CSE launches a twitter handle to disseminate information
CSE says its latest initiative will help retail investors, media personnel and students who are eager to receive on-the-go information from the stock exchange on a wide variety of areas.
“The venture into social media follows the CSE’s launch of an Android Mobile Application which has seen a resounding response from those eager for up-to-date market information,” a statement from the CSE said.
The statement says, currently the twitter handle offers updates on corporate disclosures, CSE circulars, SEC directives, CSE media releases, and upcoming and ongoing events.
“Twitter followers will also receive a close-of-trading update on the two main indices, share volume and market turnover, linked to the market summary report for the day,” the statement further said.
“As we aim to bring in more retail investors the need to disseminate information faster and keep our investors informed of changes that could affect their investments has become of prime importance. By utilizing social media we hope to reach our younger stakeholders through a medium they are familiar with and access often. In 2013 we saw over 200 active accounts being opened by those within the 18 to 25 age group and thus we see this demographic as a vital element in the growth of the retail investor segment,” Chairman of the CSE Mr. Krishan Balendra was quoted as saying.