Beijing Building 'Great Wall Of Sand' With Artificial Islands In South China Sea: US Official

  • Pagasa (Hope) Island in the South China Sea
    An aerial view shows the Pagasa (Hope) Island, part of the disputed Spratly group of islands, in the South China Sea located off the coast of western Philippines on July 20, 2011. 
  • South China Sea
    A Vietnamese naval soldier stands guard at Truong Sa Dong island in the Spratly archipelago in the South China Sea on Jan. 7, 2013. 
  • Pagasa (Hope) Island in the South China Sea
    An aerial view shows the Pagasa (Hope) Island, part of the disputed Spratly group of islands, in the South China Sea located off the coast of western Philippines on July 20, 2011. 
  • South China Sea
    A Vietnamese naval soldier stands guard at Truong Sa Dong island in the Spratly archipelago in the South China Sea on Jan. 7, 2013. 
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U.S. top commander said Tuesday that China’s unexpected land reclamation in the South China Sea was a serious cause of concern as it raised questions over whether Beijing wanted to resolve issues or confront other countries who also claim the set of islands. U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Harry Harris Jr. reportedly said that China was creating a "great wall of sand with dredges and bulldozers over the course of months."
Harris said that the construction continued in the region where China had created artificial land mass spreading over 1.5 miles.
Besides China, which claims almost the entire South China Sea, countries including Brunei, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam have also claimed islands in the region. These countries have been concerned about construction at the submerged reefs on the Spratly Islands, which China is turning into artificial land with buildings, runways and wharves. The landmass would be an ideal ground for China’s military training and other Southeast Asian nations are worried this would strengthen Beijing’s claims, the Associated Press reported.
"What's really drawing a lot of concern in the here and now is the unprecedented land reclamation currently being conducted by China," Harris said, according to the AP, adding: "China is building artificial land by pumping sand on to live coral reefs — some of them submerged — and paving over them with concrete. China has now created over 4 square kilometers (1.5 square miles) of artificial landmass."
Harris, who spoke Tuesday at a naval security conference in Australia, said, according to AP, that the construction of artificial land mass "raises serious questions about Chinese intentions." China has said that its construction in the region is justified and reasonable, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Harris said that the U.S., which has been criticized by Beijing for commenting on China’s claims, is committed to a rebalance of forces. He added that the U.S. was on schedule to get 60 percent of the U.S. Navy based in the Pacific Fleet by 2020, the Journal reported.
"By maintaining a capable and credible forward presence in the region, we're able to improve our ability to maintain stability and security," Harris said, according to the AP, adding: "If any crisis does break out, we're better positioned to quickly respond."
Australia, which has been an ally of the U.S., has also expressed concern over China’s claims. Last year, Australia had signed a deal with Japan to boost military cooperation and exercises to counter China’s fast growing claims, the Journal reported.

How To Prepare For Combined Tours

By Lelia Hall

Individuals are getting jobs for them to be supporting their own families. However, they are usually experiencing many stresses which are making them unhappy and weak. These workaholics definitely need vacations.

Lots of places can be gone to. Wherever the places might be, lots of things should be prepared for by the tourists when Machu Picchu and Galapagos combined tours will be gone to. These tips are only several of them.

The individual should be conducting a research first about the place where he will be visiting. He must be checking the right season when he could be going to the place. This way, he could be avoiding a stressful weather related experience. He should be looking for a hotel which has numerous features he wants. He must also be aware of the things which he could be doing for him to be keeping himself and his companions safe in an areas unfamiliar to him.

Early reservations should be booked for both accommodations and transportations. This way, they could be assured that they will be transported to their hotels by transportation carriers. They could be sure, too, that hotel rooms will be available where their rests can be taken and they could also sleep.

The amounts that will have to be spent for the trips should also be considered by the individuals. They need to ensure the sufficiency of their pocket money so that the things that could be interesting for them during the vacations can be purchased. However, large bills should not be brought. Instead, debit cards should be used so that theft could be avoided.

