9 Important Things You Should Do the Day before You Travel
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Modern busy world makes us travel around the world for various purposes, on business or just for fun. Anyway the process of packing necessary things and making all the preparation is a real challenge. The day of departure is always hustling and fussy. Sometimes it is just impossible to bear in mind all the stuff, and you inevitably forget to do something. That`s why I find it important to start your preparations the day before. Read this list of important things, which you are to do a day before you close the front door behind you.

1. Pack and check
As a rule, we hastily pack suitcases on the day of departure. That`s why many necessary things get left at home. It would be ideal if you considered what exactly you need to take and make a list. Unfortunately, a few people do so, that`s why another option is to divide your things into two parts. Firstly, put in the suitcase necessary clothes and all the stuff you don`t need while you are still at home. Then go cosmetics and bathing accessories. Give yourself the trouble and recheck everything carefully, including your hand luggage. If you travel by plane take care of the weight and size of your suitcases.
2. Check the weather
Which weather conditions you have at home and that are at your destination place is a matter of life and death. Knowing what to expect from the climate at the destination place you will have time to think over the clothes you need to pack. Moreover, you are to be ready if the weather at home suddenly changes and your flight may be delayed. In order not to be forced to change all the arrangements in the last minute, it`s better to take care of it in advance.
3. Tidy up the house
On the day of the departure, it will be the last thing on your mind. That`s why my advice is to clean the house the day before. You`ll be happy to get back into a clean house, won`t you? Check your fridge for the perishable foods, wash the dishes and empty the bin. While you tidy up the house you can check all the windows, turn off the heating or conditioning systems. Water all the plants and find a temporary home for your pets, if you have ones, or make sure that somebody will keep an eye on them.
4. Download at home
You should also make sure that you have downloaded at home all the things you need for the trip, starting with the documents you need for work and up to e-books and tunes. Though free Wi-Fi gets more and more widespread, how will you be looking for it in an unknown city? To save yourself from trouble do it while you have access to the Internet at home. Moreover, this stuff will come in handy as you board the plane or train, etc. Another good idea is to download the maps if the new city which wouldn`t require access to the Internet.
5. Charge your electronics
You`ll definitely have to take some devises to amuse yourself during the journey: a phone, a laptop, a tablet, a mp3 player, etc. All the devises should be charged beforehand. And don`t forget to pack their chargers also. You`ll most probably need to charge them as you arrive. Take care of the necessary adapters which you might need when you travel to another country. You are not eager to have a discharged phone in a completely unknown environment, don`t you?
6. Call your bank
As you use your card abroad, the bank may consider it as a suspicious activity and block it, leaving without financial supply. Such problems are very difficult to solve when you are abroad, and they are very common I must admit. So take all the necessary measures to avoid such a displeasing situation. Make a call to your bank and warn them. Even if you most likely wouldn`t use it there warn them anyway. You can never foresee what kind of emergency can happen.
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7. Check everything
Make sure you have booked the tickets, no flight is delayed, and the hotel has confirmed your booking. The last thing you need is such an unpleasant surprise that something went wrong. Settle all matters connected with the taxi, rental car, pet-sitter, parking, etc. Don`t forget to take all the necessary documents, credit cards and cash. It`s better to exchange currency in your country beforehand as at your destination place it may be more expensive.
8. Make sure your bills are up to date
If you leave for quite a long time you`d better take care of all the bills you receive so that don`t have to be in debt or rush to the bank the moment you come back. Settle all the financial matters before departure and you won`t have to worry about anything while being far away from home. Also return the books to the library, or all the borrowed things.
9. Other things
Especially when you are going in a long-termed travel, you have to take care of numerous details. Ask your neighbor or a friend to watch your plants, stop the press delivery, and redirect your mail. You`d better warn your close relatives that you`re leaving so that they wouldn`t worry. Complete all the unfinished stuff so it wouldn`t cause you troubles when you come back.
You see there are a lot of things to take care of beforehand. By doing so, your day of departure won`t be a total mess but will run smoothly and without extra stress. Is it difficult for you to do the preparations in advance or you delay everything till the last minute? I hope these tips will help you avoid the hustle before the trip.