I Didn't Want the Maltipoo!

By B. Gregory Sloan

I remember a time in our lives where my wife went through her second "I've got to have dog" moment. Actually it was more like weeks than a moment. but I remember it clearly. She wanted a Maltipoo. A Maltipoo? Are you kidding me? That doesn't sound like a breed. It sound like something that an untrained dog does in the floor! Well, if you are like me and are uninformed about Maltipoos, it is a mix between a Maltese and a Toy or Miniature Poodle. Well, we already had a poodle in our house, so if we had to have another dog why not a Lab or German Shepherdsomething a little more masculine?

But nevertheless, as a wife shall do sometimes, she persisted. But I was winning. A lot of asking, but no Maltipoo. Yay! But then it happened. The CEO of a fairly large local medical group, who is a good friend of ours found out about the Maltipoo request. And, as a kind gesture (that was the undoing of my 'no Maltipoo" strategy), he ordered a pearl colored Maltipoo puppy from a breeder in Florida and had it flown up to our house. So he spent a few hundred dollars for the maltipoo and a couple of hundred for the dog plane flight and we've got a new puppy sitting in our living room.

But what we didn't know was that the puppy was sick. Not sick as in long term sick. It may have been dog stress or the plane ride, but for two days this puppy pooped all over every spot in our house with a pooping vengeance that no human being should have to clean up. And you know what? For those two days it just so happened that my wife was scheduled to be at a medical convention. Okay, let's sum it up so far, I didn't want the Maltipoo. I was given the sissy Maltipoo. The dog pooped all over the place for two days, and.my wife who begged for the dog was away having fun at a convention while I cleaned up the nastiest dog #2 for two days. Was I mad yet?

Ok, let me fast forward a bit. The dog got well and she was fine. However, I still wasn't pleased that I had lost the Maltipoo battle. But as bad as I hated to admit it, this dog was a winner. I mean a big winner. She was the cutest, sweetest pup. She had a great personality and loved everyone...especially me. Go figure. She doesn't meet strangers. If she were a guard dog, she would gladly escort the burglars in and out of the house and make friends with them. This dog loves life.

Well, her name is Pearlie and now I can't imagine not having her around. She's always ready to play or she's ready to sit by you and just be there. She just wants to be with people. And if the guys are bragging about their macho Labradors or German Shepherds, I can just be silent or I can say proudly, "I got me a Maltipoo!" I thought I had lost a battle by getting another dog, but I didn't. The family won, and I won. Pearlie, the Maltipoo is definitely a keeper.

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