Their bags should be packed one or two days before the flights. All things that are needed to be brought for the vacations should be prepared. Footwear, toiletries, several clothes, and others are needed to be brought. The number of items to be packed must depend on the durations of their stays in these places. If other countries will be traveled to, their visas, passports, and identification cards should be brought along.

The person must be securing his house prior to leaving. He must be inspecting the locks on all doors and windows and ensuring that they are properly working. He might also want to be asking a trusted relative or friend in looking out for his home while he is gone. If he has pets, the individual should be searching for an establishment that could be taking care of them while he is away.

Most of the time, family members, friends, or colleagues are brought along by tourists. Usually, more fun can be experienced during group trips. If several people will be traveled with, the meeting places and times should be decided. These matters should be clearly communicated so that their times will not be wasted. Other matters, like behaviors, should also be discussed beforehand.

The tourist might also like to be taking pictures for him to be making these moments last for a long time. He could be uploading the pictures into his social media account. He should be enjoying and relaxing himself while on vacation. This way, he could be regaining his energy when he goes back home.

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Germanwings Flight 9525: How Effective Will The Two-Person Cockpit Rule Be In Preventing Cases Of Rogue Pilots?

Airlines are rushing to adopt a two-person cockpit rule, requiring two crew members to be in the cockpit during flight at all times. 
Airlines around the world are announcing the adoption of the “two-person” cockpit rule in the wake of the news that Germanwings First Officer Andreas Lubitz locked the captain out of the cockpit before slamming Flight 9525 into a mountain, killing all 150 on board. The U.S. already required its airlines to have two crew members present in the cockpit at all times, while some other countries allow the airlines to set their own policies. Lufthansa, the parent of Germanwings, Virgin Atlantic, Emirates, Air Canada and EasyJet are among many airlines that said they would adopt the “rule of two” effective immediately. But experts caution that this is not the end-all solution to the risk of pilot suicide, which Flight 9525 may have been, and added psychological screening will be necessary.
The rule was originally intended to prevent any problems that might arise if a pilot in the cockpit becomes incapacitated -- from a heart attack or other medical emergency, for example. But the hope is that incidents of pilot suicide in which a pilot deliberately tries to crash an airplane, while rare, will also be prevented with such measures.
“Adopting this rule is the most immediate thing airlines can do. It’s relatively easy and doesn’t cost anything,” said Bill Waldock, professor of aviation safety science at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. “It does cut down on the risk because you have somebody else in the cockpit who can open door. But if you have someone committed to taking a plane down, it might not be effective as you’d like it to be.”
The rule seems especially important since 9/11, when airlines reinforced cockpit doors to become nearly impenetrable from the outside. “I think we just demonstrated an example of the law of unintended consequences. We literally made the doors so strong it helped cause what happened in the Germanwings crash,” said Waldock.
William Rantz, professor of aviation science at Western Michigan University’s College of Aviation, said that, based on anecdotal evidence of its implementation in the U.S., it has been effective -- insofar as there have been no cases of pilot suicide.
But if airlines are looking to prevent instances of pilots gone rogue, they will need to do much more than just adopt the two-person rule.
“Airlines don’t do a very good job of psychiatric screening of pilots, and they almost never look at it again after hire. I think we’re going to see that change pretty fast,” said Waldock. He suggested that they might need to adopt practices like those of the military, which require personnel to be screened both for physical and psychological conditions on a regular basis.
Rantz agrees, though he suspects that even just adding screenings may not be a perfect solution. “Recurrent screening is the challenge for the future. But a one-time screening might not catch what is difficult to diagnose in the first place,” said Rantz. “And while it’s hard to mask physiological things like blood pressure, mental health issues are different.”
Airlines could make it a requirement of pilots to waive their medical privacy rights to their employers, allowing airlines access to their employees’ full medical records. But “there’s a fine line between how much privacy we give up in the name of security,” said Waldock. “I don’t think there’s any perfect solution to something like this.”

