Discover the Tips Trainers Use in Advanced Obedience Training for Dogs

By Geraldine Dimarco

Advanced obedience training-don't let the name daunt you anyone who is willing to exert patience can do this. It is one of the most fulfilling things you can experience with your pet. Not only will you enjoy the company of the best version of your dog, you will be doing Fido a favor as well. Successfully trained dogs are well-adjusted, confident and mentally quicker. You can leave him alone in a roomful of strangers without worry on him inflicting harm to anyone.

Before you can teach your dog anything, you have to set yourself in the position of power in your relationship. When he recognizes you as his master, training him automatically becomes much easier. If you allow him to get his way at any time,he will be confused as to who is the dominant creature and you will see signs of aggressive behavior in him. Correct this trait as soon as you see it. Don't punish and rebuke him incessantly to show you're the head of him. Instead, continue to just be firm and strong in your training.

Use a strong and sure voice when you give your commands. If you tell him to Sit!, carefully bring him your dog to the appropriate sitting position as you speak out the command. It will take a few times especially at the start of your training. But as the dog develops from basic to advanced obedience training, the dog begins to understand the patterns in your sessions with him and teaching him becomes much easier.

The best, indeed the only way to train animals is through the reward and punishment system. Reward your pet with enthusiastic praise upon completion on a correctly executed command. Be consistent in remembering what he did to deserve praise and make an effort to praise him every time thereafter. Dogs can get confused with what is expected of him if you don't praise him for the same thing repeatedly.

On the other hand, do not neglect to reprimand the dog for wrong behavior. Do this at the time he is committing the mistake not after so he will know that action is wrong. Chastising the animal will also emphasize right from wrong. For example, if he eats dirt in the street scold him immediately. Right after put dog food in front of him and enthusiastically praise him wen he eats the latter.

Dog obedience training should only be done in 15 minute sessions for maximum efficacy. Be repetitive and consistent in the commands you teach him. Also, make sure you don't keep a strict schedule in your training. If training is done only at a certain period in the day, the animal will put on the obedient mode during that time alone. Teach him in sessions interspersed throughout the day.

We see movie dogs and get awed by how well they carry out the difficult commands they are given. However, remember that they all started with sit. Start with teaching him the basics that worked for you and keep progressing from there. Soon your dog will learn the more difficult command like roll over, fetch and attack.

Now you are in possession of the secrets experts use in their advanced obedience training dog school. All you have to do is to find Fido and get on your way to dog obedience success!

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