Three Effective Solutions for Raising Hogs

By Lianne Derocco

If there is one word that could describe hog farming, "easy" is definitely not it. Being a hog farmer is very challenging because you have to deal with so many chores. It is when you confuse these to be equally important that you make matters worse for you. What you must realize is that there are some of these that may not be as urgent as the others. Once you have been able to sort these out, you could then have focus on the more necessary and set aside the others at certain times.

There is no doubt that you have always tried to be a very responsible hog farmer but you may still not be knowledgeable about some issues regarding hogs. Even if you are already in this kind of business for a long time, there may be health problems that you still could not handle. Of course, you should not be complacent when it comes to the health of the hogs. Being careless with this could be disastrous to your farm. This is precisely why you should consider finding a veterinarian who specializes in the treatment of health problems of hogs, including those related to reproduction.

It is not just in treating of illnesses though that you would need the help experts. Even the vets would surely tell you that it is best that you focus more on illness prevention than on treatment. It is for this reason that you should consider learning how to provide proper nutrition to the hogs. The first thing that you need to do though is to appreciate the value of a healthy mix of food and fresh water. After this, you could then learn the type of foods that have to be included in the hogs' diet.

One of the most important tasks related to hog health that you should deal with is keeping the water supply clean. You could use Healthy Ponds Stock Tank Cleaner as your partner for the said task since it is very safe. Expert vets have approved this product because it is not chemical and is totally natural, which is why it is good for hogs. While guaranteeing the safety of the animals, it effectively cleanses the water in the tank.

Aside from ensuring a fresh and clean water supply, you also need to establish a good waste management system. Oftentimes, the main cause of disease among the hogs is when the disposal of waste is not properly done. However, in order to ensure that the agricultural waste management system is always good for the hogs, you may have to use products such as the AgraSphere or the AgraSphere LGT.

The AgraSphere and AgraSphere LGT are products that have been created for treating the agricultural waste on farms. The first product is to be used for manure pits, while the LGT formulation was created to treat waste lagoons. These products are quite effective in decreasing the amount of sludge, while reducing the emission of odors, foaming and top-level crusting. Of course, with fewer odors, fly infestation which is quite common hog farms also is decreased. Since these are natural products and do not contain harmful chemicals, these are also very safe to use.

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