Travel Tips That Everyone Should Check Out

By Adeline Guridi

While travel can be a rewarding, fun experience, it can also be dangerous and daunting! If you're planning a trip and aren't sure what to expect, read on to find out what everyone should know before setting off on a trip, whether it be for vacation or another reason.

Don't get slammed with phone bill shock when you return home from traveling. Make a quick call to your service provider about what to expect when using your cell at your travel destination. Adjust your rate plan temporarily in accordance can save you massive headaches when that wireless bill arrives.

Make sure you double or even triple check all of your reservations before you leave for your trip. Just call the hotels you are staying at or make sure none the events you were planning on going to got cancelled. You don't want to be left stranded with no where to stay or disappointed that your favorite band isn't going to play in the city you are going to visit just to see them live. There's nothing wrong with checking your plans for your trip.

If you are trying to pack lightly but still want to be able to bring some souvenirs home, you can pack clothing that can be thrown away after it has been worn. This tip works especially well for old underwear or socks that are due to be thrown out anyway. It can also apply to shirts or pants.

Before departing on a trip, the wise traveler makes sure at least one person back home knows where he will be. This "home base" contact should also be updated with any unplanned changes the traveler encounters on the way. Someone who knows where a traveler is - and where they should be - can be a great help in the case of trouble on the road.

Make all your travel arrangements yourself, without the assistance of company employees. Book your flights online because many airlines will charge an extra fee when you talk with one of their workers to secure your travel plans. Check your bags online because doing it at the airport could also subject you to extra fees. Be as self-sufficient as possible to save money.

Preparing a budget for various expenses before traveling will help one not overspend while on vacation. Having a budget already laid out will keep one more conscious of their spending. The increased attention on not overspending will prevent stressful and frustrating situations such as bouncing a check from occurring. Also it will give one more peace of mind.

If you need a rental car while on vacation consider renting an eco-friendly car. Zipcar and Flexcar are both "green" car-sharing programs which offer travelers low fees and convenient drop off and pick up. You will be able to reduce car emissions by renting the smallest car you can or a hybrid car.

To have a smooth trip through customs when you travel, keep a copy of your prescriptions with your pills. When you travel, it is tempting to save space by repackaging your prescription pills, but then you have no proof that they are yours. Some countries have strict rules and will confiscate the medication, or worse, so carry documentation with you.

Joining a hotel's loyalty club may prove to be quite valuable at times. If the hotel mistakenly overbooks, they are less likely to bump one of their loyalty customers than they would be if they were not a member. This may also help you gain free breakfast or dry cleaning services.

When traveling on a plane, allow the middle seat to have both armrests. With common plane configurations containing four armrests for three seats (and eight arms), it can be confusing determining who gets to put their arms where. Airplane etiquette dictates that since the middle seat is the least desirable, and as such it is a kindness to allow that person both armrests. Nobody likes to get stuck in the middle seat, so try to be understanding.

A second set of travel-designated power adapters can put an end to forgotten cords. There is nothing worse than getting unpacked at your destination and realizing that your laptop, camera, or cell phone is useless because you forgot the charger. Purchase additional chargers for your favorite devices, and store them in your suitcase year-round. Next time you are packing for a trip, your power cords will be ready to go.

When you are traveling to a new city, join in on a pub crawl. You can experience the downtown area and meet new people. You'll have even more fun by slowly eating dinner across the different restaurants; have drinks at one place and then an appetizer at the next. Work your way up to a main course and dessert.

Avoid asking your hotel's staff about what attractions and restaurants are the ones to go to during your travels. It is likely that they are on the take and will receive some kind of commission for sending you there and there is no way of knowing whether it is a quality establishment.

If you're going on a cruise, pack a highlighter in your luggage! There are tons of activities that go on during the cruise and most of the time you'll get a nice little newsletter that details what's going on and where. You can use your highlighter to mark which ones you want to do, and save yourself some headaches.

In conclusion, many people travel each year to countries all over the world. When traveling, there are always important key points to keep in mind while on your trip, and before your trip even begins.

You now have some great ideas about the methods to use when traveling. The tips in this article were written to help every potential traveler make the most of the time that he or she gets to spend traveling and experiencing the wonders of the world. Now that you are informed, consider opening the doors to the world through travel.

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