How To Identify The Best Naples Florida Schools

By Jony Mozen

There is no parent that does not want well for his or her children. It is impossible to provide a good life for a child is their life is devoid of education. Schooling opens many opportunities for children that come to benefit them later on in life. There are numerous Naples Florida Schools where residents can send their children to, but everyone is looking for quality. Read on and find out how to go about the selection process.

Consider the needs of your child. You know your daughter or son better than anyone else does. Therefore, it is appropriate to assume that you can make good choices on their behalf. Keep in mind if you child has special needs with regards to language, education or environment. You will only be able to pick the best school upon understanding these needs.

If you have parents with children of the same age as yours, you can ask them where they take their kids to school. This can be useful if you have just moved to the neighborhood from another state or city and you do not know how where to start. Talk to several individuals so that you can have options to compare.

Think about the school type. You may prefer public schools to private ones, so you need to know where to get what you want without compromise. Even within these categories, there are sub-types relating to content, learning opportunities, and the style of teaching. Programs are also different, so conduct a proper search before you make up your mind.

Ensure the institution fits the learning style of your child. Children are very different when it comes to leaning. There are those who learn best by listening, while others do so by observing how things work. Still, some understand things better when they read. A good institution should have various activities such as engaging in discussions, and engaging in physical activities so that they can meet the needs of different children.

Choose the location wisely. Think about how the child will get to school: will you drop him or her off, or will he/she be using the school bus. This is an important thought because you may need to discuss it with the kid as well. It could be that he/she does not want to attend the neighborhood school where all the friends go.

If you want a good school, the spend time in searching for one. Many individuals take their time to research n cars, refrigerators and such other items when they want to buy one. This is because they want to spend their money wisely. That diligence should apply to education as well. Research thoroughly about the available schools so that you can decide wisely.

Learn about the curricula and philosophy of the institution. Any parent would also want to know about the available services, such as after-school programs. Know what sports, tutoring, clubs, or academic enrichment programs are available. Align these with the interests of your child to see if they match. Do not take you child somewhere where his/her interests would not be catered for.

Visit the schools under your radar. This way, you will be able to check out their facilities, the staff, and the culture. If you feel that a particular institution does not offer the right environment for your child, consider other alternatives.

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What You Should Look For In A Aircraft Management Company Professional

By Lelia Hall

Professionals posses various unique qualities that help them complete their undertakings adequately. As a client, you would possibly desire to engage services of the most ideal expert as you will be able to get value for your funds. Right here are just some of the qualities aircraft management company professionals have that you should consider.

There are simply too many factors to hunt for if you need to engage an established consultant. Some characteristics have a good deal to do with their working experience and devotion along with the capability to achieve success which you may desire. When you find a service provider without sticking with those principles, you might not achieve your dreams.

A registered associate should have the essential practical knowledge to be able to realize the predicted outcomes promptly. A skilled professional has the power to find the solution to universal problems soon. If you express the situation to the experts, some top professionals may possibly invent the leading means to address your personal difficulties. The specialists understand your specific expectations and because of this, they come up with new ways that facilitate the professionals to determine the choices that suit your particular needs.

A capable practitioner must have the recommended scientific ingenuity with a purpose to work for you nicely. In addition to their college certificates, all these executives have provided the information that allows the technicians to finish the custom chores as fast as possible. The ability to facilitate those chores is extremely important notably, when you have a limited period.

Any capable experts require the vital products in an effort to wrap up the job as soon as possible. In modern times, you will discover numerous services that leverage practitioners to develop their capabilities. Knowledgeable people purchase these kinds of tools in order to serve you in the right manner.

Besides purchasing the equipment, the authorities additionally consult with separate specialists who maintain and remodel these tools in order to take care of the modern trends in the market. Qualified people who greatly depend on outdated products may not catch up with the intentions of the knowledgeable user and for this reason, these individuals will lag behind. Consultants use the input of licensed workforce so that they hasten the job.

