Tips For Choosing The Best Baklava Online

By Leticia Jensen

There are certain sweet treats that are icons of their local area. France is known for its rich and creamy desserts while Italy is often thought of as the home of ice cream. With the Mediterranean and the Middle East baklava is one of the most iconic dishes. If you are a fan it is worth looking to find the best baklava online.

The exact origin of this pastry dish is hotly debated. Some believe that its origins stretch as far back as ancient civilisations such as Mesopotamia. Others believe that the pastry was first created around the time of the Ottoman Empire. It is generally believed that the pastry originated somewhere in the Middle East.

Therefore tradition is a big part when it comes to making traditional baklava. Ideally you want someone who either has made this to a family recipe or appreciates the traditional methods involved with making the pastry. This increases the chances of getting the best quality.

In modern times it is generally associated with countries in the Middle East. People travelling to Turkey and other countries in the region often go there to taste the local pastries in much the same way as people go to Italy for authentic pasta or France for the haute cuisine. Naturally some places are better at this than others!

The recipe is fairly simple. The filling is typically made with chopped almonds, chopped walnuts, caster sugar as well as cinnamon and cloves for flavour. Some people add breadcrumbs in order to bind the filling together. The syrup contains sugar, water, cinnamon and lemon juice. It is then topped with unsalted butter and filo pastry.

Admittedly handmade does not necessarily guarantee the best quality either. The crucial aspect is the quality of the ingredients they use and their ability to cook them. This is why ideally you want to buy products from companies that have either been established for a long time or have a lot of experience making traditional recipes.

This ought to be stated clearly on the website. The company ought to be proud of their history or their expertise when it comes to making the dish. They should also clarify how they source their ingredients and the quality of those ingredients. If it is not clear then you should consider looking elsewhere. It is also important to see how they will ensure the freshness of the baklava when they deliver it to you. If possible you may want to consider a company that offers high speed delivery in order to ensure the pastries are as fresh as possible.

There are numerous companies that allow you to purchase baklava. You ought to check a number of them in order to compare both price and the quality of their product. It should also be possible to get a free sample as well as looking up customer reviews and feedback. With a smart approach you will find the finest baklava available on the Internet!

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11 Reasons Siberia Isn't As Terrible As You Think

11 Reasons Siberia Isn't As Terrible As You Think

"It's not like you're going to Siberia."
...but what if you were? Would that be a problem or something? We argue that it would not. It's isolated, sure, but Siberia is full of once-in-a-lifetime experiences you'd never expect were there. It's time to stop hating on our frosty friend. Let's go TO Russia, with love.
1. Siberia is not a country, as you may have previously thought. It is actually a "vast region" that is part of Russia, and it's blissfully sparse. On average, you'll find aboutsix Siberians per square mile. Ahh, tranquility.
2. Lake Baikal, aka the "Pearl of Siberia," is the largest freshwater lake in the world in terms of volume. It also happens to be the deepest and oldest lake on Earth. You canride a hovercraft on it when it's frozen, because that's how YOLO-y the Siberian people are. 
3. ...And they also ice golf on this lake. "Ice golf professionals" will guide you through the adventurous 18-hole course.
4. The frozen fun does not stop there. Fancy a drive in an ice kart? A local tour company will let you test drive their "boogsters" on frozen surfaces during winter. 
transsiberian railway
5. The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railroad in the world-- you'll cross seven time zones on your journey from end to end, which will take at least a week. It's the perfect solo self-discovery trip, and you could probably write an entire novel while staring out the window of your train car.
transsiberian railway
6. Siberia's Altai Mountains flow with streams of that pure, bluer-than-blue water you've been craving. AND you can go river rafting on it.
altai mountains
7. Foraging for mushrooms is a very real pastime in Siberia. The fungi in their forests are so potent that "people travel there to pick mushrooms the way that people travel to the American Northwest to fly-fish."
siberia mushroom
8. It's not exactly a feel-good outing, but Siberia's Oppression Museum is pretty fascinating. It's located in the dungeon of a building that was once a prison for pro-KGB organizations. Oh, and the building is also still haunted from when it served as a schoolhouse... one of the students there was murdered.
9. In Siberia, you can hang out in Oymyakon, the world's coldest permanently inhabited town. The average temperature there is -58 degrees Fahrenheit, and it's toootally scenic... just ask Oymyakon's 500 or so residents.
10. Technically speaking, permafrost is a layer of soil that's been at 0 degrees Celsius for at least two years. Siberia has an entire Permafrost Museum dedicated to the stuff... some jolly Siberians even choose to get married there.
11. If the thought of permafrost makes you want to cancel your flight, consider that this winter has been inexplicably warm in Siberia. Areas that are normally -40 degrees Fahrenheit and coated in snow are instead seeing unthinkable temperatures of about 30 degrees. People are freaking out in bikinis. Go join them.

