme disease. While it is generally not fatal in nature; it can cause extreme pain to the canine and possibly bring severe damage to him when left untreated for a long time.

Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia. It is transmitted through deer ticks and is more prevalent in certain areas in the United States. This feeding tick secretes enzymes to keep the host?s blood from clotting and it is this particular enzyme that causes the dog to be sick. If the tick is removed within 48 hours, the spirochete is not transmitted and the dog will not get infected.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of dog diseases will help in keeping your pet from having to suffer this dreaded ailment. Dog Lyme symptoms are not as easily detected as pet owners would have liked? nevertheless, they are useful to know about for future reference.

Typically, the earlier stages of this disease are characterized by high fever, about 103 to 105 Fahrenheit. The dog will also experience a loss of appetite. While these two indicators are usual signs and symptoms of dog diseases, it is reasonable to assume that the canine has Lyme disease when other associated symptoms manifest together with fever and appetite loss.

The most common indicator of dog Lyme disease is perhaps limping and lameness. Many times, Lyme disease has been misdiagnosed as a case of arthritis. The limping may shift from one limb to another and can also leave suddenly, only to reappear after weeks or months later.

Lymphadenopathy (disease of the lymph nodes) will accompany the arthritis-like symptoms. The tick transmits the infection to the bloodstream. It then travels to the other body parts, specifically to the joints and limbs , and you will see a swelling of the lymph nodes. When you notice that the pain is not localized in the joints and limbs, it is highly probable that the disease has reached its more progressive stages.

Severe pain throughout the whole body is an indication that the disease is already widespread and has affected the dog's neurological system. The more critical cases of Lyme disease will cause heart and kidney problems, as well as complications in the nervous system of the dog.

If your canine has been exhibiting dog Lyme disease symptoms, visit the vet immediately to obtain a diagnosis. Take note of when your dog has been exposed to ticks or if you have seen any of these parasites on your dog lately. If your dog has been previously vaccinated for ticks, his immune system will be able to fight off Lyme disease on its own.

The good news is Lyme disease is simple to address. Be sure to vaccinate and groom your pet regularly to inhibit this condition. Check with your vet if there are any changes in your dog's physical and behavioral patterns.

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