Any competent specialist is required to deliver low-cost services to their clients. Arising from the high level of contest, persons are seeking low-priced fees in this work. Companies who are able to use their mastery or even development to limit their costs and fees dramatically may grant trusted products at a reasonably priced cost.

The ability to amend the service contracts to suit your personal tastes and inclinations is key. Even when the standard items are presented at an economical price, plenty of individuals can incur extremely higher costs to help them achieve the features that match up with their private preferences. Professionals that possess the power to tailor the standard facilities to fit their your priorities are going to have a reliable clientele.

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How To Find Good Seafood Restaurants


Though cooking has been something that you have been used to doing, there are always those days when you do not feel like whipping anything up in the kitchen. Sometimes, you are too tired to get anything cooked. It is during times like these that you would truly love to go out and dine out some place. It does not have to be somewhere special. But it should serve you good food.

You want to find the right place, of course. You know that there are going to be a lot of seafood restaurants redondo beach, CA and finding them should be easy due to their sheer number. But the real question here is how you can find the best ones around. You need to consider a number of variables that would allow you to pinpoint the right place to dine out.

You want to take note of recommendations from people you know too. Word of mouth is always a powerful tool that you can use to your full advantage. You will be surprised at the number of options that they can offer to you especially if they have actually tried out coming to these places before. Ask them why they are recommending these places to you and how their dining experience was.

The web is a good place for you to find out more information about these dining places too. There are many sites that offer insights on the kind of dining experience you are likely to have if you will decide to eat out in certain establishments. This will also give you comprehensive details on the location of the establishments and even instructions on how you can get there too.

Find out what kind of dishes these providers have to offer too. It is always going to help that you know what are the kind of dishes that they will be able to serve to diners like you. This is essential so you are sure that you can really make the most out of the time that you will be spending in these dining places. Expect that they will also offer to you these meals at the right prices.

Reviews about these places should be considered when making your choice too. You would definitely want to find out whether people who have tried out these establishments then were pleased with the dishes that were served to them. Find out if they think the price they paid for these meals were actually worth what they got in exchange.

Consider where these establishments are located. You would want to go for a choice that is expected to be close to where you reside. This way it would not take you long to drive to the place. Also, check the parking spaces in these establishments too. Then, you would not have a hard time finding a location to park your vehicle at if you decide to bring one.

Check when they are going to be open and when they will close too. These details are essential to ensure that you get to plan your time here ahead of time. Also, reservations are always better. You are confident that you have the right seats waiting for you when coming to the place of you book them ahead of time.

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How To Spot A Reliable Twin Cities Catering


When there is a special event, there is food. This trend goes beyond just satiating the hunger of the people who are present on the gathering. Its more like a gesture of courtesy and appreciation for the time spent by the guests in attending the event. For people in charge of running it, the need tomake sure that the foods served are fit for the occasion and are of high quality is very important.

Good news is, there are a lot of companies that provide food services. Twin cities catering is among them. They specialize in servicing different events and have varied selection that will fit anyones preference. They are best regarded for their quality service both in the cuisines that they offer and how they deal with different clients.

Once you have identified all your needs for the events, your next stop would be to find a company who can do the job well for you. Since there are many options, you may find it very challenging to get the best one. Here are some of the things that you can look into when doing the selection.

Credibility of the catering. First thing you need to ask yourself is how credible the company is. Have they already serviced different clients for some time. How is the public opinion about them. Do they have any special commendations that will add to their trustworthiness. Choose someone who has gained the trust of others.

Schedule a tasting session. This is an important factor that you need to keep in mind. Aside from all the information you can get from other people, it could help if you get a first hand experience on the quality that they can provide you. During the tasting, they will most likely prepare the best cuisines that they have.

Event specialty. Consider as well the type of occasion that the company services. Some of them may not accept events that are so big such a grand covention. Other only specialize in the most common ones like the weddings and birthdays. Be sure that you coordinate with the service first as to the kind of gathering that you have.

Package cost. If you have a budget, then it is only right for you to look for the best value one. You can only do this if you finds the potential picks and ask their package cost along with the specific inclusions. This way, you will be able to identify who among them is offering a good deal justified by the quality of service that they can give you.

Reviews from previous clients. Lastly, take time to know what other people are saying about the service. How good are they. You can either ask somebody you know who have tried getting one before, or you may search for reviews online. There should be websites and blogs detailing the experience they had with one of those companies.

Food is an important consideration in any type of gathering. Your guests are varied, so you should at least get a service who is capable of working on a variety of selection that will fit the guests taste. Know who your options are and start your search from there.

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What To Expect From Quality Wine Tours

By Lelia Hall

There are a lot of ways by which we can enjoy quality time with our family and friends. But because of the busy schedule that we have, we may find it difficult to bring our thoughts to reality. This is why planning ahead is vital. By preparing, you get to have a clearer view on your own schedule and the days that you are most available.

You have a lot of options when it comes to spending some quality moments with your family. Among the most unique and memorable ones are the Bordeaux wine tours. The trip is simple. You visit a place that houses a wide area dedicated to growing the raw ingredients in making top of the line wines. From there, you can enjoy a lot of various activities.

At present, there are a number of places opening their doors for tourists at the right price. If you are planning to give this a try, then you should start weighing your options as early as now. Here are some of the basic things you can expect to have while on this tour.

Great landscape. How else can you maximize the feeling of being away from stress factors than by letting your eyes be drowned by the awesome view of the wineries and nature. This is also a great time for you to take photos on the place and document them. You can share it on your social media accounts or keep for mementos.

Taste of delectable wine selection. You will also have the chance to get a taste of the current selection that the company has. From the most popular one to the older wines, you may ask them to ready the variety in advance. If you are a wine afficcionado, this will surely be a lovely treat.

Stories and facts.You will also do not have time to get bored. Even while simply staring at the expanse of the area, you can share stories with your family, or ask a tour guide to do a small group discussion that will let you know about the history of the place, how they make their wine and many more. Its like taking a crash course in wineries held on field.

Quality accommodation complete with drive and food. Of course, a great trip will not be complete without the presence of delectable cuisines. In this activity, you can arrange for foods in advance. Once you make the arrangements, you can discuss on the food selection. The company may have their own menu ready for selection, but you can still make special requests if needed.

Flexible arrangements. This does not only apply to the foods that you eat but also to every detail of the trip. This is exactly why calling them in advance is important. You can decide on the time that you visit and check if they are open on those date and time. You can also arrange the transportation ahead to accommodate the number of people who will be coming with you.

Make the necessary arrangements ahead of time and enjoy your trip. There are tourists who might be looking at the same schedules as well. Be sure that you do not lag behind and get the best one that you deserve.

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Don't let the forces of darkness spoil the eclipse

On Friday, the UK will witness the phenomenon known as syzygy, when all the high-scoring consonants in Scrabble align themselves into one word. OK, this is not exactly right, but it’s not as misleading as the panic that surrounds the solar eclipse. We are currently in the first phase of this madness, with hysteria beginning its slow transition across scientific fact. By Friday morning, all the fun and educational enjoyment of this awe-inspiring moment will be cast in the dark shadow of health and safety.
Various authorities are getting their hi-vis jackets in even more of a twist than they normally would because the solar eclipse is happening at rush hour. So a spokesman for the RAC has warned of “hazardous” driving conditions because motorists will not be expecting to turn on their lights. They have this advice: “Motorists must turn on headlights as light fades.” Look, in London the sun will be 84 per cent obscured, while in Edinburgh it’s 93 per cent.
In most of the UK, it will be like twilight or a really heavy thunderstorm – which would cause drivers to turn on their headlights anyway. We don’t need to be told this. The partial eclipse will take about two hours. Unless you’re stuck in a traffic jam on Norway’s Svalbard glacier, where there will be a total eclipse, it’s not going to suddenly go dark.
Then there are the schools like Oldway Primary School in Paignton, Devon, and Whitchurch Primary School, in Cardiff, which are banning children from going outside during the eclipse. As I discovered the other day, trying to explain this astronomical event to my four-year-old using a torch, a football and a globe (my demo was a bit shaky because the wind-up torch kept going dim), children are fascinated by it. There is no greater opportunity for a nationwide practical lesson in astronomy than this if we want to inspire youngsters to become scientists. Pupils could spend Thursday afternoon learning why they shouldn’t look directly at the sun during the eclipse, but how it is safe to do so indirectly.
They could have a lesson in which they make a pinhole camera. Or a science teacher could set up a handmade projector, using a mirror covered by a piece of paper with a hole in it, reflecting the sun on to a wall in the playground.
Simply banning children from going outside is pre-Enlightenment claptrap, reminiscent of ancient civilisations who shouted at the “demons” which made the sun go dark. It is only going to scare children.
Don’t just take my word for it, but that of Nasa, whose experts say that, despite the “good intentions” behind health and safety messages about upcoming eclipses, “they frequently contain misinformation, and may be designed to scare people from seeing the eclipse at all”. A paper from Nasa adds: “A student who heeds warnings from teachers and other authorities not to view the eclipse because of the danger to vision, and learns later that other students did see it safely, may feel cheated out of the experience.”
A solar eclipse in 2015 brings hazards not experienced since 1999,  the last time we had a significant eclipse, and that is, according to the doom-mongers, the risk of blindness by selfie. It is tempting to describe this warning as a cautionary tale along the lines of the Greek myths of Narcissus or Icarus. Even standing with your back to the sun, using your selfie-stick to record the moment, isn’t safe. But you wouldn’t hold your camera up to the sun, so isn’t that obvious?
Yet if there is anything more wretchedly pervasive about modern life than the selfie, it is our risk-averse obsession with health and safety. Don’t let it block out the sun. 

AirAsia Flight 8501: Search To End In Next Few Days, More Bodies Recovered From Crash Site

Workers unload the fuselage of AirAsia QZ8501, which crashed into the Java Sea on Dec. 28, from the ship Onyx Crest in Tanjung Priok port in Jakarta March 2, 2015 in this photo taken by Antara Foto. 
The search for AirAsia Flight 8501, which crashed in the Java Sea on Dec. 28, will end in the next “four or five” days, Tony Fernandez, the airline’s CEO, told BBC on Monday. The news comes the same day authorities revealed that more bodies of the crash victims were recovered from the sea.
Fernandes reportedly said that the search for those on board the Airbus A320-200 could not go on indefinitely and that authorities are in constant communication with the next of kin. Last week, Fernandes said that the Malaysian low-cost airline would give "one last shot" at recovering the missing bodies.
Suryadi B. Supriyadi, director of Indonesia's search and rescue agency, said Monday that three bodies were found about nearly 130 feet from where the main fragment of the plane’s fuselage was retrieved, Sputnik News reported, citing local news website
So far, over 100 bodies of the 162 people on board the flight have been recovered, while the plane’s debris and flight data recorders have also been retrieved from the bottom of the Java Sea, where it went down in stormy weather. Flight 8501 was on its way to Singapore from Surabaya, Indonesia. The body of the plane’s pilot, Captain Iriyanto, is yet to be found.
Investigators are reportedly analyzing flight data recorders to determine the cause of the crash.
In January, Indonesia's transport minister said, citing radar data, that the plane made an abnormally steep climb before stalling and crashing into the Java Sea. Authorities also added that First Officer Rémi-Emmanuel Plesel, who had significantly fewer flying hours than the more experienced Captain Iriyanto, was at the controls when the jet made thesteep climb.

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134058596_14260613110901n Solar Impulse 2, the world's first airplane flying on solar energy, lands in Ahmedabad solar-plane WireAP_69aeb3a484444dacbc53385c1f2f88bd_16x9_992

Aero Mobil පියාඹන කාරයක් 2017 දී ඔබට

Aero Mobil පියාඹන කාරයක් 2017 දී ඔබට

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"අධිවේගී මාර්ගයේදී මාගේ රිය පසුකරමින් වේගයෙන් පැමිණි හුරුබුහුටි මෝටර් රථය එක්වරම අහසට නැගෙන අයුරු දුටු මම නොදැනුවත්වම තිරිංගයට පය තැබුවෙමි. ඇසි පිය හෙළූ විරාමයෙන් ඒ හුරුබුහුටි මෝටර් රථයට පියාපත්ද විත් හුරුබුහුටි ගුවන් යානයක්ව පියාසර කරනු දුටු මගේ දෑස් මටම අදහාගත නොහැකි විය." 

විද්‍යා ප්‍රබන්ධකයෙකුට, නවකතා කරුවෙකු තම නිර්මාණයක එවැනි සිදුවීමක් තම නිර්මාණයක් තුළ අන්තර්ගත කරවන්නට නොහැකි කමක් නැත. එහෙත් එවැන්නක් මාධ්‍යවේදියෙකුට වාර්තා කරන්නට වීනම් එය අදහාගත නොහැකි කරුණක් වනු ඇත. එහෙත් ඇරෝ මොබයිල් රථය (යානය) ඒ ප්‍රාතිහාර්යය පාන අයුරු මාධ්‍යවේදීන්ටද ළඟදීම දැකගත හැකිය. 

මෙහි සම නිර්මාතෘ ජුරාජ් වැකියුලික් පවසන්නේ 2017 වසර වනවිට ඇරෝ මොබයිල් වෙළඳපොලට නිකුත් කිරීමට බලපොරොත්තු වන බවය. මන්ද මේ වනවිටත් එවන් නව නිර්මාණයක් අත්හදා බලමින් ඇති නිසාය. ඇරෝ මොබයිල් නමින් හඳුන්වන මෙය පෙට්‍රල් ටැංකියකින් සැතපුම් 430ක් පියාසර කළ හැකි බව පර්යේෂකයින් පවසනවා. අවශ්‍ය විටක මෝටර් රථයක් ලෙස භාවිත කිරීමට ඇති හැකියාවත්, පියාසර කිරීමට ඇති හැකියාවත් සේම, පියාපත් හැකිලිය හැකි බැවින් මෝටර් රථයක් ගාල් කළ හැකි ඉඩක ගාල් කිරීමට ඇති පහසුවත් මෙහි ඇති සුවිශේෂීතාවන්වේ.

මේ සඳහා ඇරෝ මොබයිල් යන නම ලබා දී ඇත්තේ Aero Plane සහ Auto Mobil යන නම් දෙකෙහි සංකලනයක් ලෙසිනි.

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හෙට මැච් එකට අපේ කොල්ලෝ පුහුණු වෙන හැටි

හෙට මැච් එකට අපේ කොල්ලෝ පුහුණු වෙන හැටි

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ලෝක කුසලාන ක්‍රිකට් තරගාවලියේ සුපිරි අට වටයේ පළමු තරගය හෙට පැවැත්වෙනවා. ඒ ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සහ දකුණු අප්‍රිකාව අතරයි. තරගය පැවැත්වෙන්නේ සිඩ්නි ක්‍රීඩා පි‍ටියේදීයි. හෙට පැවැත්වෙන තරගය වෙනුවෙන් ශ්‍රී ලංකා කණ්ඩායම පෙර පුහුණුවීම්වල නිරත වන ආකාරය දැක්වෙන ඡායාරූප එකතුවක් පහතින් නරඹන්න.

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