A UFO from Planet Zeeba crashed into Chelyabinsk, Russia last night!  
Russia’s Urals region has been rocked by an explosion in the stratosphere. The impact wave damaged several buildings, and blew out thousands of windows amid frigid winter weather. Hundreds are seeking medical attention for minor injuries.  Thousands of buildings were damaged.
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The world press is saying that the crash in Chelyabinsk was connected to asteroid 2012 DA14, but WWN has learned from sources in Russia and at NASA that the crash was in fact a spaceship from Planet Zeeba, which is in another solar system, just outside Jupiter.
The Russian space agency Roskosmos is saying that the object that crashed in the Chelyabinsk region is a meteorite:
“According to preliminary estimates, this space object is of non-technogenic origin and qualifies as a meteorite. It was moving at a low trajectory with a speed of about 30 km/s.”
But a prominent Russian extraterrestrial expert told WWN that the crash was “absolutely an alien spaceship.”  The source went on to tell WWN that the spaceship has been moved to a remote location in Siberia, where it will be examined by scientists from around the world.
Witnesses said the explosion was so loud that it seemed like an earthquake and thunder had struck at the same time, and that there were huge trails of smoke across the sky. Others reported seeing burning objects fall to earth.
The incident in Chelyabinsk bears a strong resemblance to a 1908 Tunguska event in Russia – a there was an exceptionally powerful explosion in Siberia believed to have been caused by an alien spaceship.
The good news is that Planet Zeeba is a friendly planet.  ”The aliens from Zeeba have been circling Earth for the last two years,” said Dr. John Malley of the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials.   “They are here to protect us from the more aggressive aliens from Planet Gootan, who have been quietly invading our planet since 2010, preparing for an attack.”
Dr. Malley and NASA scientists are now in Chelyabinsk, examining the Zeeban ship.  Meanwhile, press around the world keeps pushing the “asteroid story” so that citizens are not alarmed or panicked.  ”But there is no reason for any citizen on Earth to worry, ” said Dr. Malley.  ”This was an accident, and it actually makes me feel good to know that the Zeebans are out there looking out for us.”
Vladimir Putin called leaders around the world early this morning, telling them that he would protect earth from any and all alien invasions.  He declined any military help saying that “Russia is the only country that can properly protect our planet from an alien invasion.”  The Russian Army is ready to go.
Putin was heading to Siberia to examine the Zeeban ship.   President Obama had no comment as he headed to a vacation in West Palm Beach.

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