ජාතික රෝහලට රොබෝ වෛද්‍යවරයෙක්.. රුපියල් තිස් කෝටියයි

ජාතික රෝහලට රොබෝ වෛද්‍යවරයෙක්.. රුපියල් තිස් කෝටියයිකොළඹ ජාතික රෝහලට පැමිණෙන පුරස්ථි ග‍්‍රන්ථියේ පිළිකා රෝගීන්ට ප‍්‍රතිකාර ලබා දීමට වෛද්‍ය රොබෝවරයකු ගෙන්වා ගැනීමේ සැලසුමක් ක‍්‍රියාත්මක වෙමින් තිබේ. එවැනි රොබෝවරයකුගේ මිල රුපියල් තිස් කෝටියක් වන අතර මෙමගින් සර්වාංගයන්හි සැත්කම් සිදු කිරීමට පවා අවස්ථාව සැලසෙන බව ජාතික රෝහල් ආරංචා මාර්ග කියයි.
දැනට පුරස්ථි ග‍්‍රන්ථියේ පිළිකා සඳහා ලොකු කැපීම් මගින් කෙරෙන සැත්කම් වෙනුවට දැන් ‘යතුරු සිදුරු’ ක‍්‍රමයෙන් සැත්කම් පැවැත්වෙන අතර ඊළඟ පියවර වන්නේ වෛද්‍ය රොබෝවරයකු ඒ සඳහා යොදවා ගැනීමයි.
රොබෝ හසුරුවාලමින් සැත්කම සිදුකරන්නේ වෛද්‍යවරයාය. රොබෝ මගින් ශරීර අභ්‍යන්තරයේ කොටස් ත‍්‍රිමාන ලෙස දැකිය හැකිය.

කෞශල්‍ය ලොකුආරච්චි තරඟ පාවා දී පිළිගනී

කෞශල්‍ය ලොකුආරච්චි තරඟ පාවා දී පිළිගනීශ‍්‍රී ලංකා ජාතික කණ්ඩායම නියෝජනය කල කෞශල්‍ය ලොකුආරච්චි අවසන් වරට පැවති බංග්ලාදේශ ප්‍රිමියර් ලීග් ක්‍රිකට් තරගාවලියේදී තරග පාවා දුන් බවට පිළිගෙන තිබේ.
ඊට අමතරව නවසීලන්තයේ ලූ වින්සන්ට් සහ බංග්ලාදේශයේ හිටපු නායක මොහොමඩ් අෂ්රෆුල්ටද මෙම චෝදනා එල්ල වී තහවුරු වී ඇත.
ලොකුආරච්චි තරග 4කට සහ එක්දින තරග 21කට ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාව වෙනුවෙන් සහභාගී වී ඇත.
14,970 Viewers


The Most Photogenic Places On Earth

The Most Photogenic Places On Earth

The most photogenic places on earth may sound reductive -- especially when you consider that only 701 rich people voted in the poll conducted by (commissioned by Fujifilm) -- but it still makes for pretty photos.
The site also asked their members what they thought the least photogenic spots were and poor Detroit and London were amongst the top of the list. (We have to disagree with them: London in fog is just dreamy).
On the list are some impressive spots, certainly, but the most photogenic in the world? You be the judge.

Bora Bora, French Polynesia

bora bora
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
great barrier reef
Grand Canyon, USA 
grand canyon
Bali (Ubud), Indonesia 
ubud bali
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
rio de janeiro
Himalayas / Mount Everest, Nepal
mount everest

Petra, Jordan 

petra jordan
Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Chile 
torres del paine
Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
ha long bay
Plain Of Temples, Bagan, Myanmar
plain of temples bagan
Santorini, Greece

Oil prices up ahead of US stockpiles report

New York's main contract, West Texas Intermediate for April delivery, rose three cents to $101.86 in mid-morning trade. Brent North Sea crude for April was up five cents at $109.56.imageSINGAPORE: Oil prices edged higher in Asian trade Wednesday as dealers await the latest US crude stockpiles data for clues about demand in the world's biggest economy at the tail-end of a harsh winter.
"What investors are really focused on right now is an accurate picture of US demand going forward," David Lennox, resource analyst at Fat Prophets in Sydney, told AFP.
"The US has not been performing as well as we would like considering the fact that it is world's biggest economy and top oil consumer," he said.
Lennox added that demand for "finished petroleum products" such as heating oil -- which has seen increased consumption during winter -- would like taper as spring approaches.
Total crude stockpiles in the United States likely rose by about 800,000 barrels in the week to February 21, according to a survey of analysts by The Wall Street Journal.
A rise in stockpiles indicates weak demand in the United States, putting downward pressure on prices.
The US Department of Energy will release official inventory figures later Wednesday.
Analysts will also be monitoring fresh US economic data to assess the impact of months of frigid weather on its tepid recovery.
Weak US consumer confidence data Tuesday dampened sentiment, and investors are looking ahead to January home sales data as well as several corporate earnings reports due out on Wednesday.
Elsewhere, potential supply disruptions in several crisis-hit oil-producing countries including Venezuela, Libya and South Sudan remain a cause for concern, analysts said.

Mother-in-law Problems - The Feng Shui Perspective

A third person in the marriage! Caused by mirrors in the bedroom, water on the right side of the main door, paintings of women in the home; wife sleeping on the wrong side of the bed, left instead of right and an overly strong matriarchal corner in the home… all these and more can cause the problem of THE OTHER WOMAN to become serious; except that the other woman need not always be an outside love interest. Most times these same afflictions that can cause infidelity bring an even more formidable foe into the picture, bringing as much if not more stress and strains into a marriage.

We are talking about the problem of the mother-in-law!

This seems to be a problem that is almost exclusive to wives whose husbands’ love, sense of duty and attachment to their mothers can drive a wedge between them. It is something we come across frequently in our feng shui work especially for young married clients. Indeed, almost always when we go to a house where the husband’s mother is also staying with the couple, it is not surprising to detect hidden tensions in the household.

Decades of studies, academic as well as social, interviewing hundreds of families have revealed that nearly two-thirds of women complain they’ve suffered long-term stress arising from friction with their husband’s mother. In turn, an equal number of mothers-in-law complained bitterly about their exclusion from their son’s lives and from their grandchildren.

Most of the time, mother-in-law conflicts do not flare out in the open but scratch beneath the surface and both sides - the young wife as well as the older woman - are more than happy to air their grievances. It usually does not take much for long list of complaints to come pouring forth.

And no matter how devoted the husbands may claim to be, or how much they declare their love for the wife, if they should be so foolish as to take the side of the mother just once, it can be a catalyst for problems to start in the marriage.

Wives tend to see mothers-in-law as their rivals
. Mothers tend to more patient with their sons; laughing loudest at his jokes, sympathizing with his problems and listening adoringly to the dullest details of his day. Mothers will always be more patient than wives - always know more about his favourite foods, his weakness for certain types of music, movies and just about everything else. After all, mothers have a head start over wives. They are even privy to their son’s tastes in women!

In the face of this sort of mother-son intimacy, it is easy for the wife to get insanely jealous. Modern day wives will never admit to this. How can the mother-in-law be a rival? Recent studies show however that for millions of women, the wedding ring is barely done before wives start to feel in deadly competition with their husband’s mother. And these days, when mothers-in-law are capable, resourceful, independent achieving women as well, it is not difficult to see how this can quite easily ignite into something that can cause great unhappiness.

Can feng shui help to make life less difficult in families with these sorts of problems?

The mother and daughter-in-law competition is an age-old phenomenon that transcends race or culture, and in the old days, this situation caused all sorts of tragedies within families. Both sides always assumed the worst of each other’s motivations and most comments and opinions of either were almost always seen in a negative light. There is rarely little love lost between the two most important women in a man’s life.

The Feng Shui SOLUTION 
Those having this unhappy problem should start by first transforming their attitudes. Feng shui can help but unless there is also a reversal of expectations, it is less likely that feng shui can change much.

If your mother-in-law is staying with you remember that she is probably feeling less comfortable than you realize. Because underlying her external bravado is the thought that she is probably not very welcome, so do make an effort to really make her feel welcome.

FIRST: Light up the SW corner of your living room with a bright light and put a lovely picture of the two of you - wife and mother-in-law - smiling happily in the SW corner. Make the picture quite big so both of you can see it and be reminded of how close you are or can be! This little Taoist tip works wonders.

NEXT: Place two crystal balls on a table also in the SW corner. This creates excellent Earth energy that will cause both of you to bond really well.

The presence of grandchildren is itself the most powerful cure. The energy of children is pure and very yang and this helps dissolve conflict and disharmony. It also helps to paint a wall red if there continues to be tensions. Fire element energy is always effective for burning up feelings of hostility and tension.

If you are staying with your in-laws and your mother-in-law rules the roost, the situation is more difficult. Here it will be you feeling that neither you nor your husband is the power in the house and it is likely that the mother-in-law here will exert a great deal of authority.

As the wife feeling stifled by the situation, the best solution is to wear a powerful amulet that will help to reduce any feelings of hostility. The rooster with amethyst and fan amulet here is excellent. Carry it with you always and you will find that any hostility between you and your mother-in-law will dissolve. You can also place two crystal balls on the table where you can both see it. This is powerful in helping to ameliorate any tension or left over anger.

සූදානම් වන්න.. අන්තර්ජාලය ලෝකයටම නොමිලේ…

සූදානම් වන්න.. අන්තර්ජාලය ලෝකයටම නොමිලේ…අමෙරිකානු සමාගමක් විසින් ලොව සියලු දෙනාට නොමිලේ අන්තර්ජාල පහසුකම ලබා දීමට සූදානම් වන බව විදෙස් මාධ්‍ය වාර්තා කරයි.
Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) නම් ආයතනයක් මේ සඳහා මූලිකත්වය ගෙන කටයුතු කරන අතර මෙම නව සේවාව Internet යන්නෙහි විරුද්ධ පදය ලෙස Outernet නමින් හඳුන්වා ඇත.
මෙම නව වැඩපිළිවෙල බොහෝ කලක සිට සැලසුම් කල බව පවසන එම ආයතනය දේශ සීමාවකින් තොරව, කිසිදු වාරණයකින් තොරව ලොව සෑම පුද්ගලයෙකුට අන්තර්ජාලය භාවිතයට ඉඩ සැලසීම වැඩපිළිවෙලේ ප්‍රධාන අරමුණ බවද කියයි.
ලෝකයේ 40%ක ජනතාවක් තවමත් අන්තර්ජාල පහසුකම් නොමැතිව සිටින බවත්  ක‍්‍රමය යටතේ චන්ද්‍රිකා තාක්ෂණය ඔස්සේ වියදම් අවම කරමින් එම පහසුකම් ලබාදිය හැකි යයිද පවසති.

Valuable advice from a very senior investor

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Tips For Successfully Marketing Your Articles Online

By Carmel Deshotel

You will encounter many so-called experts when you're doing research on traffic-generating techniques like article marketing, but do not be fooled by the brand of info they're trying to sell you. Most of these gurus' expertise comes via the ability to sell you on the lie that they're experts at all. Find out the truth about article marketing in the text below.

The next important tip you should follow is to think about your websites content. Your content should always match your goals. Make sure your content is original and unique, as plagiarized and unoriginal content is heavily unadvised. The content of your site should stay in your visitors mind and make them want to come back.

Keep it short and sweet. Your content should not be full of rambling sentences, or you may lose the attention of the person you need most- your reader! While telling stories are a great way to get your reader involved and comfortable, you shouldn't alienate them by forcing them to read a biography. Get to the point!

Nothing is more important for hooking a reader than giving them valuable information that will keep them coming back time and time again. Potential buyers don't want to waste their time reading an article that isn't going to benefit them in any way. They want to walk away as a better informed consumer. If you are meeting their needs with your articles, they'll look forward to reading more of them.

Marketing your articles via the web takes a lot of creativity. Remember that the idea isn't only to write quality content, you also want to write very compelling content. If you cannot hold the interest of your readership, then you will not have a readership and thus no visitors to your website.

Subscribe to your competitors' RSS feeds to keep tabs on the article marketing competition. The same features article writers use to make getting their information out to the readers, also makes research on them a breeze. A quick survey of each new article published by a competitor, keeps a writer up-to-date on the trending topics and the latest strategies.

Try to use a good spinning tool for creating more variations on your articles. Best Spinner is a great tool to use to create different versions of your articles. It's an easy desktop application with a simple interface that can get you many different versions of your articles in no time flat.

You will want your content to be relevant to your niche. A link on article marketing could be hiding a product promotion, which would cause people to leave and not return. Search engines pick out websites with the most relevant content to searches so avoid falsely advertising your site.

Now that you know about some solid and legitimate article marketing tips and tactics, you can begin to formulate your business and avoid those high-priced gurus out there who insist that you cannot make money online unless you use their system specifically. Avoid those guys and use what you've learned here to make it.

Olive Oil & Beauty Older Skin

By Rob Sutter

Whether you are looking to help your own hair, skin, or what have you, beauty products are going to be seen in great variety. These products are meant to help tremendously in the long term and I do not think that anyone can argue with the fact that they are some of the most helpful. However, with age, there comes a time when the typical products may not prove to be as useful. If it is a matter of finding more suitable items in the long run, olive oil is a strong choice.

An article was posted on AARP that spoke about beauty treatments in relation to this oil being implemented. Keep in mind that the oil in question houses tremendous antioxidant content, which is able to help the immune system, amongst other facets of the body. This is especially intriguing when you consider that many oils are not nearly as helpful to one's outer appearance as they should be. To say that dietary benefits are the only ones that deserve attention would be something of a lie.

Let's say that you are someone who suffers from dry skin; companies like Bellucci Premium can tell you what can be done. According to the article, when olive oil is applied, it acts as something of a moisturizer, able to heal the skin when it seems as though there is not nearly enough moisture that the skin commonly calls for. One of the best things about this oil is that you do not need a whole lot to it. A few drops will suffice and the results that can come about after the fact will be strong.

What about the hair, which can also become dry with age? Conditioner is meant to bring a sense of moisture and smoothness to the hair but when the product is synthetic more so than anything else, it can do more to add damage to it as opposed to anything else. As a result, focus on adding this oil to your hair, applying just a couple of drops before showering and then washing it out of your hair after an hour or so. You will be surprised by just how much lovelier your hair will appear by the end.

With olive oil brought into the picture, it seems like general beauty care is made all the easier. I believe that this should always be the case but it seems as though very few understand the deeper benefits that this oil can have in the long term. There is more to consider with this oil than just how it will be implemented in a variety of food products. Keep this type of oil in mind, as it will be the type that can help you the most in the long term.


7 Quick Tips to Bring You Career Success


Are you feeling blah about your life? Does boredom make you unmotivated and unexcited? Are you having a mid-life crisis? Give your personal motivation a boost to overcome this kind of inertia. Here are 8 easy ways to help you set new goals and to get your career back on a course that excites and motivates you.

If you want to enjoy good feng shui at work, try to select your work space carefully.

•  Always try to have your office and desk in the far corner diagonal to the entrance door into the whole office. The deeper you are 
Inside the office, the better the feng shui.
•  Never have your office or desk located at the end of a straight corridor or walkway.
•  Do not sit in an office or at a desk that directly faces a toilet door or staircase. Your chances for advancement will be severely 
•  Do not sit in an office or at a desk that places you directly underneath an exposed overhead beam. You will suffer from endless 
Pressure and headaches.
•  Do not sit with your back to the door, whether it is the door into your private office or the door into the main office itself.
•  Never sit at a desk which subjects you to the cutting edge of a protruding corner. Move out of the line of fire or use a leafy plant 
To block it.

•  When you are involved in business meetings, always make sure you do not sit with a pointed edge of a table facing you. If you 
Do this, you will have a poison arrow aimed at your stomach and will be placed at a disadvantage compared to the rest of your 
Colleagues. Always sit facing your best direction while you are working.

West Group Energizer
•  Energize the West with a model aeroplane laden with coins tied with red thread. Bells and windchimes are also effective.
•  Energize the Northwest in the same way. Do not put bright lights in either the West or Northwest as these will magnify all your 
•  Energize the Southwest with lots of natural crystals. If your main office door is also located in the Southwest, then placing a
Large crystal here is most effective. A large amethyst crystal boulder with a deep 'pocket' to capture all the good fortune 
Coming into office is ideal for attracting good business luck. 
•  Energize the Northeast in the same way as the Southwest, but it is not necessary to display crystals that are too large here.

East Group Energizers
•  Energize the East corner with plants, flowers and paintings that feature lush vegetation and water. Avoid anything metallic in this 
Corner. Windchimes, scissors and blades cause a lot of harm here.
•  Do the same for the Southeast corner, except here you can also display a miniature fountain or a simple bowl of water.
•  In the North, place a broad-based bowl of water with a terrapin inside. This can be real or fake. The real one is to be preferred.
•  In the South, place something red – a painting, red carpet, red cushions – and a bright light to energize the luck of a great 
Reputation. Properly energized, the South brings excellent reputation.

•  In the office, never sit with your back to the door. Doing so invites deception and betrayal. You should always sit with your back 
•  Sit with a painting of a mountain behind you but make sure it is big enough to be meaningful. Do not have mountain ranges that 
Are too sharp since these Fire element mountains are less useful. The best type of mountain for protection is a mountain that 
Resembles the back of a turtle.

•  If you want to feng shui the telephone and fax machine in your office, you must first observe from what direction the energy that 
Brings the messages through the phone line is coming. This is considered the source of the telephone's energy.
•  The next thing to do is to position the phone so that the source of messages, calls and so forth is coming from your most 
Auspicious direction – your sheng chi direction.
•  Do not make the mistake of thinking it is the wall plug we are talking about. It is where the connection lead itself is plugged into 
The phone that matters.

•  The South is the Crimson Phoenix which symbolizes fame and recognition. The Phoenix also brings the luck of opportunities. 
When you energize this king of all feathered creatures, you are also activating the beneficial energies of the South. The luck of 
This particular sector suggests a great brightness, because the South is also the place of the element of Fire. Thus a crimson 
feathered creature to symbolize the phoenix is extremely auspicious. It will activate your social life and you will become 
well-liked and popular amongst your colleagues and work associates.

•  Place a vase of fresh flowers on the East side of your desk. Flowers create yang energy. But do not allow flowers to overwhelm 
you or block your view. And always change the flowers as soon as they start to show signs of wilting. 

•  Place a healthy small plant in the Southeast corner of your desk. This attracts good income luck and enhances your chances of 
personal growth.

•  Place a smooth crystal ball in the Southwest corner of your desk to create the luck of harmonious relationships with all your 

•  Any kind of light energizes your good name and reputation when placed in the South. This is one of the most excellent methods 
of creating a solid reputation within your company, and within your business community.

Calculators and Computers
•  All personal office equipment made of metal should be placed on a separate table that is preferably located to the West or 
Northwest of your desk. If you need to have them on your desktop, place them to the right of you, but make certain you also 
have something higher to place on the left side. This ensures that the energies of the Dragon will prevail over the Tiger.




Greek 2013 fiscal outcome may be better than expected

Greece, with a debt-to-GDP ratio of around 175 percent of GDP, has been bailed out twice since 2010 by other euro zone governments and the International Monetary Fund after being cut off from markets because of unsustainable public finances.imageBRUSSELS: Debt-laden Greece may have achieved a better than expected fiscal outcome last year and might meet the conditions for further disbursements from international lenders in March, senior euro zone officials said on Monday.
The international lenders and the European Central Bank, called the Troika, review every three months Greece's progress in putting its finances in order and reforming its economy in exchange for the loans, which are disbursed in tranches. No progress on reform means no new money for Greece.
The last review was supposed to be completed in September 2013, but has been dragging on until now because Athens had not reached the goals set out in its agreement with the Troika.
Speaking to reporters after a meeting of euro zone finance ministers where Greece was discussed, the chairman of euro zone ministers Jeroen Dijsselbloem and EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn said the Troika would return to Athens later this week.
This was a sign that completing the review was possible in March, Rehn said, paving the way for the disbursement of the next tranche that Greece needs to pay for bonds maturing in May.
"I believe that if everybody does their part, we will be able to conclude a staff level agreement in March, which would be very important for Greece and for the Greek economy, for the Greek people," Rehn said.
Once the review is done, Greece and euro zone ministers will move on to discuss if Athens has sufficient funds to stay fully financed in 2014 and 2015 a condition for the IMF to continue lending to Greece alongside the euro zone bailout fund.
The ministers will also discuss if they should offer any further debt relief to Greece given the country reached a primary surplus last year a condition set by the euro zone back in November 2012 for any further help on debt.
Greece said on Saturday that the primary budget surplus for 2013, which excludes interest payments and other one-off items, has come in at over 1.5 billion euros ($2.1 billion), much higher than initial estimates and targets set by the Troika.
Rehn cautiously acknowledged the surplus could be a positive surprise. "On the fiscal side it appears that the outcome for the last year may be better than expected, although we must reserve our final judgement until Eurostat publishes its validated data on April 23," he said.
A serious discussion on any debt relief for Greece, which can take the form of a reduction of interest on existing loans and an extension of maturities, would only take place in the second half of 2014, Dijsselbloem